I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1980 Me!Emperor Qin Shihuang!

Chapter 1980 Me!Emperor Qin Shihuang!

Finally, that ray of light finally appeared in front of his eyes, and he stepped in. A new world, Zhang Menglong, was coming!

"I'm going! Why do you feel this way again!" Unsurprisingly, another accident happened when going to a new world. Zhang Menglong seemed to fall into the endless void, exactly the same as when he first came to this world of the Protoss.

"Amitabha, don't smash people to death again this time!" Zhang Mengyu prayed silently in his heart, hoping that there would be no more unlucky people like Gu Xiao.

Zhang Mengyu only felt that his body was slammed into an extremely hard place, and there were many chirping sounds in his ears. He was sure that there must be many people around him at this time, but his impact raised a large cloud of smoke and dust, and he couldn't see the people around him for the time being.

Zhang Mengyu checked his body, and there seemed to be no problem with this fall. The spatial strength of this place is more than 500 times that of the Protoss world, and the energy is so abundant that it is unbelievable. Any place he has been to can hardly compare with this place.

"Sure enough, it is a supreme world, and the difference between it and the Protoss world is so different. It must be a more exciting world, right?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

【Dean, can you see how your body has changed from before? ] Goudan suddenly reminded him.

"Change?" Zhang Meng was puzzled, but then he discovered one thing, his originally inexhaustible life force has become limited, and the infinite life span also has a number at this moment...

"My life level has dropped? It's not right...it doesn't seem to be..."

[The level of this world is too high. Even if a two-dimensional creature comes to the three-dimensional world, he suddenly finds that he can see many things that he couldn't see before. The same is true for the dean now. 】

Zhang Mengyu crawled out of that pit, the most important thing now is to figure out what kind of place he is in.

"That person came out!"

"We haven't had a newcomer here for a long time!"

"Yeah, I don't know which world I came here from."

"Is the leader here?"

"It's already on the way, he will be very happy!"

"It's just one person, what's there to be happy about? It doesn't help our current situation at all. Is it necessary for the leader to come here in person?"

"It's different. This person was calculated by the leader. He can change our current situation. Don't you believe in the leader?"

"Just him? He looks thin and small. Can he change our current situation? It's good that he can survive by himself in this place!"


Zhang Menglong had just crawled out of the pit, and there should be dozens of people around, but these people did not go up to talk to Zhang Menglong directly, but chatted with each other, Goudan was still analyzing their language, Zhang Menglong seemed to be doing English listening at the sixth level.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Zhang Mengyu simply began to observe the surroundings, but to his disappointment, this was not a world full of civilization as he had imagined. Not only were there no high-rise buildings here, nor was there such an imposing sect organization, he seemed to have come to a slum.

The sky here is a strange dark red, surrounded by thick walls, he seems to be trapped in a square box, the first feeling this world gives him is oppression.

Inside this city wall, there are some very rough residences, which should be piled up with some ready-made materials. Their function is only to block people's sight, and at most they can also shelter from wind and rain.

"There is still farmland?" Zhang Meng looked around, and there were some things similar to wheat planted in the distance.

At this time, Zhang Menglong's stomach growled, and he realized that he was actually hungry!

He has not experienced this feeling for a long time. After his life level has evolved to a certain level, he no longer needs to maintain his body's energy through food intake. Its only function is to satisfy his appetite.

This almost shows that the current him is just an ordinary person with a slightly stronger strength, a slightly thicker vitality, and a slightly longer lifespan!He wants to survive, and he also needs to eat and drink Lazard!

"God's boat!" Zhang Mengyu tried to communicate with the god's boat, but he couldn't have any contact with it, as if he was completely in two worlds. It seemed that the existence of this world had surpassed the scope of the god's boat.

"The leader is here!" Just when Zhang Mengyu was wondering where this place was, a middle-aged man walked out from the crowd.

When Zhang Mengyu turned to him, for some reason, there was a feeling of familiarity and deja vu.

If you put it among the people on earth, this middle-aged man is still a burly figure. He has a beard on his face and wears a very unique headgear to fix his long hair. This kind of headgear actually has some headgears that look like ancient Chinese emperors.

The clothes on his body are also mostly golden, and there are some totems similar to dragons, and this dragon is the Huaxia dragon that Zhang Meng has seen the most!
"What's the situation? Met a fellow countryman?" When Zhang Mengyu saw this person, the clearest feeling was a kind of intimacy. Although this person was full of a sense of distance and majesty that strangers should not get close to, it did not conceal that kind of intimacy.

"Earthlings?" Zhang Mengyu asked cautiously, Goudan had already helped him complete the analysis of these languages ​​just now.

"Earth?" The middle-aged man froze for a moment, as if he was unfamiliar with this term.

"Blue Star people?" Zhang Mengyu asked again. When humans had the concept of the universe, many people called the earth like this.

Sure enough, upon hearing this word, a smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, which offset some of his majesty.

"The probability of meeting Blue Star people here is too low, but I have predicted that you will come to this place a long time ago."

"Really?" Zhang Mengyu had to be a little taller than the middle-aged man in front of him, who could have the ability to predict, even if it was a very superficial one, it was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Although I don't know you, maybe you know me," said the middle-aged man. "When I left Blue Star, I should be quite famous. If that period of history hadn't been covered up, I think my reputation would even be great."

"My name is Zhang Mengyu. I don't know what the name of this big brother is?" Since he left the earth earlier than Zhang Mengyu, he can be regarded as a senior big brother, maybe he is still a person of the same era as Zhang Mengyu's ancestors.

"My name is Ying Zheng, from Qin."

"Ying... Yingzheng?" Zhang's hazy eyes stared round, "Qin Shihuang? Now he's scammed to this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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