I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2174 It would be rude to say so.

Chapter 2174 It would be rude to say so.
Gene Lock, a special ability hidden in the human body, was mentioned in the novel "Infinite Horror" and is the core power system in this novel.

But in any living thing, there does exist such an invisible lock, which locks the most special power in each person. Only under some very harsh conditions will this lock be released, thus manifesting produce some incredible power.

For example, when the genetic lock is turned on, the human body on earth will show a substantial increase in strength and speed, a sharp improvement in thinking ability, etc.

The ability Zhang Mengyu is showing now is called thinking synchronization. It can connect himself with surrounding units and share his vision, perception and other senses, thereby achieving a combat power of 1+1 greater than 2.
In terms of strength, his teammates are no weaker than these sneak attackers. It's just because they have the advantage in vision that they become very passive.

Not only was Zhang Mengyu's vision unaffected, but his other senses were exactly the same as on the ground. When he shared these perceptions with his teammates, they suddenly became different.

"I can see everything in front of me!" Although the realization by Zelans and others still has some hazy red color, it is just like applying a layer of filter. With their ability, this effect is almost zero!

Moreover, they even felt the existence of these people and could observe their figures, appearance, etc. through their spiritual consciousness.

"You bastards!" Zeran suddenly gritted his teeth.

"Okay! We didn't come to trouble you, but you targeted us instead. It's really interesting!"

"Just in time, let's take advantage of today's opportunity to settle everything you owe us!"

"Do you know each other? Do you still have a grudge?" Zhang Mengyu obviously felt the anger and hatred in their voices.

"Yeah," Zellance sneered, "Do you know why a few of us will be the examiners for this assessment? It's just to attract some strong new players. Originally, there were 8 people in our team."

"What about the other three?" Zhang Mengyu asked, although he probably already guessed the result.

"They were killed by them," Zelans said. "They are a local indigenous team. They have two eighth-level transcendents and six seventh-level transcendents. They are very strong. The captain's name is Kanalu. They were once a notorious group of predators!"

Zhang Mengyu knew that the plunderers referred to the group of explorers who specialized in stealing other people's harvests.

"Not long ago, we found a pretty good supreme crystal-rich area. We don't know how they were targeted, but they actually attracted a blood slave beast to ambush us. In this ambush, we lost three companions. "

"So that's it," Zhang Mengyu nodded. No wonder they have such a deep hatred. It turns out they have such a connection.

"But we were lucky and were not killed by that Blood Slave Beast. The captain had a treasure that directly transferred the target of the Blood Slave Beast's attack to them, so they suffered the consequences." En gritted his teeth.

"I thought they were dead after disappearing for so long. I didn't expect that not only were they not dead, but they were not even reduced in number, and they actually acquired this kind of ability!"

"Have they gained a new ability?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "You mean, they didn't have this ability before?"

"Before today, we had never heard of anyone who had the ability to have normal vision and perception in a pool of blood." Zelans replied.

"Then I will be even more interested in them!" Zhang Mengyu's expression gradually changed. If their ability is acquired, it is of great significance for research!
Seeing Zhang's hazy look in his eyes, the people in the Canalu team actually panicked!

Since they gained this ability, the blood pool has almost become their own backyard. So far, they have attacked many adventurer teams, and no one has the ability to resist.

Even some time ago, they teamed up to kill an explorer who was at the peak of transcendence, which made them almost float. Perhaps they are the only ones in the entire Holy Soul Alliance who have such ability!But they didn't expect that they would encounter such tough trouble today.

"Are you sure you can deal with them?" Zhang Mengyu asked his teammates.

Thorne was injured, and in his current state, he probably doesn't even have half of his combat effectiveness left. The remaining ones are three seventh-level transcendants and Zelans, an eighth-level transcendent. In terms of combat effectiveness, the opponent is almost Twice their size.

"No problem!" Zelans chuckled, "The main thing is to see you!"

He had a rough idea of ​​the strength of these two eighth-level transcendents from the last time they fought. Their strength had probably just entered the eighth level, but Zelans had already begun to sprint towards the ninth level.

As a strong man who has been famous for a long time, he has absorbed a large number of supreme crystals, and his soul level has reached a near-grade level. Among transcendents of the same level, his combat effectiveness is definitely one of the best.

The two of them might be able to hold on for a while, but they would definitely lose to him!
So the outcome of this battle depends on whether Zhang Mengyu and the other four can defeat the other five seventh-level transcendents in this team.

"I'm going to fight two!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Is it okay for each of you to deal with the rest?"

"Don't worry, even if we can't kill them, we will never let you be disturbed by them." Mo Ji was very confident in the strength of them.


The battle was about to break out. Both sides had already chosen their targets and started fighting fiercely together immediately.

"Be careful!" Zhang Mengyu smiled at his two opponents, and then slowly disappeared.

"Be careful. This kid should have an ability similar to environmental mimicry. As long as you concentrate, you won't be defeated by him in a short time. Take advantage of this moment and attack him immediately. It will definitely be effective."

"Okay!" The two people reached an agreement and began to guard against Zhang Mengyu's attack back to back.

"Can you defend against my attacks back to back?" Zhang Mengyu's voice came from all directions like a ghost, "You can defend against visible attacks, but what about invisible ones?"

As soon as Zhang Menglu finished speaking, the two of them felt a sharp pain in their heads, as if an electric drill was drilling holes crazily.

"This is a soul attack! How is this possible?" The two screamed in panic.

Among the Transcendents, there are also many who specialize in soul attack methods, but in a pool of blood, the soul power is reduced a hundred times, and it is impossible to pose any threat to them, not to mention that Zhang Mengyu is only a first-order Transcendent!
Even if he is born with supernatural powers, it is impossible for him to develop in such a comprehensive way, right?Then this world is too unfair.

However, they had no chance to get to know Zhang Mengwu again. As Zhang Mengwu increased his soul power again, their souls were completely destroyed.The two corpses immediately floated up again.

"So fast?" Several other teammates were surprised to find that Zhang Mengyu had eliminated his opponent so quickly.

"Don't say that men are fast!" Zhang Mengyu raised a finger to his mouth, "It would be rude to say so!"

(End of this chapter)

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