I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1892 This is the legendary meat!

Chapter 1892 This is the legendary meat!
The soul shard inhibitor sales outlets are almost the landmark building of the economic system of the entire city of Rosai, and even the banks are far inferior to it, so the areas around those sales outlets are also the busiest trade areas.

This free market is exclusively open to residents, as long as they pay a sum of money, they can freely trade any non-prohibited items, and do not charge any taxes. In this place, you can find almost any soul shard inhibitor and related items. anything other than .

Pills, weapons, martial arts, technological products, etc., as long as your eyesight is good enough, you can buy what you need at a relatively affordable price.

"Sell a batch of holy medicine pills, starting with a ninth-level crystal nucleus!"

"Sell a top martial art, 10 eight-level crystal nuclei!"

"Wholesale of various grades of materials, the price is negotiable, the more the quantity, the lower the price, definitely cheaper than the official store price!"


When walking into the trading market, all kinds of yelling hit Zhang Menglong's eardrums, any one of those stall owners might be a strong man at the peak of spiritual cultivation or even in the Dao realm!But under the management of this heavy city, everyone is just a peddler of the same level, and it is impossible for anyone to rely on their own strength to do things such as strong buying and strong selling or malicious competition.

"Good guy, it's so lively!" Zhang Mengyu liked the atmosphere very much. Although those neat stores looked very high-end and elegant, they lacked the fireworks atmosphere of such stalls.

"Brother Gu Xiao, I'll go buy the supplies I need first. That's the management office. You can rent a booth first, and I'll come to you in an hour at most." Donak handed ten seven-level crystal cores to Zhang Mengyu .

"These should be enough for you to set up a stall in a better location for three hours."

"I don't need the best," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "as long as there is a place, even in the corner, there will be people flocking to it!"

According to the direction Donak pointed out, Zhang Mengyu found the management office.

He paid five seventh-level crystal nuclei, and got the right to use a booth with an area of ​​three to four square meters.

Of course, good positions are reserved for a long time, and ordinary people can't get them with money. First of all, you need to have some special relationships.

Zhang Mengyu's booth is almost located in the deepest part of the trading market, and even if you walk in from the entrance of the trading market, you have to walk for a long time to get there, and many people even bought what they wanted before going there.

And a seventh-level crystal nucleus, if you fight alone, can only be hunted by stronger fighters in the eighth-rank divine cultivation or even the ninth-rank divine cultivator. You can only get one such booth at such a price. It can be seen that this endless How difficult is the life of ordinary people in the land.

But Zhang Miyu's products don't need eyes to discover them!

He walked to the stall, and the owners of the stalls next door all looked sick. Their stalls obviously had no business, and Zhang Mengyu also noticed that the realm of these people was only at the level of divine breath, and they were probably the owners of these stalls. hired.

One stall sells weapons, and the other sells materials for making crystal nuclei.

A new stall owner came, and those people also looked at Zhang Mengyu curiously, and didn't know what he planned to sell here. There was no business here, and they just hoped that there would be no more competition.

Zhang Mengmo calmly took out a small table and chair, a small gas stove, and a metal baking pan with more than a dozen grooves. These were all his tools.

Afterwards, he took out a box, here is what he prepared yesterday, because it was frozen all night, and it was still exuding a biting cold air.

He brushed a layer of oil on the baking tray, took out ten hard objects from the box and put them on the baking tray.

After a few seconds, the fragrance starts to spread everywhere.

"It smells so good!" The people at the small stalls sniffed frantically, "Is that really a new type of food!"

"This smell...could it be the legendary meat!"

"Meat! This is meat!"

"Little brother, what is this thing you bought?" They finally couldn't help asking curiously, even while asking, their mouths began to secrete a lot of saliva. They were born in this endless land. I have never seen what meat is, it is just a legendary fetish!

Zhang Mengyu didn't answer their question. He took out a large LED screen and put it on the side of the booth. There were only a few words on it.

Black Rock Pure Meat Sausage
Price: 1 Ninth Grade Crystal Core

Preferential price: 10% off for 100 pieces, [-]% off for [-] pieces

"Barbecue sausage? This is really meat!"

"My God! Barbecue sausages appeared in the endless land! What is the origin of this person? Even the owner of the heavy city has no chance to eat meat, right?"

"I heard those warriors from outside say that eating meat is a very wonderful thing. Outside, meat is worthless at all! But after entering the endless land, the space storage device is filtered by the power of space and cannot be brought in at all. Anything, it's a meatless place!"

"How did this person get the meat? Is it real or fake? And a piece of barbecue sausage also buys a ninth-grade crystal nucleus, isn't the price too expensive? Who can afford it!"

"We can't afford it. Of course there are people who can afford it, but I'm still not sure if it's meat, after all, you've never seen it before!"

As the sausages are getting cooked, the aroma spreads farther and farther. Even the stalls in the distance are already filled with the smell of sausages. They turned their heads involuntarily, wanting to see where the smell is coming from. , I don’t even have the mind to make deals anymore.

"This... this is the smell of meat! That's right!"

At the entrance of the trading market, at the most conspicuous booth, the rickety old man with his eyes closed sitting behind the salesman he had hired suddenly stood up, with nostalgia and longing in his eyes, and he rushed to Zhang Mengyu's booth as fast as he could. superior.

When he saw the grilled sausage, he almost couldn't help but want to grab it directly, but thinking of the rules of falling into the heavy city, he immediately suppressed his greed.

"One piece of nine-level crystal nucleus..." Others don't know the real price of this sausage, but he will know that you can even pick up the corpses of monsters outside, and the cost of making this kind of sausage is almost It can be ignored, but he dared to sell a ninth-level crystal nucleus!
"Little brother, is it too expensive for you?" the old man couldn't help but said.

"If it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it," Zhang Menglong didn't even look up at him. If he could find a second stall selling barbecue sausages in this world, Zhang Menglong would have nothing to say.

Of course the old man knew that there would be no such shop after the sausage passed through this village. He hadn’t eaten meat for a long time, so it’s fine if he didn’t see it. Now that he saw it, he wished he could take over this stall!

"Give me one!" The old man directly took out a ninth-level crystal nucleus and handed it to Zhang Mengyu.

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu sprinkled the prepared cumin and pepper on the sausage, "Do you want it spicy?"

“Slightly spicy and mildly spicy!”


The old man couldn't wait to pick up the sausage and took a bite. For a moment, he seemed to see his own tits.

"This taste is really nostalgic..."

The old man finished the roast sausage in a few mouthfuls, but obviously he still had something to say.

Gritting his teeth, he took out nine crystal nuclei, "Ten more!"

"Thank you, boss!" Zhang Menglong took the money happily, and continued to turn it over on the baking tray...

(End of this chapter)

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