I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2090 He is paralyzing us

Chapter 2090 He is paralyzing us
"Humans are so crazy!"

Zhang Mengyu's words immediately aroused the anger of almost all races present. He had the word "arrogant" clearly written on his face.

"They must not be allowed to auction off this war fortress! Otherwise, their tails will be raised to the sky?"

"If they really win the bid, I'm afraid there won't be any race that can restrict humans."

"Ten billion supreme crystals, who has 100 billion?"

"The first civilization of God produced 110 billion!"

Under the hopeful gaze of other races, the Shenchu ​​civilization faced huge pressure and decided to give it a try. Although the possibility was very slim, what if this was really the last bit of funds for mankind?
"Hey, it seems that you are still too naive to think that these 100 billion supreme crystals are my final limit," Zhang Mengyu calmly crossed his legs and said slowly, "Humans are out of 200 Billion Supreme Crystals!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the adventurers from the early civilization of God suddenly looked gloomy.

200 billion supreme crystals, I'm afraid they need to sell their entire race's main city to collect such a large sum of money.

"210 million supreme crystals!"

Unexpectedly, Shenchu ​​Civilization actually shouted a higher price!
"You." The adventurers of the Demon Cave Clan looked at the people of the Shenchu ​​Civilization with surprised faces. According to their intelligence, even if the Shenchu ​​Civilization had hidden some assets, it would never be possible to reach 200 billion supreme crystals.

"Could it be." The adventurers of the Demon Cave Clan thought of a possibility. On this battlefield, the living environment of many races is very harsh.

The main cities of some unlucky people are built at the junction of many powerful races. Once those races fight, they will be gods fighting and mortals will suffer.

So at this time, they must seek some shelter and help to avoid this unfortunate situation. For the sake of the top races, the more powerful races will deliberately avoid the weaker races to avoid causing trouble for themselves. .

But seeking asylum naturally requires paying a price, and now may be the time for those races to pay the price!

In fact, it was exactly as the Demon Cave Tribe guessed. After they obtained the information about humans, they brought the news back to their own race and immediately took measures to raise funds.

Those small races do not have any supreme crystals. Races below the sixth level are already as powerful as the sky if they have millions of supreme crystals.

But for a large race, they often have thousands of subsidiary races. Top races like the Shenchu ​​Civilization have even more terrifying subsidiary races!
In just half a day, the funds they have mobilized have exceeded 500 billion supreme crystals!
Not only them, but other races have also adopted similar actions. They have reached an agreement that the human race cannot stay!
How long has it been since Zhang Mengyu came to this battlefield?This extremely unbalanced state has already appeared on the entire battlefield. If humans are allowed to survive this time of competition for hegemony among all races, I am afraid that the human race will be dominated by one family in the future!
They have a large number of ancient relics in their hands. This is already an established fact, and they cannot change it. They absolutely cannot let Zhang Mengyu obtain more treasures.

Otherwise, not only would they not be able to overwhelm humanity, but in this battle for hegemony among all races, the entire battlefield would be swept by humanity!

Zhang Mengyu really didn't expect that he would become the public enemy of the entire battlefield at this moment.

"Menglong, they have problems with themselves!" Zhang Mengyu doesn't know the details of those top races, nor how much assets they have, but Domik and others have been around here for so long, and they have heard of them more or less. .

A long time ago, humans were ranked as a fifth-level race for a while, and they were qualified to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Fair. Those top races were very rich, but they would never own more than 100 billion supreme crystals!

"They are probably mobilizing resources from other races," Ozawa guessed in a low voice. "It is said that the early civilization of God alone has 54 affiliated races. Although those races are very weak, they can still spend hundreds of thousands of dollars even if they grit their teeth. Millions of supreme crystals came to support them."

"Can it still be like this?" Zhang Mengyu also showed an unhappy look. He thought that other races would not be able to pay for it, and he wanted to see other auction items quickly.

"So, the supreme crystals they own may have reached hundreds of billions?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "But if they can borrow these supreme crystals, they must have promised something, right? But it's my Zhang Mengyu's things But there’s nothing so easy to grab!”

"215 billion!" Zhang Mengyu shouted.

"Humanity has bid 215 billion!"

"Hahaha, did you see it? They don't have much funds left!"

"Yes, the one-time increase of 100 billion was just now, and now it is only increased by [-] million. This shows that they have no confidence to support such wanton price increases anymore."

"I thought they really had the supreme crystal that they couldn't spend all their money on!" "The rest of the stuff, they humans don't even want a thing!"

"God's early civilization, 220 billion!" The adventurers of God's early civilization also seemed to have become much more confident.

"Human race, 221 billion!" Zhang Mengyu continued to shout.

"Only 1 million was added? It seems that it has really been used up!"

"Hahaha, you deserve it. They just spent so much unjust money on so many auction items, and now it's these final auction items, and their pockets are empty!"

"I like to show off! I like to pretend! This ultimate war fortress is the end of your humanity!"


"Lingfeng tribe, 225 billion!"

As humans gradually died down, other races finally joined the competition. This war fortress was so powerful that no one among the top ten super races was willing to give up easily.

"Longyuan tribe, 230 billion!"

"Hilo tribe, 240 billion!"

"The Karok tribe, 250 billion!"


The competition seems to have entered a fierce stage, and Zhang Mengyu has not even increased the price for many rounds.

"Human race, 261 billion!" Zhang Mengyu added another [-] million to the previous race.

"The original civilization of God, 270 billion!"

"Human race, 271 billion!"

"The Karok tribe, 275 billion!"

"Human race, 276 billion!"


Gradually, someone finally felt that something was wrong. No matter who called the price, when the price stopped rising, Zhang Mengyu would definitely add an extra [-] million!

Whenever others thought that Zhang Mengyu's funds had been used up, he would come out and shout again.

For each bid call, 1% of the Supreme Crystal is charged as a handling fee. At this time, every bid call means that more than 2 million Supreme Crystals have been lost in vain.

"No! He doesn't have any funds. Is he deliberately asking us to shout the price and make us lose money on the handling fees?"

Just by shouting the price, Shenchu ​​Civilization has wasted nearly 20 billion supreme crystals!

Several other races ranked in the top ten have also wasted hundreds of millions or even billions of supreme crystals!

Their total assets are only a few billion of supreme crystals. For them, this is not only a hamstring, but also a massive hemorrhage!
"He...he is paralyzing us!"

(End of this chapter)

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