I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1883 We are here for team building

Chapter 1883 We are here for team building
"How is it, are you all alright?" Zhang Meng stepped forward and asked, "Has the influence of this phantom beast been completely eliminated?"

"It's completely eliminated! Boss, your elixir is so powerful, I almost killed someone just now! It seems that there is a voice in my head telling me, let me kill everyone I can see!"

"I'm not the same. Before my eyes just now, it seemed that everyone had turned into monsters and people from the Shenxuan Palace. Fortunately, there was still a little bit of rationality left to take this elixir, otherwise I would go crazy!"

Everyone described their situation just now, and they seemed to have entered that violent and bloodthirsty state. This situation can be said to be extremely dangerous.

"It seems that the influence of these phantom beasts close to the Dao realm is even more serious," Zhang Mengyu analyzed, because from the information he got, killing one or two phantom beasts should have almost no effect, and maybe no one can. Participating in the killing of a phantom beast in the third and fourth ranks of spiritual cultivation, one cannot get a similar experience.

"Everyone, after entering the Endless Land, try not to choose to hunt phantom beasts that are much stronger than you," Zhang Mengyu said, "I'm afraid that you will go crazy before you have time to take the elixir, so try to follow your own strength. level."

"We understand that we won't be overwhelmed."

"However, there is one thing to say. The energy just now is indeed terrifying. We have more than 8000 people, and each of us can almost raise a small realm by one-fifth. According to your strength, patriarch, you can fight the boss alone! Doesn't this directly soar a level or two?"

"I'm different," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I guess at least one hundred and eighty phantom beasts of this level have to be killed to advance to the sixth rank of divine cultivation!"

The energy Zhang Menglong needs to advance to the next level is really terrifying. As much as he is stronger than ordinary people, he has to put in so much more effort when he cultivates. Without any strength, he can go whoring for nothing without paying a price.

"Let's go, we should go in," Zhang Mengyu said.


"What are they going to do?" Seeing Zhang Mengyu and others walking in the direction of the Gate of Infinity, everyone became restless.

Just now they killed a half-step Dao Realm Illusory Profound Beast, which was enough to open their eyes.

There is also the elixir that can eliminate side effects, which is an even more rare treasure. In this way, these disciples of the Sunset Sect can completely increase their strength by killing fantasy beasts without any side effects!

But they looked like they were going to forget about the endless land!Don't they know that place is a point of no return?Although there are countless phantom profound beasts inside, once they enter, they can't get out. No matter how powerful they become, what's the use?
"Everyone, what are you going to do?" A martial artist still couldn't help but came out to dissuade.

"We're going to do team building." Zhang Mengyu came casually.

"Team building." Black lines appeared on the foreheads of countless warriors, and they went to the endless land to engage in team building. Is this something carbon-based creatures can think of?
"Once you enter that place, you may never come out again. You don't know this, do you?"

"Thank you for reminding me," Zhang Mengyu also thanked, "But we still plan to go inside. If we're lucky, we might be able to come back."

"If you're lucky..." The martial artist didn't know that Zhang Mengyu and others were so stubborn, could this thing be done by luck?If you are lucky and can come back, then this place will not become a forbidden place for warriors, it will be a holy place!

"I don't know everyone here, does anyone know Shenxuan Palace?" Just as he was about to enter, Zhang Mengyu suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"I know a few disciples from Shenxuan Palace!" said a warrior not far away.

"Please send them a message for me, let the master of the Shenxuan Palace wash his neck, I, Gu Xiao, and the [-] disciples from the Shenxuan Palace will take his head after a while!" Zhang Mengyu said and threw it over. A pill, "This is the reward!"

The warrior was still in ecstasy, and the aftereffects of hunting the mysterious beasts were still raging on him, but this time, just a few words could completely eliminate these hidden dangers, it was really an explosion of luck.

As for whether Zhang Mengyu and others can come out, to be honest, it doesn't make any difference to him.

"Okay, I will definitely convey it to you!"


"He's still not dead yet?" A middle-aged man's face was gloomy and terrifying in the main hall of Shenxuan Palace.

Zhang Menglong's message was reported layer by layer, and soon it really reached the ears of the master of Shenxuan Hall.

"However, Hall Master, you don't have to take him too seriously. He walked into the endless land beyond his control. It is impossible to come out again in this life. They took the initiative to make us lose a serious problem."

"The big trouble in his heart has disappeared, but he still left a lot of big troubles!" said the master of Shenxuan Palace, "He brought so many things from the ancient cave, and all of them fell into the hands of the corresponding superpowers. , if things go on like this, they will all ride on top of my Shenxuan Hall in a short time!"

"Indeed," several elders and deputy hall masters also sighed.

They also know that Zhang Mengyu has returned all those things to Zhao, and if they are given some time to study, the comprehensive strength of those superpowers will definitely have an essentially rapid rise!
The other superpowers have all been completely inherited, and their Shenxuan Temple is still dilapidated. One can imagine what the ending will be. They don't believe that all the superpowers are indifferent to the world and repay evil with virtue.

"We have to act first!" After thinking for a moment, the master of Shenxuan Hall made a decision that shocked everyone, "Their development cannot be accomplished overnight, and we will take advantage of the absolute advantage now. They're all wiped out in the bud!"

"Sovereign, are you going to tear up the agreement from that year?"

All the leaders of the first generation of superpowers have had friendly agreements. Everyone can compete with each other and have friction, but they must not fight to the death.

"Now we have no choice," the suzerain's determination was extremely firm, "I would rather let the people of the world lose me than let the people of the world lose me, and if we win all the background of other superpowers, from now on, we will never again Any organizational force can compare with our Shenxuan Temple!"

"I think the suzerain's words are not unreasonable!" A deputy hall master also expressed his opinion, "I can't hand over our fate to other people's kind thoughts, we must hold it in our own hands. "

"If we can conquer other superpowers, we will be able to obtain the knowledge and inheritance of all forces and fields in the ancient cave, isn't this our dream!"

"I have no objection, but this matter must be considered in the long run, and the news must not be leaked, otherwise we will fall into a very passive situation if we let them unite."

Except for a few elders of the old sect, the idea of ​​the master of the Shenxuan Palace has almost been approved by more than [-]% of the high-level officials of the Shenxuan Palace. This is their best opportunity and their last chance.

(End of this chapter)

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