I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1979 The end of the world

Chapter 1979 The end of the world

【Dean, I got the news that the collapse of the human world has stopped, and the three worlds have completely entered a state of balance. 】

"Well," Zhang Menglong breathed a sigh of relief. After completing this task, the world of the human race can sit back and relax, and his mission of coming to the world of the god race this time can be regarded as truly fulfilled.

If he hadn't had a conflict with Shenxuan Temple this time, and just rescued Li Yang from the sin prison, otherwise he probably still can't find where these two doors are.

"Thank you, Mr. Li Yang, for bringing me to this place. This really solved a big problem for me," Zhang Menglong thanked sincerely.

"Brother Mengwu is too polite, I just lead the way, and nothing happened," Li Yang said, "It can be considered a very meaningful thing if it can help you solve your troubles."

"Brother Menglong, since the matter here has been resolved, do you want to go back now?" Gu Xiao also knew just now that Zhang Menglong came from another human race world, and now that the material energy of several worlds has reached a balance, there is no point for him to stay here any longer.

"There's no rush to go back," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Anyway, everything has been settled, and I'm not in a hurry. I'm very interested in this door now."

Zhang Mengyu cast his gaze on the door in the middle, "I think there must be a very interesting place on the other side of this door."

One of the two doors on the side leads to the world of the human race, and the other leads to the world of the demon race. The door in the middle will inevitably lead to another world besides these three worlds.

Moreover, Zhang Menglong took a look at this door. The patterns and patterns on it were obviously much more complicated than the other two doors, and one could even feel at a glance that among the three doors, this one was different from the other two.

"I want to explore there, maybe it's a very interesting place."

"Brother Misty, I advise you not to be impulsive, it's better to think twice before doing this kind of thing."

"What? Is there any problem?" Zhang Meng looked at Li Yang.

"The reason why I left a mark here was so that one day my strength would improve and I could go to the other end of that door to have a look," Li Yang said, "Because when I first came into contact with this door, my intuition told me that once I opened the door, I might die."

Li Yang was already in the Dao realm at that time, and spent hundreds of millions of years in this world, but he still couldn't find a way to transcend the Dao realm. Maybe there is a brand new world behind this door, and there might be a way there.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

But what makes Li Yang desperate is that after so many years, although he has been imprisoned for a long time, no matter his strength or other conditions, he is much stronger than before.

This also fully demonstrated one thing, even if his strength has been greatly improved compared with that of the past, the other side of the door is still an unattainable world for him, and even if he goes there now, it will be full of dangers.

"Brother Mengwu, I advise you to think twice about this matter. The other end of this door must be an unknown world. It is too dangerous to go there rashly."

"That's right, big cousin, senior Li Yang must have his intentions when he said that, why don't you think about it again?" Gu Xiao also assumed his identity as a cousin.

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure of. Since I dare to go there, I must be confident. You don't have to worry about me too much." Zhang Mengyu walked directly towards that door.

That's all Zhang Mengyu said, and the others have nothing to persuade. Just now, Gu Xiao also knew through the chat with Zhang Mengyu that he originally came from another world, and it seems a very reasonable thing to travel around in different worlds.

This door must lead to a new world, but what kind of world is that?This can't help but make Zhang Menglong full of expectations.

Zhang Mengyu put a hand on the door, and immediately got some information in his brain.

This door is called the "Ultimate Door"!
Zhang Mengyu had already thought about why the human world, the demon world, and the god world belonged to the same world at the beginning, but why were they blocked by three gates later?Who created these three doors, and what is their purpose?

Does this mean that there is a higher world above these three worlds?
The existence of this door seems to have confirmed Zhang Mengyu's conjecture.

Now he has almost understood the end of life evolution, so the other side of this gate should also be the end of the world, right?
"I'll go over there to have a look. If there is destiny, we will meet again in the future," Zhang Mengyu said to Gu Xiao, "Gu Xiao, you have been away from the Yanlan Empire for a long time, it's time to go back to your hometown, and there is a beautiful wife who is still waiting for you to consummate the house!"

"Ah? Wife? Consummate the house?" Gu Xiao was stunned for a moment, Zhang Mengyu didn't tell him this just now.

But he probably guessed that Zhang Menglong must have married this wife with his own body, so what kind of thing is this?
"Don't worry, your wife is still a big girl, I am not only helpful, but also very bottom-line!" Zhang Mengyu finished the last sentence, and he pushed open the door hard.

When a light appears, everyone feels differently.

Li Yang and the others were afraid, as if there was something extremely dangerous in that world, as long as they entered there, they would be crushed to pieces.

Gu Xiaoze was a little better, although his body still trembled a little, but this kind of trembling was fear mixed with excitement.

As for Zhang Mengyu, besides excitement, he has no other emotions.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Zhang Meng left a voice and disappeared into the gate.

"It's a long way!" Unlike before, when Zhang Menglong crossed the world, he would have some very special feelings, such as his body being torn apart, his body falling, and so on.

But this time, on the other side of the door, there was actually a snow-white passage. At the end of the passage, there was a radiant light, and the place he was going to was the end of that radiant light.

【Dean, this should be the end of the world, a real most complete, most primitive, and top-notch world. 】

"Really? I thought this world was it."

[Yes, because I feel a lot of familiar atmosphere, you should be able to find a lot of acquaintances here. 】

"Acquaintances?" Zhang Mengyu was startled, "The ones you're talking about shouldn't be my ancestors, right?"

【you are right!Hey, it must be very exciting for people from the old Zhang family to be in this world! 】

(End of this chapter)

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