I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 811 I'm Not Poor Money

Chapter 811 I'm Not Poor Money
Stargazer is the top spacecraft, all configuration options are also very personalized, which causes the final price to be several times higher than the list price!
Under normal circumstances, people who buy this kind of spaceship will choose the configuration carefully. They don't know that you get what you pay for, but the cost performance is also very important. If you spend a lot of money, but the performance is just a little bit better. , that doesn't make much sense.

After all, no one's money in this world comes from the wind, except Zhang Mengyu!

"Sir, are you sure? Because there are still 32 customized parts, if you choose all of them with the highest price, the total price will be much higher than the basic price."

"You do the math for me first," Zhang Mengyu said indifferently, no matter how expensive it is, you can earn it back if you die for a minute, right?

Anninas's fingers moved quickly, but in the world, she had already put Zhang Mengyu in the list of customers who had neither spending power nor spending potential.

This is to buy a spaceship, not to buy vegetables. Even if you go to the supermarket to buy a peach, you have to pinch whether it is soft or hard. If you really buy a spaceship, how can it be so casual?

She believed that Zhang Mengyu would definitely piss on the spot when he saw the final price, so according to what he said, he chose the most expensive configuration for all configurations!

"Sir, according to all the configurations, choose the top one. The current landing price of the entire spaceship is 425 trillion universe coins!"

"Not expensive either!"

"Not expensive?" Anninas's already big eyes widened. I don't know how many rich people have been scared away by this quotation in the past few hundred years. Zhang Mengyu actually said that it is not expensive?
This is too good to pretend, right?Will he have money to settle the bill by then?
Zhang Menglong took a look at his very old timer in the eyes of Anninas—the watch. It has been more than ten minutes since he entered the company. He should have earned money from several stargazers. Bar?
"Okay, just follow this, I want this cool purple color in the dark night." Zhang Menglong had already taken a fancy to this color, "Should I transfer the money directly?"

"What?" Anninas froze for a moment, what's the matter?This is about to pay?Did she make a mistake in her judgment?

"Sir, our process is like this. The company will first collect an intention fee from you, then queue up your order at the factory, and then wait until your order is queued, and then you pay the final payment. During this process, the intention fee It can be returned, and you can change the configuration information at any time."

"You are quite humane." In fact, many car companies or real estate companies on the earth also operate in this way. The intention fee is generally much higher than the deposit, but you can enjoy many benefits.

Because in fact, the amount of these intentional funds is high and they stay in the company for a long time. Most of the time, they will be used by large companies as investments, and there is a certain rate of return. Even if the refund is made at that time, the interest will still belong to the company.

"How much deposit do I need to pay?"

"The deposit for this spaceship is about 10% of the basic configuration price. You need to pay 10 trillion universe coins. Before the official production, your order can be changed or refunded."

"Okay, then pay directly!"

The company with the fifth-level civilization is awesome. A pop-up window for all payment systems appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu's eyes. As long as he confirms and authorizes him to enter the password, the payment can be completed.

"Payment completed!"

After receiving 10 trillion universe coins, that Anninas finally confirmed that this person is really a very low-key rich man!

Usually, when she negotiated a business, the other party would at least have to watch it for a long time, not to mention the test drive, and this client did not have a test drive at all. From viewing the spacecraft to placing a deposit, the whole process took less than half a universe!

Either this kind of person has a big heart, or he is so rich that he doesn't care about the money at all!
"Wait a minute, I'll check the account!"

Anninas entered her work system, and sure enough, a deposit had already arrived in her work account in the company.

"Worker number HF7557, your work public account has received a fund of 10 trillion universe coins. This account is a five-star user of the universe bank and is a top customer. Please maintain customer relationship carefully!"

"Universal Bank five-star user!?" Anninas was stunned.

For business reasons, they have some cooperation with Universal Bank. Every time a customer transfers money, they can see the customer's level in Universal Bank, so as to judge the customer's quality and consumption potential.

Anninas has encountered many star users so far. After all, the people who come to consume are big figures of the third-level civilization, and it is not uncommon for the owners of the fifth-level civilization to come.

But these people are at most one-star users, two-star users are rare, and there have never been any five-star users!

After all, five-star users are all boss-level figures. Who would come to buy a spaceship in person?

"Sir, we have received your deposit." It was the first time that Anninas faced such a five-star user, and she didn't even know what to say.

To be honest, these people have also fantasized about the scene where the big guys on the list fly up to the branches and become phoenixes. In fact, the employees of many companies don't mind what happens to these rich people with spending power.

But those people are at most one-star and two-star users, and five-star users are almost all legendary figures.

For example, a girl fantasizes about marrying a rich man, but when the emperor appears in front of her, her mind is blank, and she is now in the state of Anninas.

"Then is there anything else I need to do?" Zhang Menglong continued to ask.

"Sir, in the end, you need to choose the material of the spaceship." Anninas tried to calm herself down, "The material of our spaceship is currently Nigel alloy, which is the highest specification alloy used in combat-type spaceships. "

"How's the defense?"

"It can ignore the attacks of all hot weapons from the fifth-level advanced civilization, and can even resist the full-scale attack of the sixth-level living body."

"Is there anything better?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

As a cancer patient who pretends to be a cancer patient, he walks on the path of pretending all year round. If he is not careful, he may be killed. Although the alloy that can withstand the full attack of a sixth-level life body is awesome, it is far from what he expected. There are still some small gaps.

"Of course." Anninas called out a list, "We will also provide martial arts weapon-grade metal materials, but the price may be very exaggerated."

Zhang Menglong glanced at it, and directly pulled the list to the bottom.

"Source alloy? What is this?"

"This is the product of the Big Bang. It is the strongest and most stable natural alloy known to the civilization of the universe. Even the top civilizations cannot extract this alloy artificially."

"Good guy, is it sold by the gram?" Zhang Mengyu said in surprise, "1 gram costs 8 universe coins, this thing is comparable to a civilized planet!"

"Yes, sir. The output of source alloys is not large. Normally, this metal is added to martial arts weapons and sold as strengthening materials. Only a small proportion is needed to greatly increase the power of martial arts weapons."

"It sounds awesome," Zhang Menglong said, "I'll use it!"

"Are you sure?" Anninas repeatedly confirmed, "According to the specifications of the stargazer, the most suitable source alloy ratio requires about 1.5% of impurities. For a million-ton stargazer, you need at least [-] tons of source alloy."

"The current market price of the source alloy is 8 universes, that is 800 trillion universe coins, plus your basic configuration, the total price is around 12 stars."

"It's still cheap," Zhang Mengyu nodded and said, "Can you make it for me with 100% source alloy? I'm not short of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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