I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1896 Think of a name first

Chapter 1896 Think of a name first

In fact, Zhang Mengyu did not hold much hope. After all, this should be a very difficult task. Labadie is just an account manager. To put it bluntly, he is a senior salesman. It's not a very unusual thing.

But unexpectedly, Labadie actually said that he could do this, which immediately surprised Zhang Menglong.

"Is it really possible?" Zhang Menglong confirmed.

"Yes!" Labadie nodded, "But it is impossible to give you the price of 10 ninth-level crystal nuclei, at least 11!"

"Expand and talk!"

This price is completely acceptable to Zhang Miyu.

After all, these phantom soul grasses are all in the hands of Chongcheng, and the purchase price is already 10 nine-level crystal nuclei. If there is a channel, they must make some money. Otherwise, who is willing to take such a big risk? ?

"That's Mr. Gu," Labadie lowered his voice, "In our entire Rose city, the daily sales volume of soul shard inhibitors exceeds [-] billion. In conversion, the number of phantom soul grass purchased every day is in the tens of millions. Above, compared with this basic value, [-] plants is not a big number at all!"

Zhang Mengyu estimated that Barnack's survival team alone consumed more than [-] soul fragment inhibitors a month, and thousands of them were used every day.

There are only a few major cities in total, and there are more than a hundred million survival teams?Maybe the [-] billion soul fragment inhibitors every day are just a small amount. From this point of view, it is not impossible to purchase more than [-] million phantom soul grasses every day, and [-] plants may not even count as a fraction.

"You also know that this phantom soul grass is just a raw material for the soul fragment inhibitor. During the production process, there must be a certain degree of loss, and here we only need to control the loss below 0.2%. In other words, Even if hundreds of thousands of plants are lost every day, it is within the acceptable range!"

"Do you have a way?"

"I have a friend who is in charge of the production of fragment inhibitors. Their people have had this idea for a long time, but they couldn't find a buyer, and the risk was too high, so they didn't do it. If you have This idea, I can help you get in touch!"

"2 phantom soul grasses, I'm willing to pay 15 nine-level crystal nuclei for each plant!"

Labadie's eyes lit up. If there were only 11 ninth-level crystal nuclei, his friend might have to think about it, but now that it has risen to 15, he even wanted to agree directly for his friend.

"Okay! I'll help you get in touch!" Labadie handed over his contact information to Zhang Mengyu, "Whether it's successful or not, I'll give you a message in three days, but my friends may need to see your sincerity first..."

"That's easy to say," Zhang Mengyu naturally knew that the other party wanted to see his sincerity.

"This is one hundred thousand nine-level crystal nuclei," Zhang Mengyu directly handed him a small space storage device, "Tell your friend, these 2 plants may be just the beginning, I may need more phantom soul grass in the future! "

Zhang Mengyu's plan is very simple, he first needs a batch of distraction pills to win over a large number of powerful people, otherwise even if his city is established, it will be quickly targeted.

He can refine distraction pills, and he can reduce the harm caused by space dislocation. He even has a lot of meat. No matter who it is, he will be malicious to this city. He needs to have enough power to protect this city. A cash cow.

"it is good!"


Zhang Menghao finished all this, and this batch of soul shard inhibitors also arrived in his hands. At this time, Barnack had also completed the purchase.

He has never bought these things with so many nine-level crystal nuclei, and now he is simply an upstart, especially when he also learned that there is a lot of meat on Zhang Mengyu's body, this mentality is even more obvious up.

He almost bought all the things he was reluctant to buy before, but even so, the ten thousand crystal nuclei on his body have not been used up.

After reuniting with Banac, they headed towards the original survival base.

But at this moment, Banak suddenly received news from the survival team.

This is one of the things they are most afraid of, the spatial dislocation has happened!

They have only lived in the original gathering place for less than half a year, and many of them have just adapted to life here.

The space of time is the lair of a tiger-shaped mysterious beast. The average life level of this kind of mysterious beast has reached the eighth rank of divine cultivation. With such a mysterious beast, even a martial artist at the peak of spiritual cultivation will struggle one-on-one. , even if there were several Dao realm experts in the survival team, almost half of the entire gathering place was destroyed.

When they arrived, those fantasy beasts had already been killed, leaving more than 2 eighth-grade crystal cores and 12 ninth-grade crystal cores, but the entire survival base was almost turned into ruins, everyone They were all shrouded in sadness.

Although Zhang Mengyu's more than 8000 brothers can deal with these ordinary phantom beasts, the leader of this group of phantom beasts is actually a big guy in the Dao realm, and the few Dao realm fighters behind him are all wounded. There are some trade-offs.

Everyone had frustrated expressions on their faces, and no one thought that such a thing would happen in the past three days.

And there are even more dangerous things. After a spatial misalignment occurs in an area, it will usually attract a big riot from nearby phantom beasts. Even if the phantom beasts that invaded just now are cleaned up, this place is no longer safe. up.

"Okay, don't be sad, everyone," Zhang Mengyu said, "It doesn't matter if it is destroyed, everyone can go to a new place to live without any worries."

"What you said is simple. Even if you go to a new place, you have to start all over again. Who knows when the next space dislocation will come. What do you know as a foreigner?"

It seemed that they were overwhelmed by that kind of despair. Immediately, some people felt that Zhang Mengyu's words seemed to be standing and talking without back pain.

Zhang Mengyu wasn't angry either, he was very understanding of their current mood, no one could keep calm now.

"Everyone trust Brother Gu once!" At this moment, Barnacle stood up and spoke for him, "Look, what is this?"

"Soul Fragment Inhibitor?"

"So many? Can we buy so many crystal nuclei? There must be hundreds of thousands of them?"

"That's enough for one for everyone!"

"There are more than 100 million inhibitors here! Brother Gu got them all!"

Everyone was stunned by Barnack's words. He was able to get so many soul shard inhibitors. It took a thousand nine-level crystal nuclei to buy them!
"I also wanted to keep a low profile, but if I don't show it, everyone won't believe me!" Zhang Meng shook his head, "I don't ask everyone to go with me, but the first batch of people who built the city with me , that is, the original residents of the city, not only can enjoy the city's construction dividends, but also various benefits that the later population cannot enjoy, everyone can think about it, I will only wait for you for half an hour!"

Zhang Meng turned around and asked Wu Yang and the others, "How is it, how is that area?"

"It's very high, the soil is fertile, and the environment is pleasant, but now there are a lot of mysterious beasts running rampant."

"It's not a big problem," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "We'll build this city in a while, let's think of a name first!"

(End of this chapter)

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