I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2098: Do you want to treat us to dinner?

Chapter 2098: Do you want to treat us to dinner?

The whole place fell into complete silence.

5 trillion supreme crystals, this is beyond everyone's imagination, and they even doubt whether the assets of all other races on the entire battlefield combined can reach this order of magnitude.

"Where did this human being come from?"

The light in the eyes of the adventurers of the top races suddenly disappeared. Together, they could only collect 2.75 trillion supreme crystals. These 5 trillion supreme crystals really made them look up.

Others don't know, but the people in Yanhuang City know it very well.

During the few months when the monsters attacked the city, Zhang Mengyu was simply a humanoid killing machine. At least hundreds of thousands or millions of monsters died when one fire lotus fell.

Moreover, every time a monster dies, it will 100% drop a high-level crystal. Even some high-level monsters will drop two or three crystals at once. Such a death is simply faster than a money printing machine.

The most outrageous thing is that Zhang Mengyu actually mastered a quite outrageous skill. He can transform into a lot of clones with the same strength as his own body to help him fight monsters together!
They often see a scene where Zhang Mengyu's clone is bombing everywhere among the monsters, but his own body is hiding somewhere and sleeping.

When the energy of those clones was exhausted, he swallowed a few pills and waited until the energy was almost restored before continuing to hunt the monsters.

According to incomplete statistics, during that period, they killed hundreds of millions of monsters every day. During the half-year defense battle, the number of monsters they killed should be between 50 and 60 trillion, and these monsters , probably half of them were killed by the Zerg army.

Among the remaining twenty or thirty trillion, at least 10 trillion of the monsters were killed by Zhang Mengyu and his clones.

According to rough estimates, the number of supreme crystals obtained by Zhang Mengyu in this World of Warcraft siege was at least 15 trillion!
Of course, only humans know this number. Even the Demon Cave Civilization cannot obtain this information in such a short period of time.

Otherwise, humans would have been targeted before even the start of the Ten Thousand Races Trade Fair. After all, if humans were such a big threat, humans must be destroyed before they could get those terrible things.

But obviously, it's too late now.

"10 seconds are up, now let us congratulate the human race for obtaining this Chimera's summoning bracelet!"

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, Chimera's bracelet finally fell into Zhang Mengwu's hands.

"This bracelet is actually a supreme weapon!" Zhang Mengyu felt something extraordinary when he put it on his hand. This bracelet is also a defensive supreme weapon. It may be that the maker of this Chimera is afraid that he will die. In the aftermath of the battle, you should use this thing to protect your life.

"Brother Hazy, this thing is a double-edged sword. You must be careful when using it," Domik reminded. "If the life force is accidentally drained, it will be hopeless."

"I understand," Zhang Menglong said.

If it were his original body, Zhang Mengyu wouldn't care about the vitality at all. With demon blood, his vitality is almost endless.

But due to the rules of this ghost place, Zhang Mengyu lost this ability of unlimited vitality.

But here, there is nothing that cannot be found. If there are things that can restore physical strength and mental strength due to injuries, there will naturally be things that can restore vitality!

During the city defense battle, a very special kind of Warcraft once appeared. That Warcraft is a combination of plants and animals. After killing them, there will be a very small probability of dropping something called Liquid of Life. It only has It is about the size of a drop of water, but it contains very rich vitality.

A drop of life liquid is almost equivalent to 10% of the vitality of an emperor-level monster!

The vitality of Warcraft is generally extremely huge. The vitality of a peak Emperor-level Warcraft may even be a hundred times that of an adventurer!
In other words, one drop of life liquid is almost equivalent to the life force of ten people!There are about 10 billion drops of this liquid of life in Zhang Mengyu's body. Such majestic life energy is enough for him to use the power of the Chimera very luxuriously.

This is only a part of it. In Zhang Mengyu's memory, there are at least three or five other things similar to the liquid of life.

Zhang Mengyu put this bracelet on his wrist. This supreme weapon itself is very powerful. The wearer only needs to inject energy into it. As long as the power does not exceed the level of the guardian beast, it can weaken it by almost 90%. % as much!

Welcome everyone to participate in this Wanzu auction. All the auction items in this auction have been completed. I look forward to seeing you at the next Wanzu auction.

Zero said a simple concluding sentence, and suddenly everything around him began to change as if it collapsed.

This space was only temporarily built for the Ten Thousand Races Trade Fair. Now that the trade fair has ended, there is no need for this venue to continue to exist.

In an instant, everyone arrived on a plain, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

In the space created by the rules, there are rules restrictions, and there will be no fighting or killing.

At this moment, there are no restrictions of rules, which means that everything has returned to the law of the jungle.

"It's over now. I've tolerated you for a long time!"

"The hatred between our two races has been going on for a long time, right? Today it's time to put an end to it!"

As soon as they disagreed, adventurers from several races fought together. Some of them didn't know whether it was new hatred or old hatred.

There were also a few adventurers who had quick eyesight and quick hands. The moment the power of the rules disappeared, they tore apart their own teleportation scrolls and fled.

"Should we leave quickly?" Domik had already taken out several teleportation scrolls to return to the giant city of Ewel.

Now that humans have almost become rats crossing the street, maybe as long as there is one leader, countless races will point their fingers at humans.

"What are we going to do?" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "It's not us who have to be afraid now, but them."

Zhang Mengyu took out a space storage device and said, "Why don't you go back first? I'm afraid that someone will come to trouble the main human city again. You give this to Ying Zheng, and he will be responsible for arranging it. I'll get back to you later. came back."

"Then be careful," Domik and Ozawa were still very reassured about Zhang Mengyu. They took the space storage device and tore open a scroll.

However, they did not return directly to the giant city of Ewel. The space in this place seemed to be blocked by a force!
Just as Zhang Mengyu guessed, many people didn't want him to leave here.

Once he leaves, everything in this auction will fall into the hands of humans. If possible, they hope that Zhang Mengyu will die here!
But no one took action directly, because they were deeply afraid of Zhang Mengyu, but letting him leave directly was not what they wanted.

Therefore, countless races just surrounded Zhang Mengyu and the three of them, vaguely showing a kind of encirclement.

Zhang Menglong stretched his waist. This action scared many people and made them tremble.

"What's wrong," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Do you want to treat us to dinner?"

(End of this chapter)

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