I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2175 But others didn’t agree

Zhang Mengyu was able to deal with these two seventh-level transcendents at once not because of how powerful he is now. It was just the final result of a combination of various factors. Under normal circumstances, he would have to deal with a Seventh-level transcendence still requires a lot of effort.

As Zhang Mengyu's two opponents were defeated, he immediately joined other battles, and this battle quickly ended with their victory.

Six seventh-level transcendents and one eighth-level transcendent were killed, leaving only the captain named Kanalu.

He was beaten badly by Zelans, who stabbed him directly through the chest with the harpoon that injured Thorne just now. His current state was almost on the line between life and death.

His expression could no longer maintain the arrogance it had just now, but was filled with fear.

"Zerans, you can't kill me. The Holy Soul Alliance does not allow explorers to kill each other!"

Kanaro was still talking to them about the rules of the Holy Soul Alliance at this time, which made them really want to laugh.

They don't believe that they and others are the first batch of prey of Kanalu and the others. Before that, relying on this special ability, they must have plundered many other teams, and even had a lot of human lives on their hands. If Taking the rules of the Holy Soul Alliance into account, they should have died more than once.

"Is this killing each other?" Zelans said with a smile, "I have collected all the evidence that you attacked us. Even in the Holy Soul Alliance, I was only acting in reasonable self-defense. Maybe I can still Give me an award!"

"Tell me, how do you have normal vision in this pool of blood?" This is also a question that Zelans is very interested in.

"If I tell you, can you let me go?" Canaru bargained. This is his only bargaining chip to survive now.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you tell me, I won't kill you!" Zelans promised.

"Do you still remember that time our team attacked you with a blood slave beast?" Kanalu said.

"Yes!" Zelans nodded indifferently. He became angry when he mentioned this matter. That time he lost several teammates who got along well with each other!

"We tried our best to kill the blood slave beast. You also know that it is almost impossible to kill the blood slave beast in a pool of blood. The entire blood slave beast is their source of life. If we delay it, we will be very likely to Might be dragged down.”

"Then we suddenly thought of a way. Since the blood slave beast relies on a pool of blood to survive, what if it is isolated from the pool of blood?"

"We used special means to isolate the pool of blood from that part of the Blood Slave Beast. Even before he completed the reorganization of his body, just as we thought, its recovery stopped, and we destroyed the rest of its body. , and the Blood Slave Beast only has a very special energy left, which can be absorbed by the human body. After we absorb it, we will have the ability to see in a pool of blood."

"Blood Slave Beast..." Zhang Mengyu said to himself, yes, he clearly felt that there was something attracting him in the pool of blood, but so far, Zhang Mengwu had focused on the pool of blood and ignored it. This kind of blood slave beast.

They are probably the most special existence in this pool of blood!
"I didn't expect the Blood Slave Beast to have such a function," Zelans heard this for the first time, because so far, no one seemed to have successfully captured or actually killed a Blood Slave Beast.

Of course, even if there is, after other people know this information, they will just keep silent and make a fortune, and it is impossible to tell other people the news.

"How credible is his statement?" Mo Ji obviously didn't quite believe what he said.

"There should be more than 90% credibility." Zhang Mengyu has been testing his mental fluctuations. If he is lying, he must not be able to escape his observation. "Do you have any important information that you have not disclosed to us? What’s hidden?”

Kanalu's body trembled. He knew that Zhang Mengyu's soul power was extremely powerful and he could judge by the fluctuations of their mental power when they spoke. Therefore, whatever he said was true, but he selectively concealed it. Some of them, unexpectedly, were discovered by Zhang Mengyu. "I've already said it all, there's nothing to hide," said Canalu, who was still determined to be evil.

"In that case, let's kill him," Zhang Mengyu said to Zelans, "He didn't tell the truth."

"Well, since Mengyu said he didn't tell the truth, he didn't tell the truth." After saying that, Zelans pulled out the harpoon from his chest.

Kanalu screamed, Zelens was really cruel!
And don’t they have the ability to think themselves?That first-order transcendent said that he didn't tell the truth, just because he didn't tell the truth?He said he was Qin Shihuang, was he Qin Shihuang?

"Wait! I'm telling you!" Kanalu trembled in fright. If another harpoon came down, his life would probably be lost.

"I'll give you a minute to think about it first. If you continue to lie or conceal, there won't be a Qiaodou sack situation next time." Zhang Mengyu looked at him with a half-smile, his eyes full of threats.

"The energy after the death of the Blood Slave Beast is a kind of soul power full of aggression. It took several of us to hit all the power to disperse this soul power. Although we absorbed this energy, we were not enough. It took me a few months to recover."

"Okay," Zhang Menglong sneered, "Are you not careful, our souls will be shattered by the impact of this residual soul power, and then we will all die? You are really good at fighting. Abacus!"

Kanalu lowered his head and said nothing. He had this idea from the beginning.

"Did you lie this time?" Zelans looked at Zhang Mengyu.

"Probably not," Zhang Mengyu nodded. Kanalu's soul fluctuations were normal, and he should be telling the truth this time.

"Can you let me go now?"

Before Kanalu could breathe a sigh of relief, a sharp spear pierced his throat directly.

When he was dying, he turned his head and saw that it was Mo Ji who took action!

"I promised my companion that if I had the chance, I would avenge him." Mo Ji touched a wound on her chest. The wound was not deep because a team member blocked a wound for her at that time. A sure-killing blow for a blood slave beast.

That attack penetrated her teammate's body, and the remaining power was not enough to seriously injure her. It only left a scar, but the companion died as a result.

"Didn't you promise me." Kanalu said reluctantly.

"I agreed, and our captain also agreed, but others did not agree," Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "I have no right to make decisions for others."

A trace of despair flashed in Kanaro's eyes, he was actually being fooled!

But the power in his body was leaving him, and he seemed to have seen his own breasts

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