Chapter 1893
"What? Meat appeared in the trading market?"

"Meat? You said it is legendary meat? How did this meat appear in the trading market? Did someone bring it in from outside the endless land?"

"Impossible, unless it is resistant to the body, it cannot be brought through the space storage device. Apart from humans, no other creature can enter the endless land."

"Go, go and see, I have never eaten meat in my life!"

"It is said that the meat is not cheap. A roast sausage, just such a small amount of meat, will sell for a ninth-level crystal nucleus!"

"Rare is the most precious thing, isn't it just a ninth-level crystal nucleus, I must try it today!"

The appearance of meat in the trading market was like a heavy bomb going off in the entire city of Rose. Almost everyone heard about it. Some people had never tasted meat, and some even I have never smelled the smell of it, even if I can't afford it, I still have to come and see the world!
Soon, the entire trading market was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

A nine-level crystal nucleus and a grilled sausage, most of them do not have such spending power, but most of the warriors who have cultivated above the ninth rank can still have these accumulations, especially those warriors in the Dao realm. Speaking of it, it is relatively easy to hunt and kill phantom beasts from the ninth rank to the peak of the ninth rank, and collect their energy crystal cores.

Therefore, it is not difficult for warriors in the Dao Realm if they only want to make money. They have a lot of spending power.

As for Zhang Mengyu, he didn't aim at ordinary people as his target customers. Warriors of the ninth rank or above were his target customers, and those warriors in the Dao realm were his core customers!

"Give way!"

"What are you doing here if you don't have money to buy?"

A few tall and three rough warriors squeezed over from the crowd, looking at the grilled sausage that was sizzling with hot oil, they couldn't help drooling.

These martial artists are all powerful in the Dao realm, and they grew up in this endless land. So far, they have never sung real meat.

Although the people in the fortress cities have transformed human genes into meat by means of technology, but this kind of meat is not only morally problematic, both in terms of taste and taste, it even tastes a bit Sour.

Because of the destruction of space storage devices, in fact, in this endless land, the development of science and technology almost started from zero, and most of the people who come here are warriors, and the development of science and technology has gone through a long period of time. And most of the energy is spent on survival. These technologies to improve the quality of life are really not very good.

Otherwise, with only instruments and biological genetic maps, meat can even be produced out of thin air.

"My God, this fragrance, this is the real meat!" The eyes of those Dao realm warriors were a little bright. At their level, the lives of Dao realm warriors are endless, and in the endless land The status is very high, so if they don't want to pursue a higher realm, they can basically be put down.

These few people are examples of bad behavior, and their goal is only to pursue a better life and a more enjoyable life.

In this endless land, rights, status, women, land, whatever they want, nothing can threaten their existence except for the extremely rare phantom beasts of the Dao Realm. The only thing they lack is this kind of food and drink. hapiness.

To be honest, they can't wait to find all the meat on Zhang Mengyu's body and enjoy it alone.

But this is in the heavy city of Rose. Even the powers of the Dao Realm experts here are extremely powerful, but there are still some restrictions. They dare not mess around at all, otherwise the city lord will even take action himself to declare his authority over the ruler.

"Give me ten!" A Daoist came forward and took out nine ninth-grade crystal cores.

"Okay, boss!" Zhang Menglong sprinkled the ingredients skillfully, and handed over ten sausages.

"I want ten too!"

"Give me ten too!"

The three Daoists ordered ten sausages each, and enjoyed them happily.

"My God, this is the taste of meat, it's really delicious."

"Sure enough, it's the same as in the legend, but it's a pity that this thing is too scarce."

"Yeah, I'd be hungry if I could eat this meat every day."

Ten grilled sausages can only be regarded as a new taste for those who are strong in the Dao realm, and they are not even enough to squeeze between their teeth. They even licked all the meat from the bamboo stick mountain.

"Little brother, how much meat do you have?" One of them asked anxiously.

They are not afraid that the meat is expensive, but they are afraid that the quantity is limited. After eating this time, there will be no more.

"As much as you want," Zhang Menglong was not afraid of being targeted.

"Really?" Several people's eyes lit up, "Then will you set up a stall here every day from now on?"

"It will be in the next period of time, but it will only be for a period of time, and I will go to other places in the future." Zhang Mengyu only intends to make a start-up capital here, as for the rest, wait until he has established the city .

"You'll know about this later," Zhang Mengyu said, "Would you like some more? I have some other meat here, do you want to try it again?"

I don’t know how many corpses of monsters are on Zhang Mengyu’s body. Anyway, the storage space inside Goudan is almost endless. The corpses of monsters that Zhang Menghun hunted before are all preserved by him, even if they are for the people of the entire endless land to eat. , It is estimated that I can eat several meals.

"Do you have any other meat?"

"Of course there is, but the price is a little different," Zhang Menglong took out a new large pot again, poured water to boil, then took out a ball of flour and kneaded it, and the flour became finer and thinner in his hands. Then boil it in water, sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander, and a few slices of meat that can almost see through.

"Lanzhou ramen, a bowl of 20 eighth-grade crystal nuclei."

"It's so little," the warrior looked at the mere three or four slices of meat.

"I can't help it," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "The price of this meat is already high. What you ate just now was pure meat roast sausage. It is not bad to have such three or four slices of 20 eight-level crystal nuclei. Of course, you can directly add A piece of meat."

"Give me another!"

The warrior said without thinking.

"Okay!" Zhang Menglong took out 10 pieces of meat and put them on top again, "There are 1 ninth-level crystal nucleus and 20 eighth-level crystal nucleus."

"It's so expensive!" The martial artist's face immediately changed drastically. There are only 10 pieces of meat, but a ninth-level crystal nucleus is needed. This is simply a robbery!

Regarding this, Zhang Mengyu didn't bother to explain, "It doesn't matter if you don't want it, I do business with integrity, and I never buy or sell by force."

Zhang Menglong took the bowl and finished the bowl by himself, chewing those slices of meat for a long time.

Just kidding, for a certain beef ramen on earth, a cow can still live after eating it for a year. His price is already a very conscientious price.

"Give me two extra servings of meat!" Seeing Zhang Menglong's relish, the warrior finally decided to give it a try.

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu brought a bowl of steaming ramen in front of him, and another large amount of crystal core was credited.

"Do you have any other pure meat?" asked the other two warriors.

"Yes!" Zhang Mengyu took out the Ci recipe that he had prepared a long time ago.

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, chicken popcorn, finger-licking chicken, roast leg of lamb...

All are the names of delicacies on the earth. Of course, these meats are all kinds of Warcraft meat, and the taste and texture are many times better than the original ones.

"Bosses, order whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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