I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1907 Fantasy City Becomes Famous

Chapter 1907 Fantasy City Becomes Famous

The appearance of this group of Daojing City Management Brigade made everyone at the scene quiet down.

Many people actually have a lot of ideas when they come to this fantasy city. In this endless land, population represents status and wealth.In their view.A martial artist of the fifth or sixth grade of spiritual cultivation is simply not worthy of having so many resources.

But now, this urban management brigade undoubtedly dispelled many people's thoughts in an instant. Although the five thousand strong men in the Taoist realm are far from being able to compare with those fortress cities, they are definitely not scattered here and there. Survival squads can be provoked.

They couldn't figure out why the urban management team was willing to join the city and accept Zhang Mengyu's demolition, just to enjoy the stability and peace in the city?
Not long ago, the first batch of distraction potion experimenters recruited by Zhang Mengyu brought him a lot of people. Of course, as the second batch of people who settled in, the treatment they enjoyed was still worse, but it was not bad. too far.

The first group of people, except when the city is in crisis, must come forward. At other times, they can not be demolished by the city lord and enjoy the treatment of the deputy city lord.

And the more than 5000 people who joined later directly accepted Zhang Mengyu's orders, and of course they didn't have to stay in the base all the time. They adopted a shift system. When no one was making trouble, they could stay in the training room prepared for them by Zhang Mengyu. Practice in the middle, wait for orders at any time, as long as someone makes trouble, it will be fine.

When they are not working, they can do whatever they want. As for other treatment in the city, they also enjoy the treatment at the vice city level.

But Zhang Menglong didn't expect that after they understood the effect of the training room, they would rush to be on duty!

You know, in this training room of Zhang Menglong, not only can the cultivation speed be increased by two or three times, Zhang Mengyu even disclosed an extremely powerful exercise, which is much better than what they practiced by themselves!
Under such conditions, who would want to go out, wishing to eat and live in this training room every day!

Naturally, this is also a situation that Zhang Mengyu has already set up. If they are forced to stay in the base by relying on those distracting potions, it is better to let them stay voluntarily in this way. Zhang Menglong is more respectful.

Of course, some people have used some crooked brains.

But they found that the refining method of this distraction potion was only in the hands of Zhang Mengyu alone, which was almost equivalent to holding their lifeline. If someone wanted to harm him, the rest could directly Jump out and dunk on their heads!

That's why, this urban management brigade has become Zhang Mengyu's personal guard in the fantasy city!
Zhang Mengyu believes that this is just the beginning. The more than 5000 Dao Realm experts are just a drop in the bucket of those Dao Realm fighters outside the heavy city. In the next period of time, more and more people will join the Magic City , The size of the security brigade will also expand rapidly.

"It's an honor for you to let my security team throw you out in person," Zhang Menglong sneered and looked at the troublemaker.

The unlucky guy already had a desperate expression on his face, how could he directly provoke more than 5000 Dao realm warriors!

With a burst of wailing, he flew out of the fantasy city far away. From now on, this city will have nothing to do with him.

"Listen up, the rest of you," Zhang Mengyu warned, "I built this fantasy city, I provided the formation, the meat and vegetables, and I have the final say on this city. If you want to come in and receive asylum, Then you have to pay the crystal nucleus, I'm not the Holy Mother, I don't like to do good things, I just like to make money, if anyone comes to make trouble, next time it won't be as simple as throwing it out."

"Continue!" Zhang Mengyu said to the registered person, then turned and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

With this deterrent and warning, everyone has obviously become a lot more honest. They took pictures of the team and started to register into the city. Under the double authentication and registration of artificial intelligence and intelligence, this speed is very fast, and almost billions of people are processed every day. There is no problem with the information, and Zhang Menglong's finances are also rapidly accumulating.

Zhang Mengyu believes that when they go back, they will directly bring a huge surprise to Shenxuan Hall!

"Brothers, we have started to devour the crystal nucleus. We will advance to the peak of spiritual cultivation and even the realm of Dao as quickly as possible, and then find a way to go back for revenge!"


Huancheng is expanding at an extremely fast speed. With the large increase in population, the various needs in the city have also begun to increase, especially since everyone has never tasted meat. Even if they work overtime 24 hours a day, now they want to If you want to eat a bite of meat, you need to make an appointment and line up one day in advance, and the current appointments have already arrived 12 days later.

Zhang Mengyu doesn't even know where these people have such a large spending power. As a person who eats meat and drinks milk tea every day, he may not understand those who are willing to spend all their savings just to eat a bite of meat.

Compared with Huancheng, those fortress cities are much more pitiful. In Rose City, the city lord sat in the half-damaged city lord's mansion with a gloomy expression.

This time their loss was too serious. Although the overall city was still preserved, it was actually only slightly better than those ruined walls.

According to statistics, this time, there were more than 100 million phantom beasts in the Dao realm alone!
Out of the 120 Dao realm powerhouses in the entire city, more than 10 fell, and they only killed about 15 of the million phantom profound beasts.Most of the rest of the Dao Realm powerhouses are also wounded.

As for warriors of other levels, the loss is immeasurable, and the direct economic loss is an astronomical figure. I am afraid that the development of human beings in the entire endless land will be set back hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Hey, the loss this time is really too great, but we have survived this period of space chaos, and we will be able to recuperate for a long time." The city lord Vic tried to comfort himself, "And a few others Compared to heavy cities, our city of Rose is pretty good."

"City Master, the calculations are over. It will take about 20 years for the urban construction to return to its original level. It may not take too long for the population to recover, but it will take at least hundreds of years for the new population to grow into a labor force again."

"What about the other cities?"

"It's not the same as us," said the city lord's confidant, "but the city lord, I heard a truth recently. Do you know the fantasy city?"

"I've heard of it," Vic said, "the city built by the young man named Gu Xiao, I remember I asked you to send someone to pay attention to his news, his fantasy city, I'm afraid it's gone, he Where is he now? If he arrives in the city of Rose, you can invite him over, I am very interested in where his meat comes from, and I am also very interested in him!"

"No, the Lord of the City," said the confidant, "That fantasy city still exists."

"What did you say?" Vic was taken aback.

"I also just saw the information. It is said that there is a formation in that city, which can eliminate almost any external or internal phantom beast attack without loss. It can be killed in seconds if it is below the third level of Dao Realm. Now this phantom city has become famous! "

(End of this chapter)

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