I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1983 We are waiting for you in the supreme world

Chapter 1983 We are waiting for you in the supreme world

Zhang Mengyu was stunned in place. He clearly wanted to go to the so-called supreme world, but why did he somehow end up in a world that looked like a game?Where is the real supreme world?How can we get there?

"Misty, look over there." Ying Zheng pointed to the distance.

Zhang Menglong looked in the direction Ying Zheng was pointing at, and there was a huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky, and it couldn't see the end, as if it pierced the sky and projected into another world.

"The other end of the beam of light is the real supreme world!" Ying Zheng said, "As long as you enter that beam of light, it will transport you to that world."

"That beam of light shouldn't be so easy to enter, right?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Of course," Ying Zheng explained, "there is a very powerful person guarding the beam of light. That person is the same as the existence of these plot characters, but the meaning of his existence is to guard the beam of light. Only when certain requirements are met can he allow you to enter the beam of light. Otherwise, even if you are at the limit of the Tao, you will not be able to step into the beam of light."

"Then how can I enter?" Zhang Mengyu asked again.

"1 million supreme coins!" Ying Zheng raised a finger, "or 100 supreme crystals!"

"It doesn't sound like a lot," Zhang Meng frowned, "How can I get those Supreme Coins or Supreme Crystals?"

"There are many ways," Ying Zheng said, "Beyond this city wall, there are countless monsters. Those monsters are just like the monsters in the game. As long as you kill them, you can get certain high coins."

"Fighting monsters and exploding gold coins?" Zhang Mengyu was also a little dumbfounded, this has become a real-life game, "Is the explosion rate high?"

"Explosion rate?" Ying Zheng didn't play online games much, so he couldn't understand these terms at all.

"Oh, what about the return?"

"Very low," Ying Zheng said, "Killing an ordinary monster in the Dao realm can only drop 1-100 Supreme Coins. Even a monster with the limit of the Dao Realm can only drop two or three thousand Supreme Coins at most! There are stronger monsters, but we are not able to deal with them at all. I am afraid that those monsters have surpassed the Dao realm."

"That doesn't seem like a lot," Zhang Meng was puzzled, "It's only 1 million to high coins, how can you get it by killing a few million monsters? Is this difficult?"

"Of course it's not difficult!" Ying Zheng said, "but the rules of this world have become very strange. Although the air is full of energy, this energy can only help warriors practice. If it is used to adjust breath or restore the passing energy of the body, the efficiency is extremely low! Including injuries, your body's self-healing ability will be greatly reduced!"

"You put it this way..." Zhang Mengyu moved his arms. Just now he fell from the sky and hit the ground. Although he would not have broken his arms and legs, pain in his waist and legs is still inevitable. It is reasonable to say that his body can recover in an instant from this kind of trauma, but now he still has some faint soreness.

"If you want to restore your injuries or your energy, you must buy some special potions from the plot characters in these worlds." Ying Zheng took out two small test tubes, one red and one blue. "The red one can help you recover from your injuries, and the blue one can help you quickly recover your energy."

"My day..." Zhang Mengyu couldn't complain anymore. Why did the red and blue bottles come out? This really turned into a complete game world.

"The value of these things is very high," Ying Zheng said, "Both of these two medicines have reached 500 high coins per bottle. When your physical strength is exhausted, energy is exhausted or you are seriously injured, you can only buy these things."

"Also, the food needed to sustain life must also be purchased from them, and those who rest in this place and rely on this tall wall to block monsters also need to pay Supreme Coins. To build various residences here, you also need Supreme Coins. Here, as long as you have enough Supreme Coins, you can do everything you want!"

"Indeed..." Zhang Mengyu was still looking at the list of items sold by that npc, and actually sold them with a power close to that of the different flames, probably 30% of the power of the weakest different flames, and the price exceeded 10 billion to high coins!

With these high coins, I can take 10 people out of this ghost place. Ying Zheng and others are also very surprised. Is there anyone who can save as many high coins?
He has stayed here for more than 100 years, and he has not saved 1 million Supreme Coins, because he also has to practice, and those cultivation resources must be purchased through Supreme Coins. Only by becoming stronger can he hunt more monsters and earn more Supreme Coins.

But this is like an endless loop, it seems endless, and even many people have died in the process!
If you really think that these 1 million high coins can be saved easily, you are simply too naive.

First of all, there is no way to give high coins to each other. Once this happens, the high coins will disappear directly, as if it is just a string of data.

So there is no such thing as someone who has absolute strength and then gathers a group of younger brothers to make money for him.

Of course, if the supplies were purchased with high coins, they could be gifted. This is how Yingzheng won the leadership of the survival base.

In the more than 100 years since Yingzheng came to this world, of course, many people are about to save this sum of high coins. After all, many people have stayed here for tens of thousands of years, and they can always save enough. But often at this time, there will always be some very outrageous accidents.

For example, when Ying Zheng first came here, there was a strong man who was about to save 1 million high coins, but when he went to teleport, he met a monster that surpassed the Dao Realm on the way and killed him directly.

There was also a large area of ​​natural disasters and so on. In order to resist these disasters, the highest coins in everyone's hands also dropped sharply.

It seems that this ghost place is trying its best to exploit every supreme coin in your possession, but try to save your life as much as possible.

"Good guy, so ruthless?" Zhang Menglong was shocked for a whole year after hearing it, "Is there anyone who successfully climbed that beam of light?"

"Of course there is," Ying Zheng said, "it was decades ago, I don't remember how long ago, it seems like a man and a woman, some people say they are a couple, they spent a month here and accumulated countless supreme coins and even supreme crystals, under the envious eyes of everyone, they went to the supreme world."

"A man and a woman, decades ago?" Zhang Mengyu had a bold idea, the man and the woman, could they be his parents?
【Dean, I received a message from your parents! ] Goudan suddenly reminded.

"Oh?" Zhang Mengyu was taken aback. He hadn't heard from his parents for a long time.

Zhang Mengyu clicked, the content of the message was very simple.

"Son, have you arrived at the entrance of the Supreme World? We sensed it. You have fun over there. It is a good place! If possible, get more Supreme Crystals. We are waiting for you in the Supreme World!"

(End of this chapter)

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