Chapter 1982 Survival Game
"My Great Qin is dead?" Ying Zheng looked disappointed. He always thought that his Great Qin Empire would continue to prosper and even rule the entire Blue Star. He learned that Great Qin was dead from Zhang Mengyu's mouth, which made him a little hard to accept for a while.

"Impossible. I have tens of thousands of great Qin cavalry. I have already wiped out Taihe and swept across the wilderness. Who can threaten my Great Qin Empire? Could it be those barbarians in the north?"

"That's not true," Zhang Mengyu said, "The fighting power of the Great Qin Empire is still strong. If it can continue to develop and reach the West, maybe the Great Wall is European-style. Maybe the Statue of Liberty will be built in Great Qin. Maybe we don't have to learn English when we are in elementary school!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Mengyu suddenly felt that it was not bad for the Great Qin to rule the world. After all, after Qin Shihuang ascended the throne, he directly unified the currency, unified writing and unified measurement.

When people from the SLR and the West came to do things, the Daqin Iron Cavalry killed them directly, and the world was united, and the students only needed to learn Chinese.

And there will no longer be so many messy histories in the world, and liberal arts students don't need to suffer from those broken histories.

"Then how did my Daqin perish?"

"Your son named Hu Hai and the eunuch Zhao Gao took control of the government, causing the entire Qin people to complain. It didn't take long for the descendants of those princes to start an uprising. They were finally replaced by a pavilion chief named Liu Bang at the Sishui Pavilion, and the Han Dynasty was established."

"Hu Hai's grandson!" Hearing this, Ying Zheng couldn't help scolding his son for cheating.

They were all richer than the third generation, but now, the second generation has not survived.

"No, I issued an imperial edict to let my son Fu Su succeed to the throne. Why did he become Hu Hai in the end?"

"It's not your courtiers," Zhang Mengyu said, "They all set up various parties to seek benefits for their own parties. If Su succeeds to the throne, according to his talents and conduct, they will naturally not allow these things to happen. Naturally, they don't want to see that scene."

"These damn bastards!" Ying Zheng began to curse again, "The great foundation I built has been ruined like this. If I knew it, I would have shot this cheater on the wall."

The corner of Zhang Mengyu's mouth twitched, and he didn't know when Ying Zheng was so good at cursing.

"And then?" After all, thousands of years have passed, Ying Zheng adjusted his emotions a little, and gradually regained his composure.

"For the next 2000 years, I, Huaxia, have suffered a lot of misfortune," Zhang Menglong gave Ying Zheng a very vivid history lesson, and the latter's expression became complicated as he listened.

In Yingzheng's heart, he is the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he has already regarded this country as his own private property, but after hearing that he was devastated by the flames of war, his anger burned again.

"Hmph! If I hadn't left Blue Star, when would it be the turn of those small places to get involved?" Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "If I was still on Blue Star at that time, I would sink those small countries to the bottom and kill them all!"

"What? Killed 30 of my people? When I go back one day, I have to kill 3000 million to vent my anger!"

"It's true that everything has come to bully the land of my descendants of Daqin. If I hadn't had a new pursuit goal back then, I would have made my cavalry flatten the entire Blue Star, and let Daqin's flag fly in every corner!"

"You are still domineering!" Zhang Menglong gave a thumbs up. According to Ying Zheng's personality, he is absolutely capable of doing those things. After all, the establishment of Daqin also came from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. He killed more people than Zhang Menglong ate.

Zhang Mengyu and Ying Zheng chatted a lot. If the people around them hadn't reminded them that they had chatted for a long time, I'm afraid they would have to continue chatting.

Zhang Mengyu also learned that Yingzheng has been very bumpy in the past 2000 years. It can be said that danger is accompanied by opportunities. Many times he fell into the situation of narrow escape, but he survived in the end.

He has also experienced some of the worlds that Zhang Mengyu has experienced, but he did not come here from the world of the Protoss. He originally became the master of an empire in a small world, but by chance, he found a gate, and he also came here through a gate.

According to his description, that door is almost exactly the same as the one opened by Zhang Menglong. Zhang Menglong boldly guessed that there are probably a lot of doors, and they are distributed in different worlds. Only those with great opportunities and great courage have the opportunity to come here.

"So, brother Yingzheng, what exactly is this place?" Zhang Menglong has not figured out where he is until now, "When I touched that door, it told me that this is a supreme world, but it doesn't look like it!"

"We all thought so," Ying Zheng said, "but we were all too naive. The highest world is so easy to reach."

"You mean, this is not the Supreme World?"

"Of course not," Ying Zheng sighed, "This is just the entrance to the Supreme World. I have stayed here for 127 years. Do you know how I survived these 127 years?"

"Entrance? This is a very novel term." Zhang Mengyu said.

"Here, it is simply a game created by the Supreme World," Ying Zheng said, "Did you know? In this place, besides us, there are many characters established by the rules of this world."

"Huh?" Zhang Meng didn't notice this point, but only now did he realize that there was a person standing in front of a decent house not far away.

Almost everyone else here gathered around Ying Zheng, only he seemed out of place.

"You can try to talk to him," Ying Zheng said.

Zhang Mengyu was a little puzzled, but still walked in front of the man, "Hello?"

The man glanced at Zhang Mengyu and said, "Young man, do you want to buy something from me?"

After saying this, a product list appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu's eyes.

"??? NPC?" Zhang Mengyu asked in surprise, this person actually looks like a plot character in a game!
There are all kinds of materials in the product list, such as food, building materials, medicine, metal, etc., as long as you can name things, you can buy them here.

Everything is purchased with a fixed currency called the Supreme Coin.

"As you can see," Ying Zheng said, "this world is like a game. We are just players in this game, and an invisible hand controls everything. Welcome to this survival game!"

(End of this chapter)

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