I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1905 We can prepare leeks

Chapter 1905 We can prepare leeks
The period of space chaos is still going on, and Zhang Mengyu and others are also paying attention to the information of the entire endless land all the time.

All the fortress cities have fallen into an extremely difficult situation, because at this time, not only are there a large number of phantom beasts brought about by the dislocation of space, but also a large number of phantom beasts outside the city. A frenzied attack on the heavy city.

In the recent heavy city of Rose, hundreds of thousands of Dao realm powerhouses have started a high-load battle, and all the warriors at the peak of spiritual cultivation are also desperately resisting. The originally bustling streets have been destroyed and devastated. Everyone knows that even if Even after this period of time, the city of Rose will no longer have the prosperity of the past, and it will take hundreds of years to rebuild.

The residents of those heavy cities suffered a large number of casualties at the beginning of the space-time chaos period.

In the past, the dislocation of time and space only occurred locally. Once it appeared, warriors would arrive immediately, and the problem could be solved in a short time. It was only a small amount of local damage and casualties.

But in this case, every place is in a hurry. Even with the existence of a large number of Taoist warriors and peak spiritual cultivators, the entire heavy city is still unable to take care of itself.

At this time, the most miserable people are the civilians. They have no ability to protect themselves and can only temporarily hide in the underground fortifications.

However, this kind of fortification can only resist the mysterious beasts from outside. The space dislocation doesn't care where you are. Even if you are indoors, there may be dislocation points. At that time, they will be directly trapped like dumplings. The phantom profound beasts were trapped in those narrow spaces.

But they can only gamble, because they know very well that once they go to the street, they must die, while underground, the probability of time-space dislocation will be slightly lower, and the possibility of their survival will be slightly higher.

As for those people outside the heavy city, although they are more flexible, they are more dangerous. They have no place to hide, just like headless flies being chased around by countless phantom beasts.

At this time, the only thing that is different is the fantasy city built by Zhang Menglong.

Although a large number of space dislocation points appear constantly, these space dislocation points cannot affect them in the slightest. Zhang Menglong's formation is extremely accurate and wipes out all the phantom beasts before they cause damage. Those phantom profound beasts were directly wiped out hundreds of meters away from the city.

On the second day, the first group of Taoist warriors who joined the fantasy city also came with a group of friends. The first batch of Taoist warriors who came here actually exceeded 500 people!

No matter how gorgeous the rhetoric is, it is definitely not as shocking as what they saw with their own eyes. When they saw that all the cities and survival bases were crumbling in this period of space chaos, only this fantasy city was still living and working in peace and contentment, which made them hardly think about it. I am willing to join Huancheng directly.

Zhang Menglong also gave them the same treatment, helping them eliminate some of the influence of soul erosion.

To Zhang Mengyu's surprise, on the third day, Huancheng actually ushered in two groups of survival teams!
These two members of the survival team have some connections with Rumos and his group. In the past two days, due to the rampage of a large number of mysterious beasts, their survival team also suffered huge losses. At this time, someone told them that There is a paradise.

In fact, some people have seen this fantasy city on the Internet a few days ago, but everyone thought it was a very boring joke, and even called them liars, but when Rumos told them, he was here. When a city accepted asylum, they were immediately shaken.

When Rumos turned on the video chat and let them see the peaceful and prosperous scene here, the eyes of the two survival teams were straightened!

They're out there not even knowing if they'll be alive the next day.

But what about these people?They are actually in an extremely safe city, listening to music and watching movies, eating barbecue and cooking hot pot at the same time, even making them wonder if they are in the same world, everyone is a survival team, why is there such a big gap? Woolen cloth?
When they learned that this fantasy city really existed, two members of the survival team ran over overnight at great risk. Although they encountered many dangers and lost many people on the way of migration, there were still Most of the people came to the fantasy city alive.

The size of these two survival teams is enormous, with a combined force of more than 80 people.

Someone moved in, Zhang Mengyu was naturally very happy. He even arranged a formation by himself. This formation can help warriors recover from injuries and physical strength, and the effect is not worse than some pills. He believes that in the next few days , and many people will continue to come.


Just as Zhang Mengyu guessed, with word of mouth spreading, more and more people believed in the existence of this fantasy city. Some people originally wanted to rush to those fortified cities to seek refuge, but in the end they all turned around and headed for Come with Zhang hazy fantasy city.

On the fourth day, nine survival teams came, with a total population of over 200 million!
On the fifth day, 17 survival teams came with more than 500 million people!
On the sixth day, 45 survival teams with a population of 1200 million!
On the seventh day, 102 teams with 3800 million people!

This period of space chaos was even longer than usual. It lasted for 12 days and finally subsided. After this period of time, a large number of survivors were taken in. The population of Zhang Mengyu's fantasy city has exceeded 2 million. Even accommodate more than 5000 Dao realm experts!
Some of them are even remorseful, if they had believed the news earlier and came to this fantasy city earlier, perhaps their losses would have been reduced even more!
This period of spatial chaos caused the population loss of almost every heavy city to range from 20% to 30%. Even the city with the weakest defense was directly captured by the phantom beasts, and more than 50% of the people became phantom phantoms. It is unknown how many people will survive in the end.

During that time, many people were so exhausted that they didn't even have the energy to pay attention to the news of the entire Endless Land. After they relaxed a little, they discovered that a city called Fantasy City had quietly risen amidst this disaster.

Those who joined the fantasy city crazily spread the praises of the safety of the city and the generosity of the city owner on the Internet.

There are even a large number of videos and pictures flowing into the Internet. Word of mouth can be fake, and videos can also be fake, but three people make a tiger, let alone tens of millions of people at the same time to prove this. thing.

With such an advertising effect, countless people flock towards the fantasy city. In this ghostly place, who wouldn't want to find a [-]% safe place?
Three days after the space chaos period ended, billions of people actually poured into the fantasy city directly!
But at this time, Huancheng is no longer just joining if you want to, and those who can enjoy the bonus will always be the first batch of people who are willing to take risks.

If you want to settle in the fantasy city, you must pay the entrance fee!

Zhang Mengyu was on the highest building in the fantasy city, surrounded by a group of brothers from the Sunset Sect who followed him through life and death.

"Friends, we have already passed the start-up period!" In Zhang Mengyu's eyes, those who flooded into the city seemed to be no longer human beings, but a large number of crystal nuclei, "From today onwards, we can eat leeks!"

(End of this chapter)

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