I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2130 It’s too late to run away now

"Hahaha, Siwatt, when did you start to like telling jokes?" General Limont suddenly laughed loudly, "Indeed, in the previous battle, your Mansha Kingdom had some advantages, but that was just you. It’s just that a transcendent person appeared in our team. If we had been prepared, the result might not have been like this.”

"Also," Limont said, "I now occupy this right time and place, what can you do to win against me?"

Limont spread his arms, "Open your eyes and look at my air mines. Do you want to use your warships for suicide attacks? Maybe when your warships are exhausted, our air mines will be almost exhausted. Then what will you rely on to attack the city? Will you rely on hitting your heads? Hahaha!"

"Monterey, after all these years, your mouth is still as deserving of a beating as ever," Siwatt said, facing such provocation and ridicule, he was not completely irritated. We are all soldiers. How could it be possible if we didn't have any ability to manage emotions? Still alive today, "I've given you the opportunity. If you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being disrespectful. I'll give you another 10 minutes to think about it!"

After saying this, Siwatt directly canceled his projection, "Everyone, prepare for battle. I know the character of this old bastard very well. He is a typical person who will not shed tears until he sees the coffin. It is absolutely impossible for him to be defeated by me." These few words were so frightening that I surrendered."

"Okay, we will send the order immediately!"

All the soldiers of the Mansha Empire were immediately prepared. They conducted special training for half a month in order to deal with today's war!

On the side of the Hongteng Empire, General Limont and his lieutenants also appeared on the city wall on the cliff.

Limont's eyes were a little confused. According to his understanding of Siwatt, this guy rarely leads the team in person. Once he comes forward in person, he is usually sure of victory!
But now he has no idea what chance the Mansha Empire has of winning, and he has never heard of any support from other countries that the people of the Mansha Empire have received recently.

To be weird, there is only one thing that is very strange. Their spies found out that the Mansha Empire recently acquired a large number of Warcraft wings from the Qinglan Empire, but no one knew what these Warcraft wings were used for. It was impossible for them to Put those wings on your back and fly here?

He was 100% sure that the Mansha Kingdom did not have the experience and ability to modify the human body. Even if it did, it would never pay such a price to do this.

But listening to Siwatt's tone today, it makes people think wildly.

"Let everyone be prepared, this old guy may have some dirty tricks today!"


"General, 10 minutes are up." A deputy general reminded.

"Yes," Siwatt nodded, "pass my military order, all flying troops, attack with all their strength!"

All the soldiers rushed to the deck of the battleship, and the dense crowd made those in the Hongteng Kingdom feel frightened.

"What's going on? Why are all their people running to the deck of the battleship?"

"Even if they want to launch a charge, they should hide in the bed cabin, right? At least the hull of this battleship can help them absorb some of the impact of the explosion. Standing directly on the deck, isn't this looking for death?"

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like their warships and spaceships have no intention of launching an attack?"

The battleships of the Mansha Kingdom that were originally hovering at the front slowly retreated behind the spaceships transporting soldiers. Instead, the troop transport spaceships with almost no combat effectiveness ran to the front.

"Look, what are they going to do?" Under the surprised eyes of the Hongteng Kingdom warriors, the Mansha Kingdom warriors actually walked to the edge of the spacecraft in an orderly manner. Directly below them was the endless rift valley The abyss, and looking at their postures, why do they seem to be about to jump?
However, after a moment, their feelings came true, and the warriors of the Mansha Kingdom jumped into the abyss one by one as if they had no worries!
"Are they crazy?"

"What are they going to do?" No one knows what the purpose of these people's suicidal behavior is. If they fall, even if they don't fall to death in the end, they will definitely become food for those monsters and spiritual beasts in the abyss. This kind of The behavior is simply incredible!

However, the next scene made them all wide-eyed.

"Whoosh!" Pairs of blue-purple wings stretched out from the backs of the warriors, and a magical force actually carried them to start gliding, and then floated in the sky like transcendents!

Later, the group of Transcendents from the Mansha Kingdom also summoned their own Ziyun Wings and came to the front of the warriors. They would take the lead in the charge!

The densely packed Mansha Kingdom warriors floated in the sky with the energy wings behind them, and various weapons appeared in their hands. Each of them had the most awesome eyes and smiles on their faces, and then they suddenly moved towards Duanqian City launched a charge.

"This is impossible!" Standing on the wall, General Monterey seemed to see the most incredible scene in the world.

As we all know, flying in the air is the unique ability of the transcendent, and now, millions of Mansha Kingdom warriors are flying towards them through the air mine field!

They have millions of Transcendents?
This is absolutely impossible. If they had millions of Transcendents, the surrounding area would have already been ruled by their Mansha Kingdom, and they did not need to fight so hard in the previous battles.

The energy detector showed that these warriors flying towards them were obviously only at the level of beginners!But why do they have such ability?

"Charon?" Someone noticed the son of General Siwatt. This Charon is obviously only a high-level beginner. He wants to break through the transcendent, which can take at least five years or ten years, and as many as 50 years. However, his energy shows that it has indeed been Reached the Beyonder!How could he suddenly become a transcendent?
In addition to Charon, there is also a slave who dominates the battlefield. He is also here!
All the Transcendents came to the front of the battlefield at incredible speeds, and they were leading the charge!
The warriors of the Mansha Kingdom are flexible and can move freely among the dense air mine formations. The defense methods of the Hongteng Kingdom are simply useless at this moment!

"Attack! Don't let them come!"

Although those air mines are extremely deterrent, their weakness is that they are not flexible enough and do not have any adaptability. The only ones that can be effective against them at this time are the anti-aircraft weapons and battleships and spacecraft in the city.

Suddenly, countless firepower covered the sky.

But their flying speed is simply too fast. The flying speed of the warriors with Ziyun Wing is not inferior to those of the spaceships. Even if someone is accidentally hit under the dense firepower coverage, for these millions of people, In short, it's just a drop in the bucket.

In just a few seconds, they flew into the sky above the city.

They took off the small thermal weapons they carried and threw them towards the ground. Their superiority in the air was undoubtedly evident!



General Siwatt and his people have arrived inside the city. The first thing their people have to do is to collapse their defense measures!
As the fortifications on the city wall collapsed, the air mines in the sky fell powerlessly. The threat to the Mansha Kingdom's air forces no longer existed!

Zhang Menglu crossed his arms and entered ob mode, "I told you to run but if you don't run, it's too late now, isn't it?" (End of Chapter)

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