Chapter 1984 Supreme Crystal
"My day, this man and woman can't really be them, right?" After reading this news, Zhang Menglong is almost 90% sure that the people Ying Zheng said are his parents.

It is estimated that not only his parents, but also many ancestors are playing in that supreme world.

"I want to see what's interesting here." Since Zhang Menglong's parents can complete this task in a short time to enter the Supreme World, it should not be difficult for Zhang Menglong.

As for why they asked themselves to get more supreme crystals, Zhang Mengyu didn't quite understand, but there was always nothing wrong with doing so.

"Brother Yingzheng, please tell me more carefully!" Zhang Mengyu still wanted to collect more information about this world.

"Well," Ying Zheng nodded, "Actually, there are many ways to earn high coins. Not only can you drop them from killing monsters, but you can also get various tasks, and you can get rewards according to the difficulty of the tasks."

"After killing a monster, there is also a very low probability of obtaining some materials from the monster. These materials can sometimes be exchanged for quite generous high coins."

"Where do I go to get the mission?" Zhang Mengyu asked again, because within this high wall, there seemed to be only one NPC-like character.

"Many," Ying Zheng said, "We call these characters regular characters. Outside this high wall, there are many such regular characters. Some of them are in fixed positions, and some of them are erratic. You can occasionally get some tasks from them."

"Their missions are often very rewarding," Yingzheng added. "For example, I once received a mission to collect monster unicorns. It took me half a year to kill more than 2000 monsters of that kind before I finally dropped a unicorn, but I got 10 high coins at once!"

"It's really exactly the same as the game," Zhang Mengyu sighed.

"Isn't it?" Ying Zheng said with a smile, "There's something even more amazing. Sometimes those ruled characters will give you some special rewards after you complete the task, such as weapons, such as martial arts skills. The power of the things they give is not comparable to the skills and martial arts we practice."

"This sounds like a skill task and a hidden job task in the game." Zhang Menglong also liked playing games very much before. After hearing this introduction, he also had a preliminary understanding of this world.

He even dared to say that the world that Ying Zheng and others understand is only very one-sided. There are still many things in this world worth exploring. No wonder his parents let him have fun.

"By the way, brother Yingzheng, the supreme currency can be said to be the currency in circulation here, so what is the supreme crystal?" Zhang Menglong's parents specially emphasized the importance of the supreme crystal to Zhang Menglong.

"To be honest, I don't know what it is," Ying Zheng said, "Only when killing monsters or performing missions, there is a very small chance of getting the Supreme Crystal."

"I don't know what it does?" Zhang Meng was stunned for a moment, "Is it so mysterious?"

"I only know that its value is very high. 1 Supreme Crystal can be exchanged for 1000 million Supreme Coins." Ying Zheng glanced at Zhang's dim expression, "It's strange, isn't it? Obviously only 1 million Supreme Coins or 100 Supreme Crystals are needed, only a million times the difference."

"Yes." Zhang Mengyu nodded. Is there a bug in the rules of this world, or is it that the creator of this world is not good at mathematics?

"Actually, there is nothing strange about it, because one Supreme Crystal can be exchanged for 1000 million Supreme Coins, but it is impossible to exchange 1000 million Supreme Coins for one Supreme Crystal. Its exchange is irreversible."

"So, this thing is really valuable." Zhang Mengyu thought about it, "It seems that this supreme crystal is useless in this place, and it may have some use in that supreme world."

"That's what I speculate," Ying Zheng said, "so I try to collect it as much as possible, but so far, I have saved 4200 million supreme coins, and I only got two supreme crystals."

"Can you show me?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Of course." Ying Zheng was not afraid of Zhang Mengyu running away with his things, and it was obvious that Zhang Mengyu was just curious.

This Supreme Crystal is very small, only about the size of a soybean, and has the shape of a carefully cut diamond.But it is extremely heavy, just such a small piece, even has a weight of several tons.

The shell of the supreme crystal seems to have the function of isolation. Through the thin shell outside, Zhang Menglong seems to be able to see a starry sky stored inside.

"Goudan, can you analyze the composition and use of this Supreme Crystal?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

[The composition of this outer shell is relatively complex, and its strength is very high. It is difficult to destroy below the ultimate life form, but there is nothing special about it. As for the inside, it seems to be a solid state. 】

"Solid law?" Zhang Mengyu knows that laws are everywhere, but he can't see or touch them, so he can only feel them. What is this solid law?
[I'm not too sure about this. These laws are stored in a solid form by some kind of power. This is not something that ordinary power can do. The Supreme World is probably quite interesting. 】

"I've said a little bit, but not much," Zhang Menglong curled his lips, but obviously, he still needs to explore the role of the supreme crystal by himself.

"I'm a little hungry," Zhang Menglong's stomach suddenly started to growl. He wanted to take some food out of his storage space, but just as soon as he took it in his hand, these things turned into powder and disappeared.

"This..." Zhang Mengyu was at a loss for a moment.

"In this place, all things outside the rules are prohibited, including the elixirs you have refined yourself, unless you use Supreme Coins to buy medicines for refining, but you must also buy all alchemy equipment here!"

"In other words, people who come here really can't leave anything behind except for this suit of clothes?"

"Hahaha," Ying Zheng laughed, "You are so naive. Even this clothes were disintegrated by the power of rules the moment you entered this world. What you have on you is just generated by the rules of this world."

"My day!" Zhang Mengyu was speechless for a moment, this place is even more outrageous than the Endless Land, isn't he a penniless pauper now?

"Are you hungry?" Ying Zheng threw some food over, "You just arrived here today, so I treat you to a meal. From tomorrow onwards, you have to work hard on your own!"

"Thank you, brother Yingzheng!" Zhang Menglong hadn't felt the experience of hunger for a long time, and was not used to it for a while.

The thing that Ying Zheng threw over seemed to be some kind of meat, which he probably ate when he was the emperor on Earth.

"Under normal circumstances, an ordinary Taoist warrior needs 20-30 high coins a day to buy enough food," Ying Zheng said, "That means you have to kill two or three Taoist monsters to get enough to eat. In fact, it is not easy to live here."

"Dog? Is it dead?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

【Dean, have you forgotten a special skill you learned?The skill of management is here, isn't it killing people indiscriminately? 】

(End of this chapter)

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