I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1950 Why don't you pour me a cup of tea

Chapter 1950 Why don't you pour me a cup of tea

Long Sen sat cross-legged on the ground and began to adjust his breath, but because his strength and realm were blocked, this kind of healing speed is not fast, it can only have a drop in the bucket effect, but at least it can ease his injury a little Some.

"These bastards from the Divine Profound Palace have started to torment people again." The other direct disciples around were also wounded.

"Hmph, if they want to inquire about the inheritance of Yujian Villa from us, don't even think about it!"

"That's right, we at Yujian Villa are all strong men, and none of them are cowards who are afraid of death!"

The owner of Yujian Villa looked at Long Sen, his lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.He knew very well that all the inheritance of the ancient Yujian Villa belonged to Long Sen, but there were not many people in the whole Yujian Villa who knew about it, and most of them believed that those things must belong to the owner of Yujian Villa.

On weekdays, the two often study the inheritance of Yujian Villa in closed doors. In the eyes of outsiders, Long Sen is the most beloved personal disciple of the master of Yujian Villa. Sen took the tortured place covered in bruises, and sent him back with only one breath left.

"Damn it!" The owner of Yujian Villa really couldn't bear to see Long Sen's appearance, so he told Long Sen through soul transmission, "Sen'er, if you really can't bear it anymore, give them those things and keep them. The green hills are there, so we are not afraid of lack of firewood."

Long Sen looked at his teacher, with a miserable smile on his bloody face, and then shook his head, "Teacher, we won't be imprisoned here for too long, if my brother Gu Xiao knew about this, he would definitely Find a way to save us."

"Sen'er, this Gu Xiao entered the Endless Land three years ago, and you know what kind of place it is. He doesn't know whether he is alive or dead now. How can we pin our hopes on him?" The owner is also very helpless.

"Even if he can really come out and his strength has really increased, but after all, he is young and his foundation is weak. How can he deal with the Shenxuan Palace that is now in full swing?"

"Teacher, don't worry." Long Sen seemed to still have confidence in Zhang Mengyu, "I believe that even in the endless land, the Gu Xiao brothers can still turn danger into luck. Razed to the ground, since he said this, I believe he can do it."

"I hope he can really do it." The owner of Yujian Villa didn't know why Long Sen had such paranoid trust in Zhang Mengyu.


Yanyang Divine Kingdom, the vice-master Yinyun also came here under the assignment of the master.

Although his realm is at the same level as the emperor of the Yanyang Kingdom, his status is obviously much more noble than the latter. On the coming day, the fortresses on the border are all lined up with lanterns and festoons to welcome them.

Except for Yinyun, no one came to the Shenxuan Temple, because with the shackles of war, he alone represented a group of powerful top fighting forces.

When they heard the news of Zhang Mengyu's comeback, the people of Yanyang Divine Kingdom couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. Even Yinyun's coming here was not enough to bring them any sense of security.

Because the Thunder Breakthrough that year left a deep impression on them, and Zhang Mengyu's combat effectiveness and aggressiveness so far are even stronger than the Thunder Breakthrough back then.

But don't forget, if the master of the Shenxuan Palace was not born last, at least two deputy palace masters would have died in the entire Shenxuan Palace. Now the defensive power of the Yanyang Kingdom may not be able to stop Zhang Mengyu.

But when they saw the power of the shackles of war, they immediately gave up their original idea.

Double the strength of the wearer, and even share 100% of the power with 1 people, and share 50% of the power with 10 people!

Even among the ninth-rank warriors of the Dao Realm, Yin Yun is extremely strong, at least five or six times as strong as the ordinary ninth-rank warriors of the Dao Realm!After doubling his strength, his strength is already close to that of a martial artist at the peak of Dao Realm!

That means 10 peak fighters of the Dao realm, 100 fighters of the ninth rank of the Dao realm, and [-] million peak fighters of the eighth rank of the Dao realm who are close to the ninth rank of the Dao realm. Undoubtedly, how much stronger can Zhang Menglong be than him?
Singing and dancing all night, except for the team defending the city, everyone else fell into a dream.

"Where are people? Open the door and release the 12 super-power people who are locked here!"

A voice full of power resounded over the entire city under the spread of a wave of energy, and it is unknown how many people were awakened in their sleep.

"It's still noisy at this point, let people sleep?"

"Who dares to yell in my Yanyang Divine Kingdom?"

"Want to let go of someone with superpowers? You have so much courage, who dares to ask for someone!"

All the soldiers of the Yanyang Divine Kingdom cheered up immediately, waiting for orders at any time, and those more senior officers, etc., all ran to the gate of the city cursing, including Yin Yun, Zhang's hazy voice, He recognized that, after all, on the list of rewards offered by Shenxuan Palace, Zhang Menglong is definitely the top class, and his voice has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Shenxuan Palace member.

Yin Yun appeared on the city wall in an instant, and saw Zhang Menglong floating in the air alone, with more than 8000 youths wearing Sunset Sect costumes behind him. Come here and yell twice to vent your emotions.

"Gu Xiao, you are so brave, you actually dare to come to my Yanyang Divine Kingdom and yell!" the leader of Yanyang Divine Kingdom angrily yelled at Zhang Mengyu.

"Why don't you dare?" Zhang Mengyu shrugged. "The other superpowers are imprisoned here, right? Let them all go. If you take the initiative to release them yourself, we won't make too much trouble. Although you are the lackeys of Shenxuan Palace, you are also regarded as non-staff lackeys, I have a clear distinction between public and private, and I am too lazy to trouble you."

Hearing the word "running dog", the head of the Yanyang Divine Kingdom blushed immediately. Although this is a fact, there is no need to say it. He doesn't want to lose face?

"They're here, come and save them if you have the ability!" He also confronted each other, "Just because you people want to come to me to save people, aren't you a little too naive!"

Following this voice, figures appeared from the Kingdom of Yanyang, and then gathered behind the lord, there were more than [-] Dao realm warriors!
"That's it?" Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "The strongest is only Dao Economy Rank [-], which is not enough for us to fight. If you have any skills, why don't you use them together!"

"Gu Xiao, you are too arrogant!" Yin Yun also appeared at this time, "I know you can fight, although your people are only at the peak of spiritual cultivation, but their strength is comparable to the eighth stage of Dao realm, you defeated the wind I've heard about them."

"When you hear that, why don't you pour me a cup of tea quickly and let me go?"

"Huh!" Yin Yun snorted coldly, "These people are still far behind in saving people from our Yanyang Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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