I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2097: We, humans, have 5 trillion

Chapter 2097: We, humans, have 5 trillion

"It's Chimera!"

At this time, there were waves of exclamations in the areas of other races.

This is an ancient relic that has never appeared before, but it is also a very famous ancient relic, because the world-destroying battle between two monsters was recorded by many races, and many races still exist today. , and has not died.

It is said that it was the last battle between the two races in the battle for hegemony. The battle between the two monsters almost shattered half of the battlefield. Countless races perished in the aftermath of the battle. The last two monsters also died of exhaustion.

What was later picked up was an unknown race. They did not study how to develop the potential of the human body, nor did they study how to create powerful technological weapons. They devoted all their attention to conducting various bizarre experiments.

At that time, no one thought that such a race that liked to mess around could actually create such a powerful Chimera.

During their lifetime, the two monsters were almost at the same level as Mobanang. After death, most of their power was lost, but the power that was preserved was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary ninth-level guardian beasts. It is said that they were created After that Chimera, that race is so powerful!
What kind of concept is that? It's equivalent to a beast god scroll that can be used permanently!
Even the monsters summoned by the Beast God Scroll are not necessarily Chimera's opponents.

Even if the Chimera is slightly inferior, it can still run away!
In order to accommodate the Chimera's body, that race also conquered a subordinate race, and the technological capabilities of this subordinate race built a small world for them where the Chimera could survive.

They can summon the Chimera at any time through the power of the bracelet, and they can also let it return to the small world at any time. Once they encounter a powerful monster summoned through the Beast God Scroll, the Chimera can completely avoid the limelight in the small world until the monster returns. Come out of your own world later.

In fact, even among the monsters summoned by the Beast God Scroll, there are very few that can surpass Chimera.

As the Chimera's body completely appeared, the man with the bracelet began to grow old rapidly, as if all the life force in his body had been sucked dry.

This Chimera is over 1800 meters tall and looks weird and terrifying, like a tattered toy that has been patched up.

The Chimera let out a deafening roar, and the entire venue trembled.


There was an explosion from somewhere in the venue, and an adventurer was seen holding an energy-detecting machine in his hand, with an expression full of astonishment on his face.

"The energy intensity of a ninth-level guardian beast is within 200 units, and the upper limit of measurement by this instrument is 500 units. The Chimera has indeed exceeded the limit that this world can bear."

[Dean, the strength of this Chimera is very strong. It is almost close to the magic beast. The two monsters lost so much energy after their death, and they still have such strength after being pieced together. It shows that they were very powerful during their lifetime. Horrible. 】

The Chimera only stayed for less than a minute, and the being wearing the bracelet turned directly into fly ash, and the bracelet fell to the ground with a "pop"

"What's going on? Is it necessary to pay the price with life to summon Chimera?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"I'm afraid that's the case," Domic said, "Chimera is originally a special product of two dead monsters put together, but it is still a dead thing. To summon it, the price of life is naturally life.

"Ordinary people really can't afford this thing!" Zhang Mengyu sighed, how much life would it take for such a huge Chimera to keep it fighting. "

"In order to summon Chimera, the race that created Chimera also invented a device to absorb the life energy of all creatures of the entire race. Otherwise, it would be impossible to maintain its fight." Domic explained.

"Let me guess what destroyed this race," Zhang Mengyu said. "Did it be dragged to death by this Chimera?"

"That's right," Domik said, "Later on, this race had a war with an unknown race. The other race was also very powerful. The two were in a stalemate. No one could do anything to the other. In the end, the vitality of the entire race was consumed. It’s over, it’s too late to even touch the summons.”

"This kind of operation is quite explosive even now," Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes. This race is really awesome.

"It's a good thing," Domic said. "That life form should be a being at the extreme level of the Tao realm. His life can only sustain the Chimera's appearance for 1 minute. It's just standing still. If it starts to fight, this kind of thing will happen." The consumption may be even more terrifying." "Maybe it only takes a few seconds to drain a person." Zhang Mengyu guessed.

"But even so, a few seconds are enough to win a big battle. War is meant to kill people. One person's death in exchange for a few seconds of power at this level is definitely worth it."

The adventurers chatted for a long time and finally calmed down. The cost of summoning the Chimera was indeed very high, but any race that got this thing used a solid trump card.

"Everyone should have discussed it. I think if anyone has this ability, no one will be willing to give up this Chimera." No. [-] picked up the bracelet. Just when the unlucky guy was sucked dry, That chimera has disappeared.

"Chimera control bracelet, starting price, 100 billion supreme crystals!"

"Humanity is worth 1000 billion!" Zhang Mengyu lazily raised his hand.

"The original civilization of God, 1200 billion!"

With the opening of the Shenchu ​​Civilization, the atmosphere at the scene almost reached an explosive point. The Shenchu ​​Civilization was actually able to come up with 1200 billion!
"Humanity produces 1500 billion supreme crystals!"

"The original civilization of God, 2000 billion!"

"How come they are so rich and have moved out their entire family?" Zhang Mengyu was a little surprised, "5000 billion supreme crystals, let me see if you can follow!"

"5000 billion! Oh my god, how many supreme crystals do humans have?"

"Our race doesn't even have a fraction of other people's. Are these humans really a race that has slowly developed in this world like us?"

"5000 billion." The adventurers of the early civilization of God were also quite surprised. He had tried hard to imagine how rich humans were, but it seemed that he still underestimated this damn race!

"8000 billion supreme crystals!" Shenchu ​​Civilization was almost gnashing its teeth.

"1 trillion!" Zhang Menglong's tone was still very relaxed.

The price was so high that even the handling fee for a price increase exceeded the original starting price of 100 billion supreme crystals.

The races on the side looked at Zhang Mengyu with admiration. They even felt that it was their honor to be on the side of the human race.

"1.2 trillion supreme crystals!" The heartbeats of the adventurers from the early Shenchu ​​Civilization had become very fast. They had no idea where Zhang Mengyu's background was.

"2 trillion supreme crystals!"

"Crack!" A crisp sound came from the hand of the adventurer from the early civilization of God. He even crushed the bones in his hand due to excessive tension!

He could almost have a premonition that the supreme crystal possessed by Zhang Mengyu had even exceeded the funds they had collected by scraping together.

"2.5 trillion supreme crystals!"

"I, a human, give out 5 trillion!"

(End of this chapter)

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