I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2089 Everyone here is waiting to be beaten.

Chapter 2089 Everyone here is waiting to be beaten.

"The fifth auction item, the ultimate war fortress!" Ignoring Zhang Mengyu's blurted out price of 100 billion supreme crystals, No. [-] continued to introduce this new thing.

This is an auction item that has never appeared in history, and has never appeared in the hands of any race. It is a huge battleship with a length of more than 2 meters. The entire body is made of an unknown type of metal. To the naked eye, Almost all visible places are weapons and muzzles.

"That's..." Zhang Mengyu saw a familiar thing on this ultimate war fortress, "Super Cannon!"

No, not one, but a dense row!
On this ultimate war fortress, the super cannon was actually made into a very regular and standardized weapon!
It is located on both sides of this ultimate war fortress. At a rough count, the number reaches thousands!A super god cannon can blast open the door of a lower race, and even injure a second-level guardian beast. The firepower network formed by thousands of super god cannons is enough to turn it into an extremely lethal weapon. Mobile firepower arsenal!

"This ultimate war fortress comes from the Mecha civilization. They used the power of the entire race and exhausted more than 80% of their resources to make this ultimate war fortress. Relying on its power, they dominated 12 races of war for hegemony!"

"Is the Mecha civilization the race that is known as the most powerful technological civilization in history?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself. As far as he knows, weapons such as super cannons and ultimate bombs all come from this race. They seem to Born to exist for war!

"Perhaps just watching these is not enough for you to understand its power. Here is also a piece of video material left over from a previous battle for hegemony among all races!"

Zero played the video data directly through holographic projection.

It was a massive war, involving more than 20 races. Almost every race was the most powerful race of that era. Any one of them would be enough to crush the current battlefield.

In the sky, an unprecedented battle is breaking out among more than 20 guardian beasts. Guardian beasts are constantly being knocked away, and more guardian beasts are joining in. The strength of the guardian beasts of these two dozen races is very close, and they are probably all in the sky. Up and down the eighth level!

In the war between races, when the power of the guardian beasts is very close, then the adventurers become the core of deciding the outcome on the battlefield!
But on the battlefield of adventurers, the situation was almost one-sided. A huge warship crossed the sky. Its appearance cast a shadow on the entire battlefield. It was the ultimate war fortress of the Mecha clan!
Countless powerful adventurers rushed towards the war fortress. The strength of each of them had reached the limit of the Tao realm. Even within the limit of the Tao realm, they were definitely first-class powerful beings.

For them, ordinary battleships are just cumbersome living targets. Even the weapons of the battleship cannot touch them, but they can easily wreak havoc on important areas of the battleship.

However, this war fortress taught them a lesson of death!

A ripple visible to the naked eye surged out of the war fortress, and then formed an invisible position around it. The adventurers seemed to have hit a steel wall and were suddenly unable to move forward.

They launched their most powerful attack, but it only caused a ripple on the war fortress.

Then the position actually split into two, and began to rub in opposite directions. The adventurers were crushed as if they were thrown into a huge millstone.

At this time, the adventurers realized that this war fortress was not an ordinary warship at all, and it was not something they could match!
"Good guy," Zhang Mengyu was also excited to see it. The power of this thing is simply amazing. Even the guardian beast can beat it, right?

The content of the video immediately solved Zhang Mengyu's doubts. Facing the fleeing adventurers, the war fortress immediately started the pursuit mode. All weapons were turned on, including super cannons and other weapons that Zhang Mengyu had never seen before. The weapons I have seen are pouring out firepower crazily, and as long as they are targeted, it is almost impossible to escape!
Seeing that his own race was being massacred, a guardian beast finally couldn't bear it any longer. It temporarily left the battlefield and rushed towards the ultimate war fortress. Even a city was in front of the eighth-level guardian beast. It can be destroyed in an instant, let alone a slightly larger spaceship? "boom!"

The guardian beast and the war fortress collided head-on. The guardian beast did not move at all, but the war fortress only shook. There was a look of horror in the guardian beast's eyes, and it raised its huge fist towards the war fortress.Smashed it up.

The position was smashed and began to stir, and the entire war fortress was shaking, but it was still very strong. Right in front of the war fortress, a muzzle with a diameter of tens of meters suddenly opened. Even if this was just a video, it was shocking. I felt a shiver in my hair, this is definitely a more terrifying weapon than the super cannon!

"Boom!" A green beam of light instantly penetrated the body of the guardian beast. The guardian beast let out a scream and used all its strength to slap its paw at the war fortress. The war fortress was finally shot down from the air and shook. It hit the ground leisurely, and a deep dent appeared on the surface.

The video ends here, but everyone who watched it was deeply shocked.

This war fortress can actually severely damage an eighth-level guardian beast!

In this era when the most powerful guardian beast is only at level six, isn't it that even the defense of this war fortress is almost impossible to break?

If any race has such a war fortress, it can almost be said to be able to walk sideways on the entire battlefield!

"The starting price for the ultimate war fortress is 5 million supreme crystals!"

This price is definitely worthy of its power. Although it has suffered a certain degree of damage, its combat effectiveness is definitely still above [-]%!Even a sixth-level guardian beast would never be able to withstand its one shot!
"It's not a loss!" Zhang Menglong felt that the asking price of 100 billion was definitely a loss!

Before this, the only thing that could defeat a third-level guardian beast or above was the Beast God Scroll, but this thing can kill a third-level guardian beast like a chicken!

"Aren't you interested in this?"

"Who wouldn't be interested? Do you have 100 billion supreme crystals?"

Those super races all looked at each other. Even the Shenchu ​​Civilization currently only has about 120 billion in total assets. They absolutely believe that if they add more money, Zhang Mengyu will definitely increase the price to 200 billion supreme crystals!
"You humans have gone too far!" Finally, a race issued a formal protest through the audience announcement system. This system requires 100 million supreme crystals to speak at a time, and also limits the time for speaking.

"You want everything. Do you think that you humans are the only ones on this battlefield? You do have money and a lot of ancient relics, but you only have one race. If it triggers public outrage, you can afford to offend thousands of people. Race?”

Zhang Mengyu sneered in the face of this accusation, "Thousands of races are fighting for hegemony. We are all fighting and killing. As for the public outrage, if you are not convinced, just join forces and come to me, humans. I am not very talkative. It sounds good. If any of you here are dissatisfied, count it as one and wait for a beating when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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