I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 662 Please show a health code

Chapter 662 Please Show Your Health Code
"Oh, it's such a comfortable sleep!"

When the Import and Export Administration Bureau and the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau were very busy, Zhang Mengyu had just woke up from his sleep.

The ingredients have been prepared in the refrigerator of the hotel suite, and Lu Yiyao has also prepared breakfast.

In the living room, everyone seemed a little listless. After all, everyone was full of expectations. Some brothers and sisters even made up their minds to spend money to buy a SLR. Now that it's here, the sun is shining outside, but they can only stay in the hotel.

"Why do you look unhappy?" Zhang Meng asked while eating.

"Hazy, didn't you say they would come to beg us today, why is there still no movement?"

"Yeah, we're not really going to be locked up in this damn place for three weeks, are we?"

"What's the rush?" Zhang Mengyu pointed to the wall clock on the wall. "It's not even 10 o'clock, but I guess they are already too busy."

"Ah?" Everyone didn't answer, Zhang Menglong just called last night, could it be already effective now?How much appeal and executive power does this need?

"You can check the news, maybe there is news by now." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

Zhu Mengchao turned on the TV directly, and switched the TV stations casually. One of the pictures was the scene of the port in full swing.

The current port has long been in chaos, a large amount of goods are piled up here, and some materials that should have been shipped out as early as the morning are still in place, and new containers have also been shipped in batches. The port is even more lively than the vegetable market.

Businessmen can no longer control their emotions. There is nothing wrong with the country, and even the remaining cases of the previous two days have been cleared. Why is there another epidemic inexplicably now?
Many of these entrepreneurs are related to the medical system. When asked, what is the severity of the epidemic and what is the mutated strain?
Some companies have even started to suffer huge losses in just a few hours. How should this loss be calculated?
The Import and Export Administration must give an explanation, right?

And those cranes, the workers are all ready, now tell them there is no work to do?You know, many workers are paid as much as they do. After all, not every country has such a complete employment system. If there is no work, there will be no money!
Now a large number of workers are crowded at the pier, some are holding loudspeakers and swearing, some don’t know when they got up banners, demanding an explanation.

"What's the situation? Mengyu, you have such a good relationship with these enterprises that have import and export relations with South Africa?" asked one of Zhang Mengyu's seniors, "You let them cancel the transaction so quickly?"

"You're not starting to coerce and lure again, are you? Buying someone who doesn't listen to you? I think this is your style of doing things."

"I'm sorry," Zhang Mengyu shook his head. "This accounted for 80% of South Africa's import and export business. It is directly or indirectly my industry. I am their boss. If I tell them to stop, they have to stop me!"


"Fuck! Junior brother, you have such a wide industrial chain, I'm so sorry!"

"This wave of operations really made the senior sister look wet."


"Senior sister, stop flirting!"

Everyone is a highly educated person, and everyone can guess the consequences of this situation. It is absolutely impossible for South Africa to watch the country's foreign trade system collapse. Can come to him.

How long can they last?
If the epidemic really breaks out, that's all. My life is the most important thing. It's good to be able to survive with food and drink.

But the point is that there is nothing wrong at all now, and I don’t know that it was the false news spread by that melon boy. There are obviously all kinds of things. Now that it has become like this, the people of the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau want to apologize to the people of the whole country!

What are the benefits of falsely spreading the epidemic to them?This must be a conspiracy!

Now there are countless phone calls to various relevant departments every minute, which shows the extent of public opinion and social pressure. Let alone the three-week quarantine period, I am afraid that it will not last for three days!
In the afternoon, the relevant departments were still as stubborn as ducks, and finally an extreme incident broke out.

The Exit-Entry Administration and the Health Bureau were attacked by some corporate arrangements!

The people in the Health Bureau are very depressed. They just obey orders, and they are just acting near the airport. How can the anger of the masses be vented on them?

Dlamini's head was wrapped in a white bandage. Just now, when he went to maintain order, he was severely hit by a stick on the head.

For this business, the entrepreneur mortgaged his car and house to the bank, and raised several million dollars, planning to take advantage of this global industrial boom to make some money.

After the business has been negotiated and the contract signed, the only thing left is to hand over the goods. As soon as the goods are handed over, the 1000 million US dollars will be credited directly, and he can redeem all the mortgaged properties, and then earn millions of dollars happily.

But now, his goods have been waiting at the port for half a day, and the partner actually told him that because of the epidemic, the cooperation will be delayed until the epidemic is under control, and we can talk about it in a month.

In another week, the bank will come to collect his house and car!

And there is no epidemic at all, so why should it be delayed until the year of the monkey?

In anger, he rushed to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau together with many similar entrepreneurs, and gave Dlamini a slap in the face.

"It's all your good idea!" Dlamini looked at his assistant, but he couldn't blame him too much. After all, he really had nothing to do at the time, and he nodded in agreement with this routine.

"What should we do now? The virus has mutated and the epidemic has worsened. If this matter is just to fool Zhang Menglong, it will be fine. Now people all over the country know about it. People who believe it have started hoarding supplies in supermarkets, and even started burning and looting. up.

Those who don't believe it, such as these foreign trade entrepreneurs, are already in a hurry to kill people. If they don't solve it, they might throw a gas cylinder in later.

"Director, the phone above!" A subordinate handed him the phone.

"Dlamini! I understand your current situation. It is really troublesome to entrust this matter to you, but now we have a new countermeasure!"

"A new countermeasure?" Dlamini sighed, "Sir, please forgive me, I think the decision to deal with Zhang Mengyu at the beginning was a wrong decision."

"But things have already been done, and we can only make mistakes," said the person on the other end of the phone. "In three days, someone will come to solve Zhang Mengyu. What you have to do now is to stabilize Zhang Mengyu within these three days. No matter what you pay No matter how much it costs, he cannot be allowed to take any action, and after three days, this person will no longer exist in this world."

"How sure are you?" Dlamini asked.

"99%! And that 1%, unless he's not human!"

"Okay, three days?" Dlamini put down the phone.

"Director, just now"

"Let's go to Zhang Mengyu!" Dlamini said, "Go to him and apologize. No matter what the conditions are, we will accept them, as long as we can stabilize the economy and stabilize Zhang Mengyu within these three days."

Dlamini's assistant didn't speak, but he knew that Dlamini must have had his own thoughts in making this decision.

"Going right now!"

The hotel where Zhang Mengyu and others lived has been completely transformed into a so-called "quarantine hotel" after one night's renovation. There are almost no people in the hotel, and all the staff have also undergone temporary training. It does look like it really is.

He took his assistant to the top presidential suite and rang the doorbell.

"Which one?" A young voice came from the door.

"Mr. Zhang, is it convenient for you to open the door? This is Dlamini, Director of the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau."

"Oh, it's inconvenient!"

"???" Dlamini froze for a moment, who is this person, can he play cards according to common sense.

"I'm sorry, I heard that the epidemic situation in your country is very serious. If you want to come in, please show your health code first!"

(End of this chapter)

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