I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2147 I’ll just let it go

"A sign of great misfortune?" King Zhenshan was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, "King Mansha, do you think that this king is so easy to fool as a child? If you don't want to marry your daughter, even if you bring it up directly, how dare you, this king, Hai Jing Be brave!"

"King Zhenshan, what I said is true. My daughter is destined to be a husband. If I insist on fulfilling the engagement, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to King Zhenshan's young master. I am doing this all for the sake of King Zhenshan!"

"Huh!" King Zhenshan still didn't believe it at all. He believed that some people might be able to explore the sky and predict the future. However, things like Ke Fu were completely groundless. In his opinion, they were just excuses made by the king of Mansha Kingdom. That’s all.

"So, you won't marry this princess?" King Zhenshan no longer wanted to talk nonsense.

"There is really no way to marry," King Mansha shook his head, "I hope King Zhenshan will put the safety of the young master first!"

"That's enough," King Zhenshan angrily scolded, "Since you broke the engagement, don't blame me for being ruthless. In two days, I will send someone to your door to say thank you!"

After saying that, King Zhenshan directly cut off the communication.

"Come on!"

Eight Transcendents suddenly appeared in front of King Zhenshan. The auras of these people had reached the level of fourth-level Transcendents. They were the most powerful personal guards under King Zhenshan.

"You two go to the Mansha Kingdom. No matter what means you use, bring the princess back to me," King Zhenshan gritted his teeth and said, "By the way, you will teach the emperor of the Mansha Kingdom an unforgettable lesson. How can I, Prince Zhenshan's Mansion, Is he a small subordinate country that he can bully at will?"



In the Mansha Kingdom, looking at King Zhenshan's severed communications, the emperor also fell into anxiety.

Of course he made up those words just now.

Ever since Shadel found him a few days ago and told him that he had broken through to the Beyonder, the emperor knew that the next friction with Zhenshan Palace would be unavoidable!
Not only that, when Shadel showed his alchemy skills and a soul level of up to 4th grade, he was determined and would never marry the princess. This was the most precious wealth of their Mansha Kingdom. If The princess married the son of King Zhenshan, so from now on, they will have an extra daughter-in-law with great potential, and the princess no longer belongs to the Mansha Kingdom.

So even if he takes huge risks, he must keep the princess.

At the same time, he has submitted applications to several surrounding colleges, hoping that those colleges can take the princess under his wing. If there is the protection of those colleges, then even the Qinglan Kingdom will not dare to mess around.

It's just that he doesn't know when King Zhenshan's revenge will come, because usually, unless one is particularly talented and evil, it often takes months or even years to get a response from this method of applying for admission.

"Hey!" The emperor sighed. Now, is Shadel's talent a blessing or a curse for the entire Mansha Kingdom.

"Father, it's your daughter who has troubled you so much." Sadelle beside her bowed deeply towards the emperor.

"I can't tell you how to trouble yourself. Even if there is no such bet, if you really don't want to marry into the Qinglan Kingdom, I will definitely refer to your opinion," the emperor said with a bitter smile, "But they are too powerful, not us. A small Mansha Kingdom can afford this."

"Your Majesty, is this Zhenshan King very powerful?" Zhang Mengyu asked. "Very big," the emperor said decisively, "He himself is a fifth-level peak transcendent. Because he fought on the battlefield early, he is very powerful. He even has a record of injuring a sixth-level transcendent. He has been destroyed in his life. More than a dozen countries, he is a very powerful figure!”

"He also has eight military leaders under his command, all of whom are at the peak of the fourth level of transcendence. Each one of them has the ability to flatten our Mansha Kingdom. They don't even need these military leaders to come forward. They can send someone randomly under them, maybe. It will put our Mansha Kingdom into a state of catastrophe!"

"Good guy, it does sound pretty powerful." Zhang Menglong couldn't help but admire the emperor's courage. Under such a disparity in strength, he could still fulfill his promise and cancel the engagement. This alone made Zhang Mengyu admire him very much.

"This..." It was also the first time for Princess Shadel to know how powerful this Zhenshan Palace was.

He glanced at Zhang Mengyu. Although his master was powerful, maybe even the third-level transcendent was not his opponent, but after all, he was only a first-level transcendent. No matter how powerful he was, could he still be more powerful than those military leaders? ?

Even if he is more powerful than those military leaders, can he still defeat King Zhenshan?

So far, in the entire world, the ceiling for leapfrog battles is a young man from a top academy. With the strength of a first-order transcendent, he drew with a strong man in the middle of a fourth-order transcendent. At that time, this news shocked the entire continent. .

As for Zhang Mengyu’s elders, to be honest, for most people, this is almost an ordinary existence in myths and legends. In fact, not many people will regard it as a real existence. A first-level transcendent defeats an eighth- or ninth-level transcendent. The transcendent, how is this possible? He must have been deified.

"Father, how about I get married." Shadel seemed to have made a very difficult decision in her heart. She could now understand what kind of pressure her father was under to make this response.

"Silly girl," the emperor touched Shadel's head, "how can I go back on my words if they are irreversible? Besides, if I can't even protect my own daughter, how can I protect my people?"

During Chamet's rebellion, the emperor seemed to have grown a lot and figured out a lot of things.

"Don't worry, if the princess doesn't want to leave, no one can take her away," Zhang Menglong said, "If you want to touch my apprentice, don't ask me if I agree?"

"King Bingjian, what can you do?"

"Teacher, is it possible to let those in your home..."

"It's not necessary," Zhang Mengyu waved his hand, "I still want to keep a low profile. If they all show up, how can I keep a low profile? I don't want to go to them for help when I meet them for the first time. That's a lot of trouble. Shameful?"

The emperor looked at the two of them suspiciously, what "those at home"?What riddles are they playing?
"Just leave this little matter to me," Zhang Mengyu asked, "Your Majesty, how far is the Qinglan Kingdom from here?"

"If it's a spaceship, it should be able to arrive in two or three days. If it's an army..."

"It's unlikely," Zhang Mengyu said, "With their strength, there is no need to use the army to destroy the Mansha Kingdom. Just sending a few masters is enough."

The emperor smiled bitterly. What Zhang Menglong said didn't sound very nice, but it was the truth. It was estimated that even if they came to retaliate against the Mansha Kingdom for ruining the engagement, they would just send a few experts here.

"Then wait for them to come!" Zhang Menglong said, "In the past few days, everyone should eat, drink, and sleep. He is just a small nobleman of the Qinglan Kingdom. I will just send him away."

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