I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2131 If you don’t detain who will you detain?

With the threat of aerial mines in the sky disappearing, the Mansha Kingdom's aerial troops finally found their place to be used. The spaceships full of soldiers headed directly towards Duanqian City with a large number of warships clearing the way.

Although Duanqian City has powerful anti-aircraft firepower, these anti-aircraft firepower are already in a hurry when facing those beginners who have learned Ziyun Wing.

They fly so fast that even with fully automatic weapons, it is difficult to capture their flight trajectory. However, those beginners carried a variety of weapons and started bombing, and some even carried cold weapons to attack people on the battlefield. Those displays from the Hongteng Kingdom were swooping down to kill.

Those who run on two legs are no match for those flying in the sky!

Soon, their defense line was completely broken, and the Mansha Kingdom's troop transport ship landed in Duanqian City!

Tens of millions of warriors came out, and the warriors of the Hongteng Kingdom who had lost their geographical advantage were immediately defeated by their charge!

In the sky, more than a dozen figures are confronting each other. The final decisive factor in a war is the battle of the transcendent!

Today, the number of Transcendents in the Hongteng Kingdom is even one less than that of the Mansha Kingdom. Just in terms of the number of peak combat power, they are already at an absolute disadvantage.

The expression on General Monterey's face became very ugly. He originally thought that with the geographical advantages of this city, even if there was no way to further encroach on the land of their Mansha Kingdom, at least he would not be able to hold on in this impregnable city. What's the problem.

But he didn't expect that the Mansha Kingdom had somehow trained such a powerful flying force. This was the first time he had seen so far that beginners could fly freely in the sky without relying on the power of technology. This was already It subverted his understanding of the world.

After possessing the ability to fly, the combat effectiveness of those warriors has also become extremely powerful. A second-class soldier can even make their first-class soldiers panic. Two warriors of the same level will be easily hit by the Mansha Kingdom's flying troops after a few dives. kill.

In less than half an hour, their soldiers had already suffered heavy losses, and even lost thousands of elite soldiers!

He never thought that one day their fighting prowess would be so disparate!

"Sivat, you really opened my eyes!" Monterey said through gritted teeth, "This flying force shouldn't be from your Mansha Kingdom, right?"

As far as he knew, the Mansha Kingdom did not have the ability to cultivate such a perverted team. In his opinion, it was probably borrowed from some relatively powerful kingdom. After all, those large kingdoms had the level of cultivation and technology. It is normal for the level to exceed his cognition.

"Monterey, I regret to tell you that this troop belongs to our Mansha Kingdom," Shivat said with a smile, "I have just said that I will give you a chance to escape unscathed. All we want is for us to lose land, but you don’t seem to appreciate it very much.”

"Your troops?" Monterey's expression also became very solemn.

The combat effectiveness of their two kingdoms was originally very close. If this army belonged to them, then the balance of strength between them would undoubtedly tilt.

Their worst plan was that these two cities were taken back. Anyway, they were not theirs in the first place. They would gain if they defended them, and they would not lose if they failed to defend them. Could they still continue to fight against the Hongteng Kingdom?

But now it seems that they really have such strength!
If they continue to advance after retaking the city with hatred, the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Monterey, give up your resistance and return the sovereignty of the two cities," General Siwatt said, "Also, give you a month to exchange for all the treasures that have been plundered from our Mansha Kingdom. , in this case, we still have room for negotiation for peaceful coexistence!”

"Siwatt, don't be too happy too early," Monterey said, "We are leaving, can you stop us?" "Hahahaha!" Siwatt laughed even louder, "Of course you can leave, but The more than 4000 million soldiers you brought this time will all be lost here. For your entire kingdom, more than 4000 million soldiers are also very precious resources, right?"

"Also, if all your troops are wiped out, how can you have the face to return to the Hongteng Empire? Hahahaha!"

Monterey looked livid.

It's not scary to lose the battle. What's scary is that after the defeat, he can't even save his own troops. If he escapes back with a few Transcendents, he may not be able to hold his head up again in the Hongteng Empire in the future.

"Besides, Monterey, even if you are all Transcendents, do you think you will be able to escape?" Siwatt said, "We have more Transcendents than you, and we also have this flying unit. Why do you escape?"

The biggest advantage of the Transcendents against ordinary warriors is that they can fly freely in the sky, but now this advantage no longer exists in this army!
There are 500 million second-class soldiers, 20 first-class soldiers, and 1 elite soldiers. This powerful flying force composed of plastic surgery, even a transcendent, will be exhausted sooner or later. The combat power formed by this force can probably rival dozens of One or even hundreds of low-level Transcendents.

After saying this, thousands of elite warriors have slowly flown to their retreat. Even with their transcendent strength, it is impossible to kill all these elite warriors and break through the siege in a short while.

"What on earth is going on? How do they let these beginners fly?" Monterey was already covered in cold sweat. Just like Siwatt said, people like them may not be able to escape from the battlefield. !

"What do you want?" A sad smile appeared on Monterey's face. He no longer had the will to continue fighting.

"Hahahahaha!" Hearing this expression that was almost equivalent to surrender, Siwatt and the others straightened their waists straighter. "Are you surrendering to me now?"

Monterey gritted his teeth, "We, the Hongteng Kingdom, have lost this battle! Give these two cities back to you, and we will evacuate immediately! We will also give you back the things you asked for."

"That's not okay!" Zhang Mengyu was the first to jump out, "If you don't return it to us after you go back, won't we continue to fight? You left a few people as hostages and returned the things to us. We Let them go again!"

"You!" Zhang Mengyu saw through Monterey's plan, and his defenses were immediately broken. Indeed, he had never thought about returning the things!

As long as they can leave safely and return to their own country, even if the Mansha Kingdom wants to launch a war, it will need to be carefully considered, right?They will have enough time to take appropriate measures.

And there is a high probability that those anti-war factions in Mansha Kingdom will choose to give up as soon as possible!

A qualified general also has a very clear understanding of the opponent's internal political structure.

But if their people are detained, unless they give up the hostages, they can only return the things honestly.

But any transcendent is their precious wealth, how could they give up?
"I think you should stay as a hostage!" Zhang Mengyu pointed at Monterey, "What are you looking at? It's you. You are the general, the most valuable. If I don't detain you, who will I detain?" (End of Chapter)

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