I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1904 This time I made a lot of money

Chapter 1904 This time I made a lot of money
This group of people never expected that the city lord of Huancheng not only warmly entertained them, but even gave them so many food elixirs.

If those elixirs were replaced with crystal nuclei, the total value might even be tens of thousands of level nine crystal nuclei!Their survival team consisted of 80 people. Even when they were the richest, their total assets did not exceed [-] crystal nuclei!And the city lord gave it generously!
This alone is enough for them to stay in this city.

"Thank you, city lord!" Feeling the strength and physical strength gradually recovering from his body, everyone is grateful, "City lord, we are not protected by you in vain. When our injuries are healed, we will also Will go out to hunt crystal nuclei!"

"Don't worry about it. If you have any friends you know, just give me more publicity." Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "My fantasy city is not short of anything now, only people are missing!"

"Okay, we..."

Suddenly, the whole ground trembled, and Zhang Mengyu's attention was immediately focused, "What's going on, there are large phantom profound beasts attacking the city?"

Zhang Mengyu was stunned for a moment, to shake the whole city, I am afraid that it can only be done by a phantom beast of the fifth rank or above in Dao Realm?
"Patriarch, there are no phantom beasts attacking, it seems to be a simple earthquake!"

"No, this fluctuation is definitely not like an earthquake," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "It seems to be an earthquake caused by a large-scale spatial fluctuation. Could it be that time and space will be dislocated so soon?"

It's only been a few days since the last time. Even if the space in the Bhimora Plain is not very stable, at most, the frequency of space dislocation will occur once every two or three months. This is unscientific!

"No... this may not be a space-time dislocation..."

There was a little panic in the eyes of Duoji beside Zhang Mengyu, and the other residents also showed expressions of fear.

And those survivors who just came to this person were ashen-faced, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Unexpectedly, we have just recovered a life, and we have caught up with the chaotic period of space. This damn endless land simply doesn't want us to live!"

"The period of space chaos?" Zhang Mengyu was taken aback, "Brother Barnack, what do they mean by the period of space chaos?"

Barnack also had a melancholy expression on his face, "This is the darkest period in the entire Endless Land. The usual spatial dislocations only occasionally appear in certain positions, but this period of spatial chaos is almost equivalent to turning the entire Endless Land. The space on the ground is completely disrupted."

"Isn't that almost equivalent to the spatial dislocation happening everywhere in the endless land?" Zhang Mengyu felt a little scalp tingling when he thought of this scene.

"That's it," said Barnack, "since I entered the Endless Land, it has happened five times, and the interval between each time is about a million years. It doesn't last long, and generally it doesn't exceed Ten days, but these ten days are almost the end of the entire endless land!"

"Yeah," Zhang Mengyu couldn't help sighing, "Even ordinary spatial dislocations are extremely dangerous to ordinary survivors. This period of spatial chaos is simply a disaster. Even those heavy cities, It's hard to resist, right?"

"It's hard," Banak said, "I still remember the last space chaos period, I took all the people to hide in the giant city of Rose, if you didn't witness it with your own eyes, you would never imagine such a scene, almost There is an area of ​​spatial misalignment within [-] kilometers, and the entire city is almost occupied by phantom beasts."

"It's not easy for this heavy city of Rosai to survive."

"Although it survived, almost one-third of the city of Rousai was destroyed, and the population dropped sharply by more than 30%. The subsequent reconstruction of the city alone lasted almost a thousand years."

"It's okay, everyone should eat and drink, don't worry."

The original residents of Huancheng may still have some confidence. After all, they experienced a space dislocation a few days ago, and survived almost without damage.

But for those newcomers, they have never seen the power of Huancheng, and they have no illusions about surviving this period of space chaos.

"Come, come, let's play two more rounds of mahjong!"

"Tch, I thought it was something, let's go, we haven't finished eating the hot pot just now!"

"It's dark and it's still dark, there are still a few people left, let's play together."

"You guys play, I'm going to bed, I'm a little sleepy!"

Those new residents from outside were still praying in their hearts, but the disciples of the Sunset Sect were outrageous one by one, and they all started to do their own things as if nothing happened.

Hey, it's a chaotic period of space, can you give me some minimum respect!

The space dislocation started, and a huge space dislocation point with a diameter of about 200 meters appeared directly in front of them. In the distance, a group of extremely violent wolf-shaped phantom beasts were rushing towards this place.

Most of their bodies are more than 20 meters long, and their bodies are burning with faint blue energy flames. To them, human beings are like the most delicious prey.

This group of phantom beasts are not many in number, perhaps only a few hundred, and their life level is only at the sixth or seventh level of spiritual cultivation. For this group of people, it is actually not a terrible number.

But their injuries and physical strength have not yet fully recovered. Facing such a group of phantom beasts, they are absolutely dead or alive.

"Look at the sky!" A child among the survivors pointed to the sky, "Stars are falling from the sky!"

Everyone looked towards the sky, and saw densely packed stars appearing on the dome of the city, which suddenly became extremely dazzling.

These are actually the array eyes arranged by Zhang Mengyu in the formation. Once these array eyes encounter a huge number of phantom beasts, they will become larger in size and can strike a wider area. It's like falling down.

In an instant, countless golden lights appeared from those eyes. These golden lights moved towards those weak phantom beasts, and the thick targets turned into large targets. Only then did they see clearly that the light They were all streaks of golden sword energy!
The feeling of time slowing down reappeared, and a large amount of sword energy shot directly into the space dislocation point, and directly pierced those phantom mysterious beasts.

The few who can still cross over, before they have completely entered the city, have already hated them on the spot.

This plunged the entire Endless Land into a period of chaotic spatial chaos. In this fantasy city, except for some panic, no damage was caused!

"Don't look, they will rush into the city. If you have this time to be frightened, you might as well cook two more slices of tripe!"

"You bastard, where's the shrimp slide I just got off?"

"What are you yelling about, is it gone, just download it!"

In those shops along the street, there is still another ghostly look.

Now they seem to understand a little bit why these people are not showing any timidity at all. It turns out that this city has such a powerful defense function, not to mention the space dislocation, or even the space chaos period, it is fearless!

Survivors looked at each other and saw ecstasy in each other's eyes.

"We came to this fantasy city this time, and it's a lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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