I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2181 Then change your style of play

Chapter 2181 Then change the way of playing

"What kind of person is the one who gave you the badge?" one of the Big Six asked.

"It's a young man. We are also very surprised. He only has the strength of a first-order transcendent, but he actually has the epaulette of a top explorer. He said that something was left inside and it should be out soon."

"Young man?" Several giants were a little puzzled. The one who made an earth-shattering appearance back then disappeared, leaving almost nothing except the symbol of the badge. They originally thought he was the leader of the Holy Soul Alliance. It appeared again, but judging from the description, it didn't seem to be him.

"I'll go take a look first!" A giant rushed directly into the pool of blood, but Zhang Mengyu had already dived deep into the pool of blood, and there was nothing but a mess everywhere he could see.

"Show the holographic projection of that time!"

Several guards immediately called up the scene at that time, and the heads of the six giants were almost thrust into the holographic projection.

"Your Majesty, are you the leader of the Holy Soul Alliance?" the commander asked one of the giants.

The emperor shook his head, "The facial features are very similar, but the ages are completely different. I guess this is probably a junior in the leader's family, or even a descendant!"

Speaking of this, they suddenly felt worried.

If this is really the case, if that young man has an accident here, all of them will probably be to blame!

Thinking of how powerful that man was, they couldn't help but shudder. If the alliance leader got angry with them because of that young man, the entire Holy Soul Alliance would be in for a catastrophe.

"We'll wait here!" Several emperors discussed for a while.

Although they are all beyond the limit, the current pool of blood is still full of danger for them. Even if they are accidentally involved in it, it will be difficult for them to come out alive!


Zhang Mengyu didn't know that the actual leaders of the Holy Soul Alliance were feeling extremely uneasy because of his matter. At this moment, he had slowly dived into a pool of blood close to a depth of 30 meters!

At this depth, the chaos of the blood pool is even greater, and even if he has the ability to see in the blood pool, he will be greatly disturbed by these turbulent currents. Zhang Mengyu also needs to rely on his soul power to find the direction.

Just like what Zelans and the others described, the blood vortex seemed to disrupt and reorganize the entire structure of the blood pool. All the supreme crystals in the depths of the blood pool were washed to new areas by this turbulent flow, and The number is quite a lot.

Zhang Mengyu didn't even bother to look for it, but collected dozens of supreme crystals along the way.

Suddenly, Zhang Mengyu's soul seemed to be stimulated by something, as if something was approaching him!

[Dean, a powerful soul is approaching! 】

"I feel it!" Zhang Mengyu stared in that direction, "Is it the Blood Slave Beast?"

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in front of his eyes. The size of the eyes was even a hundred times larger than the headlights of a car!
Almost at the same time, this behemoth opened its mouth, and its huge fangs made people feel a little numb when they saw it.

"What the hell is this!" Zhang Menglong dodged hastily, and then barely managed to escape from the bloody mouth.

Only then did he feel the full extent of this huge creature!
It is more than two kilometers long and looks like a huge shark. In this turbulent blood vortex, it is hardly affected at all.

"There is no breath of flesh and blood life, this is a soul creature," Zhang Mengyu carefully observed what was in front of him. His teammates had said that the blood slave beast had no fixed appearance and was almost impossible to kill. Now Zhang Menglong Hazy finally understood why.The blood slave beast is a special energy creature. Ordinary energy life forms survive in a state of energy. Energy attacks can damage it or even destroy it.

But the blood slave beast is very special. It uses the liquid in the blood to form its own body and preserves its soul in it. This body is completely dispensable to it, even if it is injured, It also doesn't feel any pain.

Even if part of it is lost, it can be restored immediately. The blood slave beast is almost invincible in a pool of blood!
Even if they are caught, they can abandon their bodies. After all, the body is just a container. You can change it if you want. It can be called the golden cicada's ability to escape from its shell.

"My soul is asking me to devour this blood slave beast!" Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

Why can I move freely in this pool of blood without being affected?

Almost because my soul is extremely special!

The blood slave beast is also like this in this pool of blood. Does this also mean that his soul and the soul of the blood slave beast are very similar in a certain dimension?
Before Zhang Mengyu could think more, the blood slave beast rushed towards him again. Perhaps to the blood slave beast, it felt exactly the same as Zhang Mengwu!Deep in its soul, there is also a voice telling it to eat this human being immediately!

The blood slave beast suddenly turned around, and its huge tail smashed towards Zhang Mengyu like a city wall.

The blood slave beast is extremely fast, and coupled with its huge body, if Zhang Mengyu wants to dodge, the speed and reaction required must be thousands of times faster than usual. Now he has no way to dodge calmly.

He condensed the liquid in the pool of blood into a shield in front of him. As the liquid shield shattered, Zhang Mengyu's body was wrapped in water balls and flew out, but his power was basically removed. Ninety percent.

"This thing is so powerful," Zhang Mengyu didn't dare to underestimate it. The attack just now was enough to make an ordinary explorer lose half his life.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, the blood slave beast immediately launched a pursuit.

Zhang Mengyu finally figured it out. The fighting method of this blood slave beast is rough physical confrontation. Compared with the transcendent of the same level, its power is at least three to five times stronger!
"Reckless, aren't you?" After several collisions, Zhang Mengyu also felt a little angry and blood welling up.

"Great annihilation!"

Zhang Mengyu roared angrily, and a pair of devil's wings actually spread out behind him. His strength, speed, and nerve reactions suddenly increased sharply.

"King Fist!"

"Free Ultimate Instinct!"

With the blessing of abilities one after another, Zhang Menglong has simply turned into a humanoid monster, and his fists and feet even contain explosive power.

"Bang!" There was another fierce collision, and Zhang Mengyu was suddenly pushed back a hundred meters, and the blood slave beast seemed to have exploded a bomb, with a huge wound dozens of meters in diameter appearing.

However, this body is just a skin to the blood slave beast. The liquid in the pool of blood slowly condenses and grows back on the wound like the flesh and blood of the blood slave beast.

"There is really no way to kill this thing with physical means!" Zhang Mengyu had been mentally prepared for it, but he was not surprised at all.

His breath slowly calmed down. No matter how he increased his strength and speed, it was almost meaningless to this blood slave beast.

"Then let's change the strategy," Zhang's hazy eyes flashed with blue light, "Secret Book of the Soul, Six Rays - Tower of the Void!"

(End of this chapter)

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