I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2148 I’m going to start pretending

I don’t know how others spent these two days. Anyway, Zhang Mengyu didn’t take the affairs of Qinglan Kingdom to heart at all.

Of course, in order to prevent them from hurting innocent people with great resentment, Zhang Mengyu still asked Goudan to expand the scanning feedback to the entire imperial city. They wouldn't go and massacre those innocent people, right?

However, Zhang Mengyu and the emperor really underestimated the temper of King Zhenshan, and even miscalculated the purpose of their trip. They were not here to raise an army to punish the enemy, but directly to cause destruction!
"Touch yourself! Hahaha, Your Majesty, you lost again, pay for it!" In the past few days, Zhang Menglong taught the emperor, the queen, and the princess how to play mahjong. The queen is indeed a good hand in managing the harem. In a few days, This national quintessence was promoted, and the whole harem was filled with the sound of mahjong playing.

The emperor was quite addicted to this activity some time ago, but unfortunately he was really not in the mood recently. Today when playing mahjong, he fired several cannons at Zhang Mengyu.

"Forget it, you can go find a partner, I'm really not in the mood." The emperor stood up.

"Then I'll find a concubine to come over," the queen was still very interested. She didn't care who the match was, as long as she could get four people.

"Your Majesty, something happened!" At this moment, Siwatt walked in in a hurry.

"Are they coming?" The emperor's heart suddenly trembled. He calculated the time and found that one day had passed, and it was estimated that the people from Prince Zhenshan's Palace should have arrived.

"Not yet," Siwatt said, "but they are already in the Mansha Kingdom, and just now, they destroyed one of our cities!"

"What did you say?" The emperor suddenly became furious, "Quick, show me what's going on!"

Siwatt immediately opened the holographic image of the inner city. At this moment, everyone only felt strong anger, even an evil spirit!
This city is the only way from the Qinglan Kingdom to the Mansha Kingdom. It is not an important road, but it has a huge population, with a total of 30 billion residents!
Its area is almost two or three times the size of a continent on Earth, and it can be considered a large city in the Mansha Kingdom.

However, at this moment, the city was in a mess as if it had just experienced an earthquake. All the large buildings had turned into ruins, and some broken limbs could even be vaguely seen.

The howling wind mixed with the crying and yelling sounded like a purgatory on earth.

"What happened? Did people from the Qinglan Kingdom do it?" The emperor clenched his fists tightly, and his nails were even deeply embedded in his flesh. They actually destroyed one of their cities just for a little face!

"Just now, two Transcendents attacked the city. They didn't give any warning or say anything. They started attacking directly. I even lost one of my transcendent-level subordinates!" Siwatt's face turned livid, "The city The management system has made preliminary statistics. The city's damage rate exceeds 60%, the death toll is around 2 million, and there are countless serious and minor injuries!"

When Shadel heard these numbers, she shed two lines of tears.

If she hadn't wanted to break off the engagement, how could the city have suffered such a disaster?This is all her fault!

"What about those two people?"

"They are already heading towards the capital, but I'm not sure if they will massacre other cities before that. This should just be a warning to us, or a demonstration!"

"They are simply beasts!" The emperor was no longer as gentle and elegant as before. "Even if they want to demonstrate, why bother the ordinary people? They are looking at human life!"

"I didn't think carefully enough," Zhang Mengyu also blamed himself. If he had known that they would behave like this, Zhang Mengyu could have used the previous two days to complete some defensive measures, and would not have caused such a huge disaster. loss.

With his current ability, he still cannot resurrect 2 million people!
"Since I can't resurrect you, then I will avenge you!" Zhang Mengyu secretly made a decision in his heart.

This incident also made him thoroughly understand that this world is the same as any other world. There is peace on the surface and the law of the jungle secretly. No matter where it is, the survival of the fittest and the winner is king. This is one thing that can never be changed. thing.

[Dean, they are coming! 】At this time, two extremely powerful energy reactions appeared in Goudan's detector. It was the people from the Qinglan Kingdom who were coming!

"Emperor of the Mansha Kingdom, come out and see me!" A bright red voice resounded above the entire palace, even alarming other ordinary residents around it.

Just now, many of their relatives in that destroyed city lost contact, and some survivors also brought back news that the people who committed these atrocities were the two people suspended in the air now!

"let's go!"

The emperor took everyone in the palace directly to the square outside the palace.

They were two people who could sense an extremely arrogant feeling just by looking at their appearance. One of them was a little fat and the other was a little thin, but they both had an unfathomable aura coming from them.

"Are you the emperor of the Mansha Kingdom?"

"Are you two from King Zhenshan?" The emperor asked directly, "You destroyed the cities of my Mansha Kingdom and slaughtered hundreds of millions of my people. Shouldn't we be given an explanation for this matter?"

"Huh?" The two Transcendents looked at each other and seemed to think this was a very funny sentence. "Emperor of the Mansha Kingdom, are you trying to accuse us of raising an army?"

"Emperor, you broke the engagement, and you dare to ask us for an explanation? Your Mansha Kingdom is really a good person!"

"Destroying your city is just a small warning. Without directly destroying your entire country, this is already a very merciful thing!"

"I dare not raise an army to investigate the crime, but the people of my Mansha Kingdom must not die in vain!" The emperor's voice was still sonorous and powerful.

"Oh? What do you want?" The two looked at the emperor with a very playful look.

"You are a small Mansha Kingdom and you don't even have a few decent Transcendents. Are you still thinking about sanctioning us?"

"Third brother, it seems that our methods are too merciful. This emperor actually dares to challenge us."

"In this case, I don't think it's okay to not want this palace!"

The transcendent known as Third Brother had a handprint made of energy particles that looked like data. There was some kind of special linkage between the energy particles, and they suddenly began to expand, forming a huge energy seal with a length of more than ten meters. print!

The power contained in this energy handprint far exceeds that of nuclear weapons, and even the surrounding air is filled with a terrifying force that is about to explode.

"That's it!" General Siwatt said. Judging from the scene that was transmitted at that time, the transcendent was just like this, directly razing the entire city to the ground. This is the terrifying power of a fourth-level peak transcendent. .

If this palm hits the capital directly, I am afraid that in a moment, the entire imperial city will be turned into ruins, and even the entire capital will be destroyed!

This group of people are not here to ask for explanation at all, they are here to kill!

"That's it?" Zhang Mengyu stepped forward, "Everyone give way, I'm going to start showing off!"

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