I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2180: Has he entered the blood vortex?

Chapter 2180: Has he entered the blood vortex?
"Okay, we will do it!" The commander's attitude made the two people immediately realize that the identity of this explorer was absolutely terrifying. They had never seen the commander with such a serious expression!

"This badge actually appeared" ended the communication, and the commander's body was still shaking uncontrollably.

As long as they are the core members of the Holy Soul Alliance, they all know this badge. It represents the leader of the Holy Soul Alliance whose dragon has never seen the beginning or end!
It is said that before this alliance leader appeared, the six major countries fought for the ownership of this bloody pool, which was called an earth-shaking fight. They were almost in the flames of war for years, and no one surrendered to the other!
Someone once proposed that the entire blood pool be jointly managed, and everyone would score the benefits individually, but no one bought it because everyone felt that they were awesome and could win the final victory.

Until the leader of the alliance appeared, he directly occupied the entire pool of blood with an extremely powerful attitude, even making the heads of state of six countries dare not even let go of a fart. This war that lasted for hundreds of years was actually calmed down in this way. Got it!

After the alliance leader took down the pool of blood alone, he did not really take it as his own, but let the six countries jointly govern it. His existence is more like a constraint!
After that, the Holy Soul Alliance really existed, and the six major countries also established a small town in Gezi.

However, it is said that after the unification of the six major national alliances, there was almost no news about that alliance leader, and all management rights were directly handed over to the hands of the parliament.

But even if he leaves, his prestige in the Holy Soul Alliance is still extremely high. Because of his appearance, the war in the six countries has completely calmed down. Especially the ordinary people of the six countries are grateful to him.

This happened a long time ago, more than 1000 years ago, but even though this mysterious leader never appeared again, the six major countries continued to maintain the alliance, and no one wanted to tear up the agreement. , which shows how much awe he brought to them.

And the badge that the commander just saw represents the family of that alliance leader!

The first thing for any member who joins the core force of the Holy Soul Alliance is to keep this badge of honor firmly in mind.

The Holy Soul Alliance has many rules, regulations and clauses. The first and most important one is that seeing this badge is like seeing the leader!
After more than 1000 years, this badge actually appeared again!
"This matter must be reported to Parliament!"

Zhang Mengyu didn't know much about the history of the Holy Soul Alliance, so he naturally didn't know what kind of turmoil the entire Holy Soul Alliance was in at this moment.

"Sir, would you like something to drink?" The two guards approached Zhang Mengyu in an extremely flattering manner.

"Shall I get you a more comfortable chair? It's so hard to sit here!"

Zhang Mengyu glanced at the two of them with a strange look. Wasn't it just two supreme crystals? Did his service attitude suddenly become so exaggerated?
The two of them suddenly remembered what the commander had just said, "Mr. Explorer, did you just say you wanted to get something?"

Zhang Meng nodded.

"But now most of the buildings in the pool of blood have been sucked into the blood vortex, and the damage is very serious. Moreover, it is so dangerous now. How about we arrange for a few people to accompany you to see it later?"

"No need, I can just go in by myself," Zhang Menglong said with a smile, "Can I go in now?"

"The supervisor has given instructions. You can do anything you want. We can assist you." The two guards smiled.

"It's okay, I'll just go in by myself." Zhang Mengyu also wanted to enter the pool of blood. It would be very troublesome if someone followed him. What if others think that he is out of his mind and wants to die?
"If that's the case, then we won't disturb you, sir."

Without the obstruction of the two guards, Zhang Mengyu entered the area where there was a pool of blood without any hindrance.

There was an energy protection system around the pool of blood. When they opened it for Zhang Mengyu, he felt a strong wind blowing out of it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's more powerful than a typhoon!" Zhang Mengyu looked at the pool of blood, which was calm last time. The buildings that provided explorers with access to water and rest were now severely deformed.Powerful streams of water will rush out of the pool of blood at any time, and then spray hundreds of meters into the sky; some water jets will also hit the buildings on the shore at a certain oblique angle, directly deforming those buildings or even It's damaged.

If this kind of water column hits a person, some of the weaker Transcendents may even have their ancient bones broken apart.

"This is really fierce," Zhang Mengyu felt panicked, "I don't know what caused this blood vortex. If it is just an ordinary geological change, how could it have such an effect?"

[This is definitely not an ordinary geological change. There must be something special under this pool of blood! ] Goudan said decisively.

"What is the reason? Just go down and have a look." Zhang Menglong walked towards the bank of the pool of blood, and at the same time used the "Water Control Technique" he had just learned.

"Boom!" A water column suddenly shot towards Zhang Mengyu. Its diameter was more than five meters, and it was simply a terrifying waterspout!
However, this water column actually stopped a few meters in front of Zhang Mengyu, as if it had hit some invisible barrier.

Zhang Mengwu took two steps forward, and the water column was forced back by Zhang Mengwu. Even the liquid under his feet seemed to receive some kind of repulsive force and dispersed towards the surroundings.

These liquids actually terrify Zhang Mengyu!
Zhang Mengwu's mind moved, and a pool of liquid on the ground directly attached to Zhang Mengwu's body, forming a ball and wrapping him in the middle.

Zhang Mengyu jumped up and fell directly into a pool of blood.

The liquid sphere within one meter around Zhang Mengyu seemed to be directly isolated from other surrounding liquids. It was not affected at all. He could not even feel the slightest impact!

The water balloon took Zhang Mengwu and dived directly into the chaotic blood vortex. In the process, Zhang Mengwu even saw many broken limbs and explorer equipment. This shows how tragic the consequences of this disaster were. .

Not long after Zhang Mengyu dived into the pool of blood, shocking auras appeared in Town No. 1, and the expressions of the guards responsible for guarding the entrance to the pool of blood suddenly changed.

Someone big is coming!


The leader of this group of people is the guard commander of Town No. [-] of their Holy Soul Alliance. Behind him are six middle-aged people who are gorgeously dressed and exude the aura of superiors.

"Where are the people?" They looked around, but didn't see the person they wanted to see.

"Where is the person who gave you the badge?" the commander asked anxiously.

"He said he wanted to go into a pool of blood to find something. Didn't you tell him to do whatever he wanted? We let him in."

"What did you say?" Everyone's expressions changed. "He entered the blood vortex?"

(End of this chapter)

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