I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 812 I also just found out that I am a shareholder

Chapter 812 I also just found out that I am a shareholder
"100% source alloy?" Anninas smiled wryly.

If it is to be built according to 100% of the source alloy, it is not just as simple as 100 times the cost!

You must know that the density of the source alloy is very scary. The price statistics of the spaceship's materials are based on the volume, not the quality. After all, the length, width and height of the stargazer are already a fixed value.

According to the conventional Nigel alloy, the weight of the spacecraft is about 100 million tons.

However, if the volume remains the same, if 100% of the source alloy is used, then the weight needs to be calculated using the density of the source alloy. The source alloy of this volume definitely weighs more than 1 million tons!

Converted into grams, it is 100 trillion grams. According to the price of 8 universe coins/gram, that is 80000 stars, which is almost equivalent to all the assets of a Samsung user!

So, are you buying metal or spaceships?If they were all customers like this, they might as well stop selling spaceships and go straight to the metal business!

The most important thing is that source alloy is a non-renewable resource, and the annual mining amount is very small. To get 1 million tons of source alloy, this universe will take a long time to mine. What the hell are you doing? thing!
"Sir, there are only a few million tons of source alloys currently on the market, and the annual mining volume is only a few hundred thousand tons. Your demand."

"That's it," Zhang Menglong looked sad. It seems that not everything in this world can be done with money, and I don't know if the teachers of the Super Seminary can develop a more awesome metal formula.

"Okay, then follow the ratio of the formula you said!" Zhang Mengyu said, without so many source alloys, he has nothing to do, "Just use it first!"

"Make a living." Black lines appeared on Anninas's forehead. This spaceship worth ten fifth-level civilizations is actually just making use of it?Are these rich second generations of the universe so good at playing?

"Sir, then I will help you arrange the order," Anninas said. "According to the company's current production situation, your spaceship will be put into production after 37 cosmic years, and the construction period will be about half a cosmic year."

"Wait!" Zhang Menglong was about to leave when his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Half a cosmic year is about eight months. Even ordering a lot of ordinary cars on earth may take several months. This time is not long at all, and it even exceeds his expectations.

But the special order has to wait for 37 cosmic years, and he is only in his early 20s. You want him to wait for a spaceship for 50 years?Why are you just kidding me here?

"Don't you have a special production factory for this top-level spaceship?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Excuse me, sir, all 12 of our super private spaceships are produced by this production line, and there are currently more than 12 spaceships in production. According to our current production capacity, this is already very fast." Annie Nas explained.

You know, people who can afford this kind of spaceship are all big figures of the third-level civilization, and many people's life level is at least the second-level life body. A second-level life body can easily live for a few days. Hundreds of thousands of years.

People who can afford these 12 spaceships are at least the big shots of the fourth-level civilization, and there are many people who have lived for tens of thousands of years, millions of years, or even tens of millions of years.

You said they have lived for so long, 37 cosmic years is a long time?For them, maybe sometimes they can comprehend the realm of martial arts, and dozens or even hundreds of cosmic years will pass. Who can't wait for this time?

"Hurry up? Hurry up!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I am 24 years old this year. According to the timekeeping method of cosmic civilization, I am only 16 years old. Now you make me wait 37 cosmic years? My grandson can be born."

"But sir, there is no way to do this." I am afraid that even when this company was established, no one would have thought that there would be such a young person who could afford such a spaceship.

In fact, if you think about it in another way, Anninas can also understand Zhang Mengyu's feelings. For him, this time is more than twice as long as his living time!

"Is there any other way?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "For example, set up some kind of membership in your place?"

"Sir, as long as you purchase any of these 12 spaceships from us, you are already a VIP user of our company," Anninas explained, "We will provide you with maintenance and maintenance for 1000 years." Warranty, and lots of stuff coming to you."

"These are all false!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I just want to get the spaceship in the fastest time. Is there any way?"

"This" Anninas was in a dilemma, "At present we do have a ready-made spaceship, but its configuration is the most basic, and it may be far from what you want, unless you can contact our boss or shareholders, If they speak, they should be able to join the team."

The production time of the spaceship is half a cosmic year. For most customers, such a short time is indifferent. The key is whether the customer is worth the company breaking the rules.

"Give me the contact information of your boss!" Zhang Mengyu said directly.

"Sir, we are just ordinary sales, how could there be contact information of the boss, please don't embarrass me."

With a huge order on the one hand and an urgent client on the other, Anninas really didn't know how to deal with it.

After making this order, her commission is unimaginably high. There are countless sales in the universe, and she can be randomly assigned a five-star customer. This is simply lower than the probability of a meteorite hitting a planet!

"Okay, I won't embarrass you," Zhang Menglong passed the highest authority of the Cosmic Alliance, Zhang Menglong found the information he wanted at once, but on the list of shareholders of Langlot Company, he actually found a familiar name!

Zhang Kai holds 48.21% of the shares!

"What the hell is my ancestor also a shareholder of this company?" Zhang Menglong had too many bank transfers at that time, and the ranking of this Langlot company was not high, so Zhang Menglong didn't see it at all. The income is only a small part!

48.21% of the shares, this is the owner with the highest shareholding in the entire company, No.2 holds less than half of his shares!
"Goudan, can I use my ancestor's equity?"

"Dear dean, of course you can. After the bank account is transferred to your name, the equity of all your assets is also transferred to your name. You can directly contact anyone in the company through the equity account of Langlot Company , in the civilization of the universe, they only recognize account numbers and bank account numbers, not people!"

"That's fine!" Zhang Mengyu called out the interface directly.

"This is our company's internal network!" Anninas saw Zhang's hazy interface and recognized it immediately, "Could he be a junior of a high-level executive in our company?"

Zhang Mengyu directly entered the account number and password.

"Dear first shareholder of Lanlot, welcome to log in to the company's internal network. You have not logged into your account for 81.45 cosmic years, and now we are generating the company's financial reports and major events during this period for you!"

Today, Anninas didn't know that it was the first time she opened her mouth wide. She never dreamed that one day she would become a shareholder of her company in business, and even become the number one major shareholder!

You said you bought your own company's spaceship, why are you still shopping online? If you squeak, the employees will rush you to deal with it!

"You and me." For a moment, Anninas was at a loss.

"Don't be nervous. You may not believe it when you tell me. I just found out that I am a shareholder of this company."

(End of this chapter)

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