I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 829 Master Jack Horse

Chapter 829 Master Jack Horse

The moment the martial arts weapon was completed just now, many advanced life forms who had come here in advance immediately felt its birth.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of attraction a seventh-level martial arts weapon has for them.

"God, how much do I have now?"

"There are a total of 112392 points."

"Help me wake up a group of teachers!" Zhang Mengyu ordered, "One at 100 points?"

"Dean, teachers of life forms above level six need 1000 points to count!"

"Fuck, didn't you say it earlier?" Zhang Mengyu thought it was a national unified price.

"All interpretation rights belong to the system. If the price of a first-level life form and a sixth-level life form are the same, wouldn't it be too cheap?"

"You can't learn how to smoke blind boxes like others, my face is definitely full of European style!" Zhang Mengyu said shamelessly, "Forget it, 1000 points is 1000 points, anyway, it's just pretending now More and more, not bad money!"

The seven-level martial arts weapon that was successfully refined just now has brought nearly 10 points to Zhang Menglong. He is simply very rich now!

"Dean, I want to explain to you in advance that in addition to awakening the teachers who have not been unblocked, it is also possible to randomly increase the strength level of the current teachers in the school. Of course, it is also possible to draw some life forms that are less than level [-], but they are very special. teacher."

"I understand," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Now in the Super Seminary, Sun Wukong's combat power ceiling from the Dragon Ball anime is only a little over 40 points of energy intensity, that is simply nonsense, those super Saiyans smashed a every minute Planet, the combat power is definitely far more than that."

"Consume 10000 points to force numbers and start activating the teacher!"

Successfully removed teacher Xiao Yan's strength seal, and his strength was raised to the Yandi period, the peak of the eighth-level life body, with an energy intensity of 79 units!
Successfully lifted the seal of Thanos teacher's strength, all the infinite gems were inlaid, the peak of the eighth-level life body, and the energy intensity was 79 units!
Congratulations to the dean for successfully awakening Mr. Clark Kent (Superman), the current stage is the peak of life at the seventh level, and the energy intensity is 69 units!
The dean successfully awakened Teacher Luo Feng, whose strength is at the level of the master of the universe, the peak of the tenth-level life body, and the energy intensity is 99 units!
The dean successfully awakened Teacher Guan Zeyuan, a first-level life, with an energy intensity of 1 unit!
"Nimma? Take care of the dog?"

Dean Chenggong Momonogi Chanel, Level 1 life, [-] unit of energy intensity!
"Fuck! Teacher Momanogi! I love it!"

Successfully lifted the seal of Teacher Sun Wukong's strength, reached the state of free ultimate intention, super life body, energy intensity? ? ?

"Damn! Invincible!" This wave of teachers is enough for Zhang Mengyu to run wild in the universe civilization. Of course, it is estimated that by borrowing the power of these teachers, it may be tens of thousands of points or even more every minute.

Even Sun Wukong, who is free of extreme intention skills, has been unsealed. Super life, is this an existence beyond the tenth level of life?

He understands the truth, but it doesn't know why people like Guan Zeyuan are summoned. At least Teacher Taozi still has some skills. What can he do?Does he deserve it?
Zhang Mengyu opened Teacher Guan Zeyuan's introduction, he actually has an sss-level skill!
Even among the teachers so far, only Teacher Sun Wukong's "Extreme Instinct" has an sss-level evaluation!
Skill Name: Management

Skill level: sss
Skill evaluation: Once I believed in science, then I believed in management
"This poisonous milk is actually made into a skill?" Zhang Mengyu has to admire the power of this system, but since it can be called an sss skill, there must be something awesome about it!
Zhang Mengyu hastily spent 1000 points to exchange for a large number of skills, including this "management" of course.

Now, even if those people are coming with malicious intentions, Zhang Mengyu can still be fearless.

"Master, don't be nervous!" It seemed that Zhang Menglong looked like an enemy, "So far, no one has dared to play tricks in the venue of the Expo. If they dare, there will be a large number of seventh-level people Lifeforms and even eighth-level lifeforms go after them."

"Don't say it earlier!" Zhang Menglong patted his chest. Although he was not afraid, nervousness was inevitable. With Xiao Ke's words, Zhang Menglong didn't worry at all.

In an instant, the owners of the first batch of breaths that Zhang Mengyu felt arrived. They were three sixth-level beings. Kind of funny.

Their eyes stared straight at the dark golden stick in Xiao Ke's hand as if bewildered, and they were sure that the energy fluctuation just now came from this stick.

Everyone is a sixth-level life form, and they are also the lords of the universe empire. They naturally heard that Xiao Ke had spent a lot of money to get a batch of materials, and invited Master Yukta to forge a sixth-level martial arts weapon for him.

It seems he succeeded!

Then this shows that Master Yukta can already be called a sixth-level alchemist. They came here this time to get close to Master Yukda, because they have long planned to create their own sixth-level martial arts Weapons, but never had the opportunity to get to know such a master alchemist.

And today is their chance!
"Master, the one on the left is called Blake, the master of the Lerondo Cosmic Empire, the one in the middle is called Li Sagat, the master of the Potter Cosmic Empire, and the one is called Sibu, the master of the Sirocco Cosmic Empire. It’s a bit of friendship.” Xiao Ke introduced in a low voice.

"Xiao Ke, your luck is really good!" They all showed envious eyes, "A 20-star martial arts weapon was actually obtained, tsk tsk tsk."

According to the usual price, the materials plus the processing fee of the alchemist, there is no thirty or forty stars, don't even think about it!
50% of the material price is just a threshold, if you can't get such a price, those sixth-level alchemists will ignore you, and only when they are short of money will they accept such a price.

And if you don’t want to, there are others who are willing to pay a higher price. There will never be a shortage of rich people in the civilization of the universe. If you pay 100% of the price, someone will pay 110%, and if you pay 110%, someone will pay 120%!

Under normal circumstances, you have to pay a processing fee equal to the material!

20 stars can buy level [-] martial arts weapons, this is no longer the price of cabbage, this is the price of pheasant!

"Hey, you guys are wrong, this is not a level [-] martial arts weapon!" Xiao Ke waved the stick in his hand as if showing off, and the power of the seven runes wrapped around it, causing the entire planet to faintly faint. up. "

"Seven runes? Is this a seventh-level martial arts weapon?"

"Oh my god?"

"Master Yukta actually forged a seventh-level martial arts weapon?"

The pupils of the three were shocked, isn't Master Yukda just a fifth-level alchemist who is close to the sixth level?Even if the strength explodes and shows extraordinary performance, it is very good to forge a sixth-level martial arts weapon, and it is absolutely impossible to forge a seventh-level martial arts weapon.

But the thing is in front of their eyes now, they can't help but not believe it!
"Master Yukda, I'm Blake, the master of Lerondo Cosmic Empire, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Master, my name is Li Sagat, the master of the Potter universe empire, I have admired you for a long time."

"Master, I'm Xibu, the master of Sirocco Universe Empire, you are more powerful than I imagined!"

The three of them immediately began to fart rainbow farts at Master Yukta.

Master Yukta blushed, and with so many people watching, this was simply the biggest social death scene in his life!

"I didn't make this, I don't have the ability." Master Yukda admitted frankly.

"What? Isn't this your work?"

"Could it be that a seventh-level alchemist condescended to come to this fair?"

"Where is it? Xiao Ke, introduce us to get to know each other!"

"This is the master," Xiao Ke pointed to Zhang Mengyu, "This is Master Jack Ma, and my seventh-level martial arts weapon is from him!"

(End of this chapter)

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