I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 663 Nucleic Acid Detection Within 1 Minute

Chapter 663 Show me a nucleic acid test within 10 minutes

"Health code?"

This term made Dlamini stand in place directly, what the hell is the health code.

"Mr. Zhang, what is the health code you are talking about?"

"Damn, you don't even know the health code, and you still prevent and control the epidemic? You go and apply for one first!"

"Director, the health code is an electronic certificate in Huaxia that proves that you have not entered or exited high-risk areas and is in good health. When the epidemic in Huaxia was at its worst, no matter what public places you entered, you needed to show the QR code." Della Minnie immediately explained to him.

"But Mr. Zhang, where in Africa do we have a health code?"

"There is no health code, any Sukang code, Jingkang code, and Shanghai Kang code are fine. As long as it is a code that Huaxia has, I will recognize it here!" Zhang Mengyu said solemnly, "You have also seen it. After all, I brought my friends out to play, I must ensure their safety, otherwise I will be sorry for my mentor and my senior brothers and sisters’ parents."

"If we were infected and we returned to China, wouldn't we bring the virus back with us, so we would be sorry for the country and the party!"

The more Zhang Mengyu said, the more serious it was, as if as long as Dlamini refused to show his health code, it would be a heinous thing.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I definitely don't carry any wards, just let me in!"

"No!" Zhang Mengyu sternly refused, "In your country, I do as the Romans do, and if you say quarantine, you will be quarantined. I don't have a word, but you should also respect the customs of our country. On our side , but you have to show your health code."

"Why don't you go to Huaxia now and apply for a health code?" Zhang Mengyu said.

"I" Dlamini has the urge to scold my mother, go to Huaxia?He needs to make an entry application first. What is the reason for the application?I want to come to Huaxia to apply for a health code?

Even if the epidemic prevention and control center doesn't drag him away, I'm afraid the mental hospital has to find him first, right?

And so again and again, the already crazy workers and entrepreneurs have found someone to blow up their capital?

Zhang Mengyu secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Hong Yi, "Monitor, if someone named Dlamini applies for a health code, find a way to make his health code popular!"

Dlamini does not dare to say that there is no epidemic at all now. He believes that as long as he speaks out, this door will never be opened for himself. He must walk in front of Zhang Mengyu and use the most humble and respectful attitude. Only in this way can Zhang Mengyu's attitude be eased a little bit.

"And I'm not talking about you, Mr. Dlamini," Zhang Mengyu continued, "This place is a quarantine area, relatively speaking, it is considered a high-risk area. If you walk in and out so casually, God knows when you will be carrying the virus. Yes, I really dare not let you in,"

"Mr. Zhang, you are really worried too much. The quarantine area of ​​our hotel is strictly disinfected, and all quarantined personnel are not allowed to leave their rooms. The situations you mentioned do not exist. "

After finishing speaking, Dlamini picked up an infrared thermometer and took a look at his forehead, "Look, Mr. Zhang, I don't have any signs of fever. How could I be a virus carrier?"

"That's hard to say," Zhang Mengyu said, "There are still many asymptomatic infected people. Last time I heard that there was a person from England. His own immunity almost killed the virus. It was detected that you are carrying the virus, what if you are also an asymptomatic infection?"

Zhang Mengyu began to sell miserably while talking, "Speaking of it, you don't know. I have been weak and sick since I was a child, because my mother didn't have enough breast milk. I grew up drinking melamine milk powder. Look at my big head. Although the pretense is all wisdom, but I traded my health for this, I usually catch a cold every [-] times, and intermittently have a fever every [-] times, a horse with weak immunity."

"Who the hell believes that?" Dlamini wished he could just hit the door and go in. You were still weak and sick since you were a child?Your family is so rich, if you spend money to hire a few nurses, you can swim in the breast milk swimming pool, right?
"Well then, I won't embarrass you anymore," Zhang Mengyu said, "After all, this is really unrealistic, but I must also ensure the absolute safety of me and my friends. You should do a nucleic acid test first. As long as the nucleic acid test shows Negative, I will let you in!"

"I have this!" Dlamini immediately said to his assistant, "Show Mr. Zhang the photo!"

Dlamini's assistant quickly found a photo from his mobile phone, which showed Dlamini's recent nucleic acid test report.

"This." Zhang Mengyu clenched his chin, "All photos can be photoshopped now, who knows if yours is photoshopped, I want to see the original copy of the nucleic acid test!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, wait a moment, I'll send someone to get it right away!" Dlamini immediately called the people in his office, and it took him half an hour to drive from his office.

"You kid is really a fucking talent!" Zhang Menglong made things difficult for Dlamini for a long time, and immediately made everyone feel deeply disgusted, telling you to isolate us in this ghost place like a prisoner.

Are we the ones you quarantined if you wanted to, and released if you wanted to?We also want to save face, can't we kill you?
"You asked an African to show his health code. I am really stupid for this wave of operations."

"I'm really worried that he's going to Huaxia to apply for a health code."

"Also the nucleic acid test, hahaha, I bet ten yuan, even if he comes here with the nucleic acid test, Misty can find other problems!"

"Shouldn't he beg us seriously? I have to think about what I want. South Africa is so rich. Is it not too much for me to ask for several million dollars for mental damage?"

"Let's get bigger! As our juniors, we are a person who earns hundreds of millions of dollars every minute. How can a few million be enough?"

Half an hour later, Dlamini came back in a hurry with his own nucleic acid test.

Just now he received a new message that the angry crowd had already rushed into the health department and started doing odd jobs. They demanded to refute the rumors to the public immediately and compensate them for their losses.

Because so far, in order to prevent Zhang Mengyu from knowing the lie against him, the media has not officially announced the cause of the riots, let alone the fact that the epidemic is a fiction, which has escalated the anger of the masses.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here with my nucleic acid test!" Dlamini handed his test certificate to Zhang Mengyu through the special delivery slot, "Look, Mr. Zhang, there is absolutely no trace of PS. And the stamp on it is definitely effective!"

"By the way, there is also my assistant's test certificate!" In order to prevent Zhang Mengyu from playing any tricks, he also stuffed his assistant's test report into it.

"Well, it was 7 days ago," Zhang Mengyu looked at the report and said thoughtfully, "This is not very good. The nucleic acid test was done a week ago. Many things can happen in such a long time."

Zhang Mengyu sent back the test report, "Mr. Dlamini, I'm sorry, I don't accept the nucleic acid test report so long ago."

"Why? As far as I know, even in your country, if you fly domestically during the epidemic, you only need to show the nucleic acid test report within a week!"

"That won't work," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I must ensure the safety of my life, please Mr. Dlamini to show me the nucleic acid test report within 10 minutes!"

(End of this chapter)

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