I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1898 Opening the Market

Chapter 1898 Opening the Market

On the Bemora Plain, a huge city was slowly built up. The way it was built was extremely weird, as if it was printed by a 3D printer, and there were even more exaggerated ways to describe it.

It seems to grow out of the ground.

Duoji just saw Zhang Mengyu sprinkle a bottle of powder on the ground, and then the powder penetrated into the ground like life. After an hour, the city rose from the ground.

"Brother Gu Xiao, how on earth did you do this?" This is a method that Duoji has never seen before, it is almost like magic.

The establishment of their original gathering place was built by the survival team with their hands, and those heavy cities were said to be built by the warriors combined with the construction robots they made.

It is said that the giant city of Rosey took more than 500 years to take a prototype. During this process, it has been constantly resisting space dislocation and the invasion of alien mysterious beasts, and even many areas have been rebuilt several times. It can be seen that How difficult it is to build a city.

But looking at Zhang Menglong, he didn't spend a single soldier. He just operated on an optical computer, just like playing a construction game.

"This thing is called a construction nanorobot," Zhang Mengyu said. "After entering the soil, it can rely on the metal elements in the soil for rapid proliferation, and within ten minutes it can complete the number of individuals needed to build a city."

"Then it will absorb all kinds of gold elements in the ground, fuse them according to the most ideal ratio, and then follow my instructions to build the shape I want."

"This is too powerful!" Zhang Mengyu's method simply made Duoji amazed.

"Not only that," Zhang Meng smiled, "After the construction is completed, these nano-scale robots will be integrated into the soil and the city's buildings. Once the city structure is damaged, they can immediately carry out the work and complete the city in a short time." repair work."

"Then isn't this an indestructible city?" Duoji was very excited. The formation can ensure the safety and stability of the entire city, and the nano-robots can maintain the structure of the city. After the establishment of this fantasy city, it will definitely become the most beautiful city in the endless land A welcome place.

He can even imagine that there will be a steady stream of people wanting to live in the fantasy city in the future, even at a huge price.

"Perfect, I'm really a genius designer," Zhang Menglong finished the design drawing, and gave the last instruction, "In about two days, the prototype of this city can be completed!"

Just at this time, Labadie also got news. He had discussed with his friends and was willing to provide Zhang Menglong with this batch of phantom soul grass!

Now, Zhang Mengyu needs the distraction pill to attract a large number of strong people to settle in. After his fantasy city matures, he can purchase the phantom soul grass by himself, and then start refining a large number of distraction pills for sale.

At that time, whether it is selling land, selling medicine, or entering the city, Zhang Menglong can make a lot of money. Isn't this more comfortable than fighting monsters and upgrading outside every day?
"When can we make a deal?" Zhang Mengyu couldn't wait.

"Come to the city of Rose tomorrow," Labadie said. "My friends and I will wait for you at the north gate of the city. You just need to bring the rest of the balance."

"it is good!"

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Mengyu went to Rose City alone. Sure enough, there were already two people waiting for him at the entrance of the heavy city of Rose.

In addition to Labadie, there is another person who is only at the sixth level of spiritual cultivation. This person should be the friend Labadie mentioned.

"Mr. Gu Xiao, let me introduce, this is my brother Zita, Zita, this is Mr. Gu Xiao."

"Hello," Zhang Mengyu shook hands with Zita, "Mr. Zita, have you brought all the [-] Phantom Soul Grass?"

"Bring it here, according to the price we negotiated before, 15 nine-level crystal nuclei per plant, a total of 30 nine-level crystal nuclei, Mr. Gu still needs to pay 20."

Zita's expression became visibly excited. He had never mastered such a large amount of assets in his life.

"This is the last payment," Zhang Menglong said without inkling, and handed over the remaining 20 nine-level crystal nuclei to him.

"Mr. Gu Xiao is really a happy person." After confirming that there is no problem with the crystal core, Zita finally breathed a sigh of relief. Overthinking.

Zita handed over a space storage device containing 2 phantom soul grasses to Zhang Mengyu, "Pay with one hand and deliver with the other. Next time Mr. Gu still needs it, you can ask Labadie to come to me directly."

Zita was also very cautious, and he didn't even want to leave contact information directly with Zhang Mengyu. After getting the money, he left immediately.

Labadie was also very happy to earn the agency fee of 2-level crystal nuclei. Zhang Mengyu directly took him to find a place, lit a fire and cooked a beef hot pot.

Labadie has never been treated like this, even the soup base is eager to lick it clean.

"Labadie, I have another favor here and I want to ask you to help me." Naturally, Zhang Menglong would not ask for this meal in vain, and he also asked for something.

"Brother Gu, just say it."

"Do you know any Dao realm warriors? And the ones whose soul fragments are very seriously affected?"

After Zhang Menghao refined the distraction list, he needs to find a group of people to spread the word of mouth. At that time, he will not need to do anything. Everyone knows that Huancheng can provide a cure for the effects of soul fragments. .

But who knew that Banack and his group were all lone rangers, and they didn't know any strong people except his own brothers, so he could only figure out a way by himself.

"Yes," Labadie said, "I have many clients, and there are about fifty or sixty Taoist warriors. Why do you want them?"

"I have developed a drug that can cure the effects of soul fragments, and I want them to try it, and help me open up the market and sales by the way."

"What did you say? A cure for soul shards?" The beef balls in Labady's hands fell to the ground. As a salesman of soul shard inhibitors, he naturally knew what this meant.

So far, soul shard inhibitors can only control the erosive effect of soul shards. Once you stop using them, the erosion will strengthen and is irreversible!

When the erosion intensifies, they can only keep themselves from becoming monsters by increasing the frequency of using soul fragment inhibitors.

Some very serious people may need to use one within a few hours. This situation is more obvious among Taoist warriors, because each of them does not know how much energy of the phantom beasts have been swallowed, and the accumulated soul fragments It's a terrible magnitude.

If such a drug really appears, he believes that these people will definitely get it at any cost.

"There really is such a thing," Labadie confirmed.


"If you really have something like this, I can help you find someone." Labadie stopped abruptly, as if waiting for Zhang Mengyu to say something.

Of course Zhang Mengyu knew that he was waiting for the benefits he gave, "Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you, I'm going to build a city!"

Zhang Mengyu talked about his general plan, and Labadie's expression became more and more exaggerated.

"If you are willing to help me, I can make you the first batch of original residents of this city," Zhang Mengyu promised, "and the person in charge of the sales of this drug in the future will be you!"

Labadie doesn't even need to think about it. This is simply a chance for him to rise up. If he can't grasp it, he will be a fool!

"Okay! I've done it!" Labadie said, "Before that, can I go and see your fantasy city?"

"Of course!" Zhang Meng said with a smile. He believed that once Labadie had seen his fantasy city, he probably would never want to leave again!
(End of this chapter)

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