I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1895 This can be done

Chapter 1895 This can be done
Although the plant Illusion God Grass is not a prohibited item, it is absolutely forbidden to be sold in the entire city of Rose. The reason is very simple. The city must hold anything related to soul fragment inhibitors in its own hands. , even if it is only raw materials.

A Soul Fragment Inhibitor is worth 10 level 10 crystal nuclei, while the public collection price in Rose City is as high as [-] level [-] crystal nuclei.

This is actually a very low price in the few black markets, because so far there is no individual or organization capable of producing soul shard inhibitors other than Chongcheng. Even if they collect it, they will still sell it to Chongcheng. .

Instead of doing this, it is better to give up this business directly, avoid wasting time and energy, and offend the rulers of the heavy city.

Therefore, in this heavy city, if you want to get the phantom soul grass, you can only go through those sales outlets. Of course, Banac doesn't know whether Zhang Mengyu can buy those phantom soul grass from them, after all, there has never been one. People have done this kind of thing.

"This place is really magnificent!" Zhang Menglong just glanced at the sales point of the soul shard inhibitor, but this time he took a closer look.

There are hundreds of floors in the point of sale, and each floor has countless counters and warehouses. After entering, people from various survival teams need to get a number first, and then wait in line here to buy, and they need to pay when they get the number. Money, much like the model of a hospital.

Of course, those who are strong in the Dao realm have privileges. They don't need to queue up. Not only do they have special channels, but they also have an exclusive account manager, so when Barnack came to buy just now, there was no need to waste extra time.

As for Zhang Mengyu's visit this time, Banac also helped him make an appointment with his account manager in advance. Banac still has some face for this.

"Hello, are you Mr. Labadie?" Zhang Menglong looked around the hall and found the person who received Barnack just now.

"You are Mr. Gu Xiao, right?" Labadie's attitude towards Zhang Mengyu is also very respectful. After all, Banak is a Dao realm warrior. Who knows what relationship Zhang Mengyu has with him. Complaints from the strong are devastating to people like them.

Regardless of what account managers they are, but their substitutability is too high, and it is impossible for Zhongcheng to lose some customers with great potential for account managers like them.

"That's right, are the soul shard inhibitors that Mr. Barnacle needs ready?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's all ready!" Labadie took out a small crystal ball. The diameter of this crystal ball is about 5 cm. It seems to be a kind of space storage device.

"This is the 15 Soul Fragment Inhibitor that Mr. Barnack asked for just now."

"We may have to buy another batch," Zhang Mengyu said.

"Of course!" Labadie laughed. As an account manager, they all get a 1% commission when they sell a soul fragment inhibitor. The business just now was worth 150 nine-level crystal nuclei, and he got 150 An eighth-grade crystal nucleus.

For him, a martial artist who only has the fifth rank of divine cultivation, it is impossible to earn wealth by hunting fantasy beasts!
As account managers, each of them has a lot of customer resources in their hands, and almost every transaction is a big business, and Barnack is one of his customers, not everyone can buy 10,000+ souls at a time debris inhibitor.

People like Labadie can even earn dozens of nine-level crystal nuclei a month, so such a job is very enviable.

"How much more do you plan to ask this time?" Labadie asked.

Zhang Menglong stretched out a finger.

"Another ten thousand?"

Zhang Mengyun shook his head.

"One hundred thousand?" Labadie was a little excited.

Zhang Mengyu still shook his head, "I want 100 million pieces!"

"So many! Labadie can't believe it. Under normal circumstances, 100 million sticks is already half a month's sales.

Zhang Mengyu directly handed over 1000 nine-level crystal nuclei.

"Sir, if we buy more than 100 million pieces at one time, we can get a 9.5% discount. We only need 950 nine-level crystal nuclei!"

"Take the excess!" Zhang Menglong said indifferently.

Labadie smiled even more flatteringly on his face. In their business, there is no limit to the rewards from customers. He needs to sell 50 million soul fragment inhibitors to earn 500 nine-level crystal cores. There is no three-month reward. Time, it is impossible to have such sales.

"Mr. Gu Xiao, please wait a moment. Regarding such a large order, we have special internal procedures, and it will be delivered to you in only 10 minutes."

"Don't worry." Seeing that the relationship between Baladi and himself has become much closer, Zhang Mengyu pulled Labadie aside, and then handed over a pack of pure meat spicy strips.


Labadie quickly scanned his surroundings.

He also heard just now that someone was selling meat in the trading market. If it weren't for the busy work here, he would have wanted to go out and have a look. Now Zhang Mengyu actually appeared on him with meat.

"This is for you, I have something to ask you."

"No, it's too expensive!" Labadie heard that the cheapest meat would cost dozens of eight-level crystal nuclei.

"You just take it, these are just some small things I bought, they are worthless." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"You sold it?" Labadie's surprised expression was even more exaggerated.

No wonder he had 1000 ninth-level crystal nuclei at hand. Even when Barnack was doing business with him, he never bought 100 million soul fragment inhibitors at once.

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask!" It's a lie that he wasn't tempted by those spicy strips, he hoped that his wife and children could taste them, after all, his family had never seen meat in their life.

"Does this soul shard inhibitor sell Phantom Soul Grass?" Zhang Mengyu asked straight to the point.

"Of course it's not for sale," Labadie said, "This thing can't directly inhibit the influence of soul fragments on the human body, and it will cause hallucinations if taken directly. In addition to the production method of the inhibitor in the hands of the city lord, these phantom soul grasses It’s no different from weeds, why are you asking this?”

"Then can you help me get a batch?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"You want to smuggle the Phantom Soul Grass?" Labadie suddenly thought of this.

In different heavy cities, the price of phantom soul grass is different, and every season, the price of phantom soul grass is also fluctuating.

For example, now is the growing season of the Phantom Soul Grass, its price is relatively low, and the purchase price is 10 nine-level crystal nuclei.

But in the off-season of its growth, it will be more difficult to find it in the wild, and the price will soar to 15-20 nine-level crystal nuclei per plant.

And like a relatively remote heavy city, the current purchase price may be 12 nine-level crystal nuclei per plant.

Of course, everyone is not unaware of this price gap, but no one dares to do business with this kind of thing. The risk is too high. Once the managers of the heavy city know about it, it is a very dangerous thing.

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"No, I don't have the ability." Baladi quickly refused, and at the same time gritted his teeth and stuffed the packet of spicy sticks back.

"I'll give you a commission of a ninth-level crystal nucleus for each Phantom Soul Grass!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I want a lot, the first batch I want is 1 plants!"

"20 plants?" Baladi's eyes widened. According to the current price, the official purchase price of [-] plants of Phantom Soul Grass is [-] nine-level crystal nuclei. Does he have so many crystal nuclei?
If he can help Zhang Mengyu get this batch of Phantom Soul Grass, he can also directly earn [-] ninth-level crystal nuclei!
After a few seconds of ideological struggle, he pulled back the pack of spicy sticks, "Mr. Gu, this thing can be done!"

(End of this chapter)

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