Chapter 1887: For Revenge
"Come in to play? Brother Gu Xiao, are you kidding me? How can anyone come to play in this kind of place?" Duoji was speechless, and he knew Zhang Mengyu was a habitual offender by looking at Zhang Mengyu's speaking posture.

"Then what should we do? We've already come in," Zhang Mengyu spread his hands, "We plan to cultivate here to around the peak of spiritual cultivation, and then find a way to get out."

Duoji shook his head and sighed again. He really wanted to say that Zhang Mengyu's thoughts were too naive, but he was his savior anyway, so he was too embarrassed to speak, and could only express his speechlessness with silence .

"By the way, Duoji, you haven't told me why that person attacked you yet!" Zhang Mengyu asked curiously. Even if those people lost their minds, it is not very normal for those people to attack the same kind so fiercely, and Zhang Mengyu just clearly You can feel that he seems to have some meaning, as if he wants to get something from Dorje.

"It's like this. I told you just now that we, as special people of this generation, are naturally immune to the side effects of hunting and killing phantom beasts. With this, we can unscrupulously hunt and kill phantom beasts to improve our strength. The level of life, this is because we have evolved an extra organ!"

Dorje pointed to the center of his eyebrows, "Right here, we have evolved an organ called pine crystals at the center of our eyebrows. This organ can help us get rid of the influence of the memory fragments of the mysterious beast."

"No wonder you haven't been affected at all." Zhang nodded vaguely.

"I told you before that the scientists in the endless land have invented a drug that can suppress violent emotions. This drug is the composition of pine crystals that are artificially simulated, but the artificial ones are always artificial, and the effect is far inferior to that of pine crystals. .”

"He wants to hunt you down and take the pine crystals on your body?" Zhang Menglong knew what was going on right away.

"That's right," Duoji nodded, "The value of a pine crystal is unimaginably high. If he kills me and takes the pine crystal from me, he can find someone to exchange for a large number of soul fragment inhibitors, so Those of us who are out there are very dangerous and have to work hard to hide our identities."

Dorje glanced at the middle-aged man, "I came out to hunt mysterious beasts, this man should have followed me for several days, and only after confirming that I am a pure soul, did he directly do it."

"This world is really dangerous!" Zhang Mengyu couldn't help sighing, especially people like Duoji, who not only have to worry about the attack of phantom beasts, but also those who covet the pine crystals in his body.

"Duoji, can you take us to your survival team?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "We are new here and want to find a group of people who can live and struggle together."

"Of course!" Duoji has seen the strength of this group of young people. Although they are all very young, they are terrifyingly powerful. Just now, they easily killed the fifth-rank man. Their survival team must be able to improve the survivability of the entire team.

"Go! I'll take you there!"


Duoji told Zhang Mengyu that during the long-term migration, they gradually discovered some rules, that is, different terrains, different regions, including the influence of temperature, humidity and light, have a certain impact on the probability of space distortion, so they chose When you move to a new place of residence, you will first carefully study the various local parameters.

The place where they live now is a wetland. The water in this wetland is very shallow, and it is not easy to hide any large phantom beasts in it, and the resources are relatively rich. So far they have lived here for more than four years. It's been a very stable period of time.

Although it is a survival team, the size of this survival team has surpassed that of ordinary small cities on the earth, with a population of about 50. Excluding some old, weak, sick, disabled and young, almost all of them are warriors!
When he came to that area, Zhang Mengyu experienced for the first time what is called the perfect fusion of modern technology and ancient barbarism.

All buildings are piled up from wood and stone, but in this kind of buildings, there are actually a small amount of high-tech equipment, such as space fluctuation detectors, life detectors, and various things related to cultivation .

There are even some very rough taverns or markets here. Perhaps only such a gathering place can ensure that they can move calmly in the event of overlapping spaces.

More than 8000 people came to the gathering place at once. This is no small matter for everyone. First of all, they must know where these people come from and whether they are safe.

"Duoji, how could you bring outsiders in casually?" Dorji's father was a very burly man. He was wearing a black shirt made of unknown material and looked very serious.

Zhang Mengyu could feel that there was also a violent aura hidden in him, but it was suppressed by something. This should be the soul fragment inhibitor that Duoji said.

"Father, I was attacked by fallen people today, they saved me, they are not bad people, and they came from the world outside the endless land, so they cannot belong to any other forces!"

"Oh?" Hearing Duoji's words, the vigilance on the face of the middle-aged man became much less vigilant. Indeed, Zhang Mengyu and others have a very different taste, and their dress style is also different from any other people they have ever seen. Survival squads are all different.

In particular, he saved Duoji, which made him trust them a little more.

"Thank you for your efforts, and I will thank you from Duoji," said the middle-aged man. "My name is Banak. I am Duoji's father and the leader of this survival team."

"Mr. Barnack, hello."

"Are you really from the outside world?" Barnack asked.

"Yes, we are from the Sunset Sect."

"Sunset Sect!" Hearing this name, the middle-aged man suddenly became excited, like a person who has left his hometown and suddenly heard about his hometown.

The middle-aged man took out a gray sign. Although the style was a little different, it was the identity proof of their Sunset Sect trainee disciple!Banac was actually an intern disciple of the Sunset Sect!
"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!" Zhang Menglong had to sigh the magic of this world.

"Yeah, I never thought that I would see people from the Sunset Sect again," Donak said, "You are so young, you must have just joined the Sunset Sect, right?"

"It hasn't been long since we passed the outer disciple exam."

"That's great, it seems that you all have great potential," Banak showed an envious expression, "I was lucky to be able to join the Sunset Sect at the time, but I didn't go further to become a full member, so when I got hotheaded, I ran into this endless land."

Zhang Mengyu felt that the power of Banak was extremely strong, and might even have reached the level of Dao Realm, but it might just be a breakthrough in his power, not the realm. This is the side effect of forcibly raising the level of life.

"Why do you come here, there are still so many people?" Barnack asked curiously.

"For revenge," Zhang Mengyu said, "we plan to practice here to the peak of spiritual cultivation or even to the realm of Taoism, and then give the Shenxuan Hall a demolition package!"

(End of this chapter)

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