I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1886 We just came in for fun

Chapter 1886 We just came in for fun

"Brother Gu Xiao, are you really from the world outside the Endless Land?" Hearing this news, Dorje suddenly became extremely excited.

"Is it weird?" Zhang Meng asked with a smile.

"Of course it's strange!" Dorji said, "As long as you enter this place, you will definitely not be able to get out. As far as I know, since I can remember, almost no one has entered the endless land."

"Since you can remember?" Zhang Meng murmured, "Why, were you born in this endless land?"

"Yeah," Dorji said, "My father entered the endless land first, and later met my mother here. I grew up in this place since I was a child, and I have never left the endless land."

"So it's like this," Zhang Mengyu suddenly felt a little sad for Duoji.

Although the area of ​​this endless land is large, according to Goudan's estimation, it may not even be smaller than the human world, but it always gives people a feeling of sitting in a well, even as if they are imprisoned.

"Haven't you ever tried to get out of here?"

"Of course I have thought about it, I have dreamed about it," Dorji's eyes were full of longing and expectation when he said here, "I heard from my parents that although the outside world does not have as much energy as the endless land, there are many people here. Unseen things, all kinds of birds and beasts, all kinds of delicious things, gorgeous houses."

"These things don't exist in the Endless Land?" Zhang Menglong frowned, but it seemed that the world here was not much different from the outside world.

He can understand that there are no birds and beasts in the endless land. After all, the overlords here are those phantom beasts, but after so many years, the number of people in this endless land should also increase. When the population reaches a certain number , should also be able to establish civilization.

If civilization exists, how is it possible without good food and gorgeous houses?

"Is there no city in the endless land?"

"No," Dorji shook his head, "Since I was born, I have been constantly migrating with my parents and other people. I have never lived in any fixed place for more than three years. Naturally, there will be no cities. "

"Why?" Zhang Meng was puzzled, "Even if this world is dangerous, but after hunting a large number of mysterious beasts, there should be an endless stream of strong people in the endless land. Could it be that relying on those people, can't build a strong enough to resist the mysterious beasts?" city?"

"Under normal circumstances, it is naturally possible," Duoji explained, "but Brother Gu Xiao, the time and space in this world are very chaotic, and even space dislocations often occur. Let me use an analogy, maybe we are talking here now, and the side jiu An extremely powerful phantom beast may suddenly appear."

"Is there such a thing?" Zhang Mengyu immediately understood Duoji's words.

If this is the case, it is simply impossible to build a city.

The first condition for establishing a city as a survival base is that the interior of the city is safe, so all you need to do is keep the phantom beasts out, and all problems will naturally be solved.

But under this chaotic spatial law, the safety inside the city cannot be guaranteed at all.

Duoji told Zhang Mengyu that in fact, the first people who entered the endless land built cities and civilizations. It seems that because of good luck, that city has been maintained for 50 years, and it is still expanding.

Since it is impossible to get out, it is not too hopeless to establish human civilization here. It is nothing more than leaving home and living in another place.

But their illusions were quickly shattered. One night, the space in a certain corner of the city overlapped with another area. Endless phantom beasts ran out of the distorted space, and there were even many people in the He was attacked in his sleep.

"Of course, we have tried this many times. At the beginning, we thought it was just some special circumstances, maybe it was just this one time, but then we found out that this is the norm at all. The first city existed. For more than 50 years, this is a miracle."

"So that's how it is," Zhang Mengyu finally understood why there is no way to build a city here. "Is there no way to warn? If there is a means of warning, you may be able to build a mobile city. As long as there is an omen, just run away." gone."

"No warning!" Dorji shook his head, "Before the space dislocation appears, there is no reference for warning, and we don't have any time to react. Those phantom beasts will appear next to us, and even appear in front of me several times. If my parents hadn't tried their best to protect me, I would have died a long time ago."

"You guys are working too hard," Zhang Mengyu patted Duoji on the shoulder.

The premise of the development of civilization is to have a place to settle down. Under the premise of this kind of long-term migration, they have no way to farm or breed. Naturally, they can't eat any delicious food. Everyone just relies on absorbing energy to survive. Sustain life.

"By the way, as far as I know, after killing the phantom beasts, although their strength can be greatly improved, their soul fragments will greatly affect your mind. I think the guy who attacked you is completely attacked. Looks sane, but you don't seem to have any influence."

"It's just my luck," Dorji said, "We humans still have a strong ability to adapt. As the environment changes, we also begin to adapt to the environment. The first generation of humans cannot resist this invasion, but we In this generation, the resistance ability has been improved a lot, at least it will not be completely reduced to a beast."

"As for me, I'm considered the luckiest group of people. Maybe among a million newborns, there will be such a person who will not be affected by the memory fragments of the mysterious beast. I am one in a million."

"So that's the case, so that said, the guy who attacked you just now is the kind of person who has been completely reduced to a beast?"

"Yes," Dorje continued, "after researching people like me, we have also created a drug that can suppress this violent emotion, but it is very expensive and needs to be taken at a high frequency for a long time , not everyone has the financial resources to buy for a long time.”

"Brother Gu Xiao, is the outside world really so beautiful?" Duoji asked impatiently, he was more interested in the outside world than introducing this endless land.

"It's really good. If you have a chance, you must go out and have a look."

Duoji's eyes suddenly became dim, "If you can't get out, once you enter this place, you can't get out again. Brother Gu Xiao, why do you come in from the outside, don't you know?"

According to his parents, their small group has been living here for millions of years, let alone some other large groups. They have gone through so many years and have not found a way to leave this place. Method.

From the very beginning, everyone was still actively exploring, and now, they have all begun to show up.

In his opinion, it is definitely not wise for people from the outside to come in. To put it bluntly, I am afraid that only brain-dead people will come in.

Of course, there are also some people who want to escape the pursuit of their enemies or similar situations, but it seems that Zhang Mengyu and others do not belong to this category.

"I know, we just came in to have fun, and to cultivate by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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