I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1899 Others have to pay more!

Chapter 1899 Others have to pay more!

"Mr. Gushaw, the city you built is on the Bemora Plain?"

Isn't Zhang Meng's direction heading towards the Bemora Plain?As we all know, this is the most fertile land in the entire endless land, and it is the most ideal place for everyone to build a home. Countless people have tried to live on it, but they all failed.

"That's right, it's in the Bemora Plain," Zhang Mengyu looked at the time, "At this time, the city should be almost built, at least it has a prototype, and you came at the right time!"

"But Mr. Gu Xiao, the frequency of phantom beast invasions and space dislocations in this area is really too high, it is simply impossible to live here!"

Zhang Mengyu smiled as he walked, and didn't mean to explain at all. Labadie would understand after a while, and explaining now is meaningless.

"We have arrived!"

"This..." Even Labady, who lives in the heavy city of Rose, was a little stunned when he saw the huge monster in front of him!

This city covers an area two or three times larger than the entire city of Rose, but not only does it not have a thick city wall, it doesn't even have any defensive fortifications. The whole city is just exposed on the plain without barriers!
This is simply impossible for this endless land.

Leaving aside those heavy cities, even if the survival team does not have the ability to build a thick city wall, there will always be people patrolling around or setting up some monitoring equipment.

They can't resist the invasion, but they can give the first warning.

As for those heavy cities, which one doesn't have a huge city wall thousands of meters high and hundreds of meters thick?Only such a steel fortress can give the people living inside a sense of security enough to resist the minions of those mysterious beasts!

The style of the buildings in the city is also very different from the ones he has seen before. Zhang Mengyu not only built the Eiffel Tower, the Oriental Pearl Tower and other landmark buildings in various countries and cities, but even clearly planned out various buildings. Transportation hubs, including rail transit, air transportation, etc.

You know, in those heavy cities, there is nothing but ground transportation!

After all, due to the damage caused by time-space dislocation, they need to pay a huge price to repair these facilities at high frequency. Even that kind of heavy city can't afford such a big price, but Zhang Mengyu did it!
All in all, although Zhang Mengyu's fantasy city is very gorgeous and beautiful, with powerful functional facilities, if it is in the outside world, it must be a very popular international metropolis, but it is completely inapplicable in this endless land. It can even be said to be ugly, it is a pile of stool!
At this time, a loud and high-pitched sound suddenly came from the sky, and a bird phantom beast at the peak level of spiritual cultivation actually rushed towards the phantom city. Its body was burning with dark blue flames, and it looked like a Only slightly eccentric Phoenix!

"It's over, if this city is not guarded by Taoist warriors, it will immediately become a ruin!"

A phantom beast at the peak of spiritual cultivation, if there is no one to stop it, it is fully capable of destroying a city, it just depends on the length of time, and the larger their size, the higher the efficiency of destruction.

This phantom mysterious beast has a body length of more than 1200 meters, it is definitely a colossal monster!
"Don't worry!" Zhang Mengyu just smiled slightly.

Just when it was five to six thousand meters away from the city, an invisible barrier suddenly burst into light, and countless golden rays shot towards the mysterious beast.

Its eyes were full of disdain, and it didn't feel that this weird attack could hurt itself.

However, it was wrong, when the beam of light containing huge energy passed through its body, it realized how terrifying this thing really is.

In just such an instant, the huge phantom beast began to fall, and when it passed through the magic circle, it turned into countless light spots and disappeared in mid-air.

"Brother Gu Xiao, what was that light just now?" Labadie asked curiously.

"A formation is also the biggest trump card to protect my city. It is impossible for any phantom beast to destroy it from the outside and the inside!"

"How powerful is it? It can kill even a phantom beast at the peak of spiritual cultivation?"

"I haven't tried it specifically, but the phantom beasts of the first and second ranks of the Dao realm should be able to kill them in seconds!"

"It's too perverted!" Labadie couldn't help exclaiming.

High-level Dao realm phantom beasts generally do not appear within the sphere of influence of humans. In other words, this formation alone in Zhang Menglong's city can almost eliminate alien phantom beasts and pass through within a few seconds. A phantom beast that appeared in the city in a space-time dislocation!

With such a magical formation, no wonder he has the ability to build such a city here.

"Let's go, I'll show you inside!" Zhang Menglong led Labadie towards the interior of the city.

With the completion of the construction of the city, more than 20 people in it have also been allocated their residences. Everyone is busy cleaning up in their new homes, but the group of Sunset Sect disciples brought by Zhang Menglong are not idle. Start building the largest food court in the city!

“Alibaba Mutton Skewers!”

"Tin foil oysters, tin foil pig brains, tin foil sixties!"

"Snail powder!"


Labadie looked at the assortment of delicacies, even including a lot of meat and vegetables!

"There are actually vegetables here!" Labadie had seen the meat Zhang Menglong gave him, but he didn't expect that he could even make vegetables!In this place, no one has cultivated vegetables so far!

"There is a farm in the city. I have transformed the soil here and my seed genes. It can harvest once every 1-3 days. It is no problem to feed the whole city!"

"These things are expensive, right?" Labadie heard that when Zhang Mengyu sold meat in the city of Rose, almost all the prices were measured by the ninth-level crystal nucleus.

"Selling to outsiders is naturally at the price I set," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "but for the residents of my fantasy city who have registered permanent residence, I will calculate it according to the most favorable price, and only need one ten thousandth of the normal price to enjoy it." arrive!"

"Really?" Labady was overjoyed. At the price of one millionth, wouldn't it be possible to afford all the meat with only one sixth-level crystal nucleus?Not everyone has the ability to get a sixth-level crystal nucleus, but this is definitely within his spending power of Labadie!
"No matter what it is!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Original residents who join my fantasy city can also enjoy various other benefits, including a chance to use the distraction potion for free!"

"Distraction potion?"

"This potion can eliminate half of the effects of the soul fragments on your body!"

As a capitalist, Zhang Mengyu is absolutely unwilling to do business once. If the cure is cured once, who will spend money?It is to let you see the effect, but not completely cure you, so that this group of people can be completely tied here!
"This is what you said can heal the effects of soul fragments?" Labadie thought of the reason why Zhang Mengyu collected those phantom soul grasses.

"Yes," Zhang Mengyu said, "I also sell this thing to residents of the city!"

Zhang Menglong showed the face of a profiteer, "As for the others, they have to pay more!"

(End of this chapter)

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