Chapter 1951
"Hmph!" Yin Yun snorted coldly, "Gu Xiao, with these people alone, you want to save people from our Yanyang Kingdom, don't you think you look down on us too much?"

Yin Yun, who has obtained the shackles of war, seems to have won at this moment. In his opinion, as long as he sacrifices the shackles of war, these people brought by Zhang Mengyu are simply vulnerable.

"No, no, no, I still think highly of you," Zhang Meng smiled, "It's just that the friends I called went to have breakfast, and those of us came to check on the situation first."

The corner of Yin Yun's mouth twitched, does this count as respecting them?If you come to save people, you have to have breakfast first. Aren't you afraid that these people will be killed first before this Yanyang Divine Kingdom?Or are they just here to show off?

"Gu Xiao, I know you are a tough guy, but if you want to use this method to damage the aura of my Shenxuan Palace, you are too underestimating us."

"Ah, I was discovered by you!" Zhang Mengyu's group suddenly laughed uproariously, "We are here to attack your aura, but you have already discovered it, so I have nothing to do, I can only wait for my large army to come over and then wait for me to come back." Forced you to surrender."

In fact, where did the others go to have breakfast? It's just that Zhang Menglong's spaceship is faster. According to the speed of others, it will take another hour or two to arrive.

"Let me give you a chance," Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Just hand him over, and I won't bother you Yanyang Kingdom, and there is no need for everyone to fight each other with corpses everywhere."

Yin Yun didn't take Zhang Mengyu's words to heart at all. In his opinion, Zhang Mengyu was just uttering harsh words. If he had the ability, there was no need to waste time here, just drive straight in.

"Why? Don't you want to?" Zhang Mengyu shrugged his shoulders, "There is no way, since you are stubborn, then we can only solve it directly by force in a while. Before that, let's have breakfast!"

"Eat... breakfast?" Yin Yun's face twitched again. At this time, he was still in the mood to have breakfast?

However, after a while, Zhang Mengyu's group actually sat down and started cooking with no one else around. They didn't come to fight the poison at all.It was for a picnic.

"Boss, what are you eating today?"

"Today eat Olong raw wagyu porridge!"

"Boss, what's the difference between Aolong and Bolong?"

"Why do you have so many questions? Boss needs you to talk nonsense when he cooks and eats?"

"That's right! Just prepare your stomach and eat it. There are not many opportunities for the boss to make it himself. After this village, there will be no such shop."

"I'm already hungry!"


Soon, the fragrance permeated in front of the Yanyang Divine Kingdom military fortress, and all the soldiers couldn't help sniffing. Just by the smell, they knew that the thing in front of them must be very delicious.

"Come on, this may be their conspiracy!" Although Yin Yun was almost attracted by the smell, he immediately became vigilant. Zhang Mengyu's behavior is definitely a conspiracy. The way they let their guard down!
Maybe those people under him are ambushing somewhere, ready to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack when they relax their vigilance, and then give them a fatal blow.

It's just that they don't know enough about Zhang Mengyu. He really just wants to disgust the people from the Shenxuan Palace and the Yanyang Kingdom.

After breakfast, they started having morning tea together as if no one else was there. They even fought a landlord and played a few rounds of mahjong.

The people in Shenxuan Temple maintained a high degree of vigilance during this time. The more relaxed Zhang Mengyu and others were, the more dangerous they felt, and they almost became frightened birds.

"He's playing with us!" Yin Yun finally confirmed the fact, "Since there are only a few of you, don't blame me for being rude!"

Yin Yun knew that these people had already practiced the third level of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue. On the surface, they were only at the peak of spiritual cultivation, but their real combat power was close to the eighth stage of the Dao Realm!
As for the entire Yanyang Divine Kingdom, he and the current lord were at the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation, and there were only a few dozen people at the eighth rank of spiritual cultivation. Relying on them, they are definitely not the opponents of these Sunset Sect disciples.

He took out the shackles of war without hesitation, and crushed the crystal ball of CCB.


A force from ancient times awakened from the crystal ball, and a set of plain armor floated in front of Yin Yun. The helmet, shoulder armor, breastplate, armguards, knee pads, and combat boots, in this armor, there seemed to be One by one, the images of God of War are faintly visible.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

All the armor parts immediately gathered on Yin Yun's body as if they had automatic induction. With the flow of an ancient God of War breath, a phantom slowly merged into his body, and then the breath on his body instantly almost Soared to the peak of Dao Realm!

It seems that not only the improvement of strength, Yinyun's eyes have also changed, it is a God of War attitude that has gone through killings and is invincible in the world, no one has ever seen such sharp eyes.

"Good guy, the armor fits together, right?"

"Armored warrior?"

"It's pretty handsome!"

The disciples of the Setting Sun Sect looked at the armor with excited eyes. This thing is not only powerful, but also looks very handsome.

"Gu Xiao, didn't you think that the war shackles of the God of War Palace actually gave me the strength of the peak of the Dao Realm, and it can even share 1% of my power with [-] people, you and your people, how can you help me? what?"

With Yinyun's order, [-] warriors from Yanyang Kingdom flew out from the inside of the fortress. Yinyun slapped the armor with a slap, and suddenly [-] shallow silk threads split from the central part of the breastplate Go out and project it on the [-] warriors.

The silk thread on their bodies was like a row of 3D printers, projecting the shape of the shackles of war on them, and then their strength also began to skyrocket, almost reaching the same level as Yin Yun.

[-] martial artists at the peak of the Dao realm, that force shrouded the entire fortress under coercion.

"I'll go, it's really awesome!"

"Why are you standing still, applaud!"

"I'll pay five yuan, can you change it again for me to see, the country people have never seen such a cool picture."

"My day, is it really so silky?"

Seeing this scene, not only did the disciples of the Falling Sun Sect not show the slightest expression of fear, they even became a little excited.

"Here we come!" Zhang Menglong raised his head and looked towards the sky, and a group of fleets appeared at the entrance of the Yanyang Kingdom. As the hatch opened, a large group of warriors gathered behind Zhang Menglong.

"Master Yinyun, more than 2700 million Dao realm-level powers have been detected!"

Yinyun immediately heard the data collected by the personnel in charge of testing.

"2700 million?" Yinyun was stunned because he had the shackles of war, and his scalp was still a little numb seeing so many Dao realm warriors, "Where did he know so many Dao realm warriors?"

"No...the whole continent, where are there so many Dao realm warriors?"

(End of this chapter)

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