I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1908 Do you want to cooperate or annex

Chapter 1908 Do you want to cooperate or annex
"How could such a thing happen?" After listening to his confidant's description, Vic also had great doubts in his heart. In his heart, his first reaction was that this was absolutely impossible.

There are a large number of formation masters in the endless land, and some of them are even well-known in the original world. There is a formation master who can instantly kill super phantom beasts of the fifth and sixth ranks of Dao Realm with the formation!
But even such a formation master can't do the formation of the fantasy city they described.

How is it possible to be able to instantly kill phantom beasts on their own without harming humans?In the concept of most people, the array is a super killer weapon that kills indiscriminately!
But now this sentence was told to himself by his cronies, which made him unable to believe it.

If there really was such a city, not to mention the survival teams outside, even the people in the city of Rose, like him, would probably want to immigrate.

He asked himself, if he was an ordinary warrior and heard that there was such a place, what would he choose?He didn't even need to think about it, he must be desperately trying to join this fantasy city.

At this moment, he suddenly became a little nervous.

The current Rose city is in ruins, many people have lost their fighting spirit, and the Illusion City is in full swing. Instead of building an old city that doesn't know when it will be attacked by Illusory Beasts again, why not join a city with super powers? High level of security, all facilities are perfect, and even a city where the rich can still eat meat?
He can even predict what will happen next!

"Hurry up and investigate this fantasy city, I want the most complete and accurate information!"

Not only Vic, but any fortress heavy city who heard the fantasy city became nervous at this moment. This fantasy city has seriously affected the meaning of their existence in these heavy cities!If this trend continues, a new fortress-level city will soon appear in the endless land, and it may even become the best-developed one!
For a time, people in the entire endless land were paying attention to this important city.


Three days later, Vic had almost learned all the valid information about Huancheng so far.

Just like what I learned before, the area of ​​this fantasy city is nearly three times that of Rose's heavy city. The mysterious beast will be wiped out by the formation before it breaks out of the wrong position. The safety factor of the entire city is almost [-]%!
Even if the city is traumatized, the damaged area will recover itself as if alive, and the speed is extremely fast, which is definitely a thousand times faster than artificial reconstruction!
In this city, the most popular is a snack street. There are countless gourmet shops here. Here, you can eat things that are unbelievable in other heavy cities, such as meat, vegetables, milk tea, and even many experiences. People who have been to the outside world are amazed by the food here.

It is said that this food street alone earns more than [-] billion nine-level crystal nuclei a day!
You know, even if it is the core income of Rose City, the business of selling soul fragment inhibitors, it is difficult to exceed the tens of billions of nine-level crystal nuclei in a day.

As for the entry fee for entering the Fantasy City, it is even higher than that of the Rose City, but this price can't stop their enthusiasm at all. The number of foreign population entering the city these days is hundreds of billions every day, and this is just because This city dish has just opened, and it has not yet reached the level of well-known.

It doesn't even take too long, even two months, its prosperity can be comparable to that of the heavy city!

"This fantasy city is too scary." Vik already felt the deep crisis, "Go to the fantasy city, I want to meet this Gu Xiao!"


"Oh? The city lord of Rose Heavy City is meeting me?" When Zhang Mengyu heard the news, the image of the tower-like man flashed in his mind.

This Vic City Lord is a martial artist at the peak of Dao Realm. It is said that he is extremely talented, and even in those super sects, he is at least the second-in-command level. The martial arts he masters also come from those super sects that have disappeared power.

The only difference from those palace masters and valley masters is that his soul invasion is already very serious, and he can't reach their height in terms of state of mind, but relying on the city's resources, his background is thicker than other peak spiritual cultivation many.

For a warrior at the peak of the Dao Realm, when they can no longer find a higher path, they will start to condense their energy, which is almost an infinite accumulation process, and Vic relies on the energy of the mysterious beast, all of his The accumulated energy is even more abundant than that of the master of the Shenxuan Palace.

Zhang Mengyu knew that it was absolutely impossible for such a person to come to see him in person, just to visit Huancheng and then say hello to him. If there was no purpose, even a three-year-old kid would not believe it.

"Brother Gu Xiao, it seems that the popularity of our fantasy city has attracted the attention of those important cities."

"It's more than just paying attention," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile towards Banak, "I guess we have all become thorns in the eyes of some people. For those fortified cities, the existence of our fantasy city is not such a wonderful thing. matter."

"Want to see you?"

"Can I see you?" Zhang Mengyu asked back, "I know they definitely won't come here with any good things, but oh, I want to see what they say, is it a threat or a lure?"

Although he knew that the other party must be looking for trouble, but as the owner of this fantasy city, Zhang Mengyu still needs to have some structure. He invited Vik to a hot pot restaurant, and the two of them opened a private room. It is Zhang Menglong's highest etiquette as the city lord.

Let’s not talk about whether this place is solemn enough, but it’s beyond the envy of many people to have a hearty meal of meat in this endless place.

"Come on, Lord Vik, let's chat while we eat the meat," Zhang Menglong took the initiative to place a dragon brain flower in the spicy pot.

"Brother Gu Xiao, this fantasy city of yours really opened my eyes. Compared with yours, my city of Rose is nothing but ruins."

"You can't say that," Zhang Menglong didn't listen to his flattery at all, "City of Rose has a long history, and its background is far incomparable to that of my fantasy city."

"Brother Gu Xiao, you also mentioned it. Your fantasy city is safe and rich in resources. My Rose City has a deep foundation and I have mastered the soul fragment inhibitor. If we can combine and develop together, wouldn't it be a win-win situation?"

"Oh? I'm all ears." Zhang Mengyu knew that Vic was about to make a move.

"I can bring all my team from Rose City to settle in your fantasy city, and I can handle the management. You are in charge of the business, and I am in charge of management. How about we split half of all the profits?"

Zhang Mengyu didn't expect that Vic's appetite would be so big, and he wanted to bring people directly into the fantasy city. This behavior was very similar to the operation of the great powers back then.

They first say they are here to help you, and when they gain a firm foothold, they start to turn against customers. At that time, no matter who they are, they will be caught off guard.

"The Lord of Vic is very calculating," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Do you want to cooperate, or do you want to annex my fantasy city?"

(End of this chapter)

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