I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1906 City Management Brigade

Chapter 1906 City Management Brigade
There was a riot at the entrance of the fantasy city, and the expressions on the faces of a group of survivors were very unconvinced, as if they had suffered a great grievance.

"Why? Why can they join the fantasy city unconditionally and get a permanent residence? Why do we have to pay the entrance fee every day we stay?"

"That is, we are all above the seventh rank of spiritual cultivation, and can bring greater value to Huancheng than those old, weak, sick and disabled. Why do they enjoy such good treatment?"

"We need an explanation, and we also want Huancheng's account!"


"What's the noise, what's the noise?" Zhang Menglong led the crowd through the noisy crowd.

"City owner!" Some members of the Banak tribe were assigned the task of guarding the city and registering by Zhang Menglong. When they saw Zhang Menglong coming, they immediately saluted respectfully.

"what happened?"

"City Lord, they want to enter the city. I said that to enter the city, they need to pay crystal cores according to their strength and realm, but they are unwilling, and even speak out to attack the original residents of our fantasy city."

Zhang Mengyu came in front of the troublemaker. His strength had reached the peak of spiritual cultivation, and even judging from his aura, he was quite powerful at the peak of spiritual cultivation.

"I am the lord of Huancheng, do you have any questions?" Zhang Menglong looked at him and said.

The man glanced at Zhang Mengyu. He didn't expect that the city lord was just a martial artist of the fifth or sixth grade of spiritual cultivation, and his expression suddenly became a lot more arrogant.

"City Master, we want to settle in your Fantasy City. I heard that people who moved in a few days ago can move in without any conditions, and even enjoy many preferential policies. Why can't they come to our place?" He looked confident.

"The number of residents in our fantasy city is already very large. When it reaches a certain level, it is natural to have some restrictions. Is there any problem?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Even so, the people who move in need to be carefully selected, right?" The man pointed to some wounded and said, "Look, what else can those people do now? They don't have the ability to hunt phantom beasts, they can only rely on We are not the same, we are in our prime and can create a lot of value for the city.”

"Hehe," Zhang Mengyu sneered, "They are the people who joined me at the beginning of the establishment of this fantasy city. They believe that our fantasy city can give them a good life. For these people, even if they are old, weak, sick, and disabled, I am willing keep it."

"As for you," Zhang Mengyu glanced at the registration information, "Your survival team is not far from here. If you want to join the fantasy city, you can already become the original residents of my fantasy city, but you don't have it. Just doubt us."

That person didn't know what to say, he had heard about Huancheng a long time ago, but at that time he didn't take them seriously at all, and even thought they were a bunch of liars.

Who knew that this fantasy city was really so awesome, during the entire chaotic period of time and space, except for the slight damage to the city buildings, not even a single person died!

Only at this time did they realize that Huancheng is not a joke. If they had joined earlier, they would not even have to be kept awake at night by the phantom beasts during this chaotic period.

"At the end of the day, you just want to join because I have the ability to protect you and have food and drink, but I am the owner of this city. I have the final say on the rules of the city. I said you want to come in You have to pay the crystal nucleus, so you have to pay, do you have any objections?" Zhang Mengyu sneered.

"City Master, there are only a few hundred million people in your Huancheng. The number of people who want to enter Huancheng far exceeds this number. How many people do you think are willing? Do you think your Huancheng is a fortified city?" A bit threatening and provocative.

"Are you scaring me?"

"I'm just telling the city lord the truth. You only have a few Daoists at most in this fantasy city, right? How many people do you think are willing to accept the requirements here? If they are unwilling to accept but insist on entering the city, do you think you can Is it blocked?"

At the entrance to the city hangs a sign that this is the price you have to pay to enter the city now.

For martial artists in the realm of spiritual cultivation, each person must pay ten crystal nuclei that are one level lower than their own as a day's stay fee.

In other words, if a martial artist of the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation wants to enter the fantasy city and stay for a day, he must pay 10 eighth rank crystal nuclei!
As for the Taoists, they need to pay a ninth-level crystal nucleus every day!
This price is even higher than those heavy cities!
He even sells houses here. Although the space folding technology is used, the housing price here is also terrifying. An area of ​​one square meter needs 300 ninth-grade crystal cores. This is even the cheapest place and the most expensive place The price is even dozens of times that amount.

And the smallest house type has an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

In other words, if you want to buy a house in this fantasy city, you need to spend at least 15 nine-level crystal cores!
And to buy a house, you can only become the most ordinary resident here, even the kind without a registered permanent residence.

In addition to the original residents of the city, warriors who need to purchase real estate of more than 1000 square meters can have an ordinary resident account here, and the treatment of this account is quite different from that of the original resident account.

For example, if you eat food in the snack street, the original residents can enjoy a [-]/[-] discount, but they can only enjoy a [-]% discount. Although such a discount sounds good, it is far from enough for them. satisfy.

In their view, everything that Zhang Menglong owns is something he is not entitled to, and he doesn't think that Zhang Menglong's position as city lord can be secure.

"You are very good at making troubles, but I'm sorry, if you want to make troubles in my city, your level is still far behind!" Zhang Menglong had already thought that such a thing would happen. People will appear, and this kind of troublemaker is also within his expectation.

"Urban management team one, throw him out for me and put him on the blacklist, and he will never be able to deposit a single step!"

"I'll give you some face and call you the city lord, you really think of yourself as a character," the warrior saw that his skin had been torn, and immediately stopped suppressing his thoughts, "Brothers, this fantasy city shouldn't It belongs to someone who overthrew this matter with me, the city lord!"

However, before he could finish his words, he fell to his knees directly on the ground under a huge oppressive force, which is the power that can only be emitted by warriors in the Dao realm!

I saw a man in the iron tower coming out of the city management office not far away, followed by the second, and the third...

More than 5000 people stood neatly behind Zhang Menglong, wearing uniform uniforms.

"Who dares to make trouble in the fantasy city? City lord, is this the person?" The city management team leader said respectfully to Zhang Mengyu. No one would have imagined that this group of more than 5000 people in the city management team, composed of more than [-] Daoist powerhouses, would completely obey Zhang. Obscure orders, what kind of virtue can he go to take a warrior who is in the realm of spiritual cultivation?
"That's right, it's him!" Zhang Mengyu said, "From now on, you will stand here, and if you dare to make trouble, come and throw one away!"

(End of this chapter)

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