I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 828 No need to spend money to hire bodyguards

Chapter 828 No need to spend money to hire bodyguards
"Buff? Master, I don't know much about alchemy, so I don't know what you mean by buff."

"Isn't this series of runes a buff?" Zhang Mengyu said, "Your materials are good, I think you can give it a try and see if you can add another one!"

"Runes? Add one more??" The master of the Xiao Ke Cosmic Empire began to breathe heavily. Could it be that Zhang Mengyu wanted to add another rune to this martial arts weapon?
This is a seventh-level rune!

Not to mention how many refiners know how to draw seventh-level runes, the power of these seventh-level runes is not something that any material can withstand!
He did spend a lot of money on this batch of materials. To refine level [-] martial arts weapons, as long as the alchemist is capable enough, there is absolutely no problem. However, it is very mysterious to bear the power of level [-] runes.

But if it succeeds, it will be a seventh-level martial arts weapon!Seventh-level martial arts weapons, even the seventh-level life forms are not owned by everyone!

If he has it, he can find a seventh-level life body to offer this weapon to him in exchange for protection. Then his enemy will dare to trouble him?
In the entire universe, there are very few refiners who are capable of forging seventh-level martial arts weapons. Even if they have money, they may not necessarily get it. He can even exchange a lot of money and resources. His sixth-level martial arts weapon.

Isn't this flattering?

I was still fantasizing in my head, but at this moment, Zhang Menglong had already started drawing the seventh-level runes!
This seventh-level rune is quite obscure, and it took Zhang Menglong 20 minutes to draw it out. Its power has already made the iron rod a little unbearable.

"Master, if it really doesn't work, forget it."

"Forget it? I've finished drawing the runes, so you tell me to forget it?" Zhang Mengyu said, "People have dreams. If they don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish?"

"If you can't melt into it, then increase the flame!"

"Boom!" The third flame ignited, it was Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan!
The fourth flame is black, it is the Eight Desolation Breaking Flame!
The fifth flame is golden, it is the Jiuyou Golden Ancestral Fire!
"Where did he get so many powerful stellar flames!" Today, Master Yukta encountered the biggest Waterloo in his career.

"It's made from the different fire blind box. There are only 100 of them. It's high quality and cheap!"

In fact, Zhang Menglong had gathered all the different flames, and he had drawn more than 500 times from Xiao Yan to copy all the different flames.

"Different fires come together, Di Yan comes out!"

At this moment, all the flames condensed into a colorful fusion flame. As for the temperature, the space had already been distorted to the point that it was impossible to see Zhang Yu's face clearly.

The high temperature caused the seventh rune to fuse, and at the same time, this stick was also undergoing a huge test.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, and the temperature in the central area finally began to drop slowly.

That dark golden stick emitted waves that seemed to shatter the void, and Zhang Menglong wiped the sweat from his forehead.


"Did you see clearly?"

"Look at the fart! Is this something we can learn?"

"I haven't learned a shit!"

The alchemists were all stupefied. Watching Master Yukta's refining process, they all gained a lot, but Zhang Menglong's operation was so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up. They even felt I am a group of mentally retarded!
"Okay, it's done!" Zhang Mengyu hooked his hand at the lord of the Xiaoke Cosmic Empire, "You can take it back!"

The master of Xiao Ke Universe Empire and Master Yukda walked in front of Zhang Mengyu, and they looked at this stick as if they were looking at a treasure.

"A seventh-level martial arts weapon! It's really a seventh-level martial arts weapon! Teacher, have you seen it?" Yukta spoke to his teacher excitedly with the communicator on.

"A seventh-level martial arts weapon was completed in less than two universes." Master Yukta's teacher threw the hammer in his hand to the ground, "Quit! I won't do it in the future. I'm retired. With this There is such a person, who will compete with him for jobs in the future?"

"Master, is this really for me?" The owner of the Xiaoke Cosmic Empire couldn't believe it. Although he provided all the materials, if it wasn't for Zhang Mengyu, these materials would have been scrapped.

What's more, this is no longer a level [-] martial arts weapon, but a level [-] weapon. Its value is already a hundred times or even a thousand times higher than these materials. He really dare not take it!
Don't look at the energy fluctuations displayed by Zhang Mengyu as just a fourth-level life form, but with his skills alone, if he dares to mess around, he can immediately find a large group of thugs.

Let alone a sixth-level life form, even a seventh-level life form would rush to be his thug!
He even had a bold idea. The reason why Zhang Mengyu refined a seventh-level martial arts weapon was only because the upper limit of the materials he gave was here. points, and some people just because the total score is only 100 points.

"This is not nonsense. I have said it all. I just don't want to waste it. This is the character that every young man in our new era should have. Waste is a crime!"

"Master, then I will not be polite!" He grabbed the seventh-level martial arts weapon, and the scene of the decisive battle was already in his mind.

As soon as he went down with a stick, his enemy's brain might be smashed into pieces.

"Master, my name is Xiao Ke Redal, I don't know what the master is called?"

"Just call me Jack Ma!" Zhang Mengyu said casually.

"Master Ma, thank you for your help. When I go back, I will sell my civilization and pay you the reward," Xiao Ke said with a face of recognition, "Although I know that ten times more money is not as good as yours. This weapon, but it is a little of my heart."

"Forget it, it's not necessary, I just want to try to see what level my alchemy has reached now." Zhang Mengyu heard that he was going to sell his property, and suddenly felt a little pitiful for Xiao Ke, "I'm not interested in money, the main thing is I like to make friends."

"Make friends?" Xiao Ke's eyes lit up. This Master Ma condescended to make friends with him. My God, isn't this world so beautiful?

Moreover, Master Ma actually said that he was just trying his own alchemy. Could it be that he just returned from learning it?What kind of person is this who can teach a person who is less than 20 years old to such a level?
He could see that this master didn't seem to know how important he was. To be honest, he was a sixth-level being, and he was not qualified to make friends with someone who was at least a seventh-level alchemist. This master seemed a little ignorant of the world !

If you don't hug this thigh tightly now, you won't have a chance in the future!

"If the master doesn't dislike it, we can be brothers in the future. If there is anything, I, Xiao Ke, will do my best!"

"Okay, I've made you a friend." Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"Master, are you going to stay here for a while?"

"That's right, come and see the world."

"Just you?"

"There are still a few friends," Zhang Meng said with a smile. He was worried about what to do in case of any accident, but now someone posted it upside down, "If you don't mind, why don't you go with us?"

"That's really great!" Xiao Ke suspected that he even saved the entire universe in his previous life, and this master actually invited him to go with him!

Suddenly, powerful auras appeared in the same direction on the planet, which was the location of the Quantum Teleportation Station, and those auras were rapidly approaching in this direction!

"Dean, there are 96 level-12 life forms and [-] level-[-] life forms!" Goudan immediately told Zhang Mengyu the information.

"Yes!" Zhang Mengyu could imagine why these people came here, "This time there is no need to pay for bodyguards!"

(End of this chapter)

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