I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 830 I'm Going Tonight

Chapter 830 I'm Going Tonight


The eyes of the three cosmic empire masters were fixed on Zhang Mengyu. He was less than 20 years old and a fourth-level life. This is a very surprising thing, but it is not outrageous.

There are all kinds of civilizations in the universe, and this darling of the heavens who has reached the fifth-level life body also has several races.

But the art of alchemy cannot be brought out of the mother's womb. It must be guided by a teacher, and it can only be achieved after a lot of hard work, and it also has high requirements for the alchemist's comprehension ability and martial arts realm.

The alchemists who can refine seven-level martial arts weapons are all famous and noble figures in the universe, and they are all old monsters who have lived for millions of years at least.

Now Xiao Ke said that it was forged by this young man, and he bullied them for being less educated and less educated?
But with so many people present, it's impossible for everyone to lie to them, right?They let go of their strength and swept around, and the content of the audience around them was immediately clear.

It doesn't matter if you don't listen to it, if you listen to it, you will be so scared that you will throw out a few drops of urine.

This martial arts weapon was not only refined and forged from a failed product, but it even took less than two universe hours!

This master has 22 kinds of flames, and finally combined all the flames into one, and the temperature created is even higher than the first-class stars in the universe!

"Master Yukda, this" the three of them cast their gazes at Master Yukda.

Master Yukta nodded, "This martial arts weapon was indeed refined by Master Jack Ma. I have never seen such a talented refiner in my life. Even my teacher is planning to retire just now."

In an instant, the three of them reached a consensus in their hearts, this is the real genius master, if you don't lick now, there will be more people licking in the future, will it be their turn?

"This master, I have admired your name for a long time. This time, I came here specially from 30 billion light-years away to see you!"

"Master, your reputation is so powerful in our civilization. I have wanted to know you for a long time, and today I finally have such an opportunity. It's great."

"Master, do you want to buy something at the expo? I like to make friends very much. I can buy many things for you!"

Zhang Menglong has seen dogs licking before, but not like this. Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

His hazy reputation is like thunder in their civilization?Why don't you tell me what his real name is?
I have admired her for 10 years, how old am I?At that time, Yuanmou people had not yet evolved.

Although these people look like humans, each of them really wants to be a dog.

Of course, the so-called reaching out and not slapping people with smiling faces means that they just come to Panpan to flatter them. Zhang Mengyu will not directly expose them.

"By the way, what's your name? Blake shows, Lisagat shows, Mr. Seab?"

"Master, you are too polite, what kind of gentleman can we call here, just call me Xiaobu."

"Call me Ali."

"Just call me Xiaoxizi."

Xiao Ke on the side directly exploded his three views. He was shameless enough just now, but these three friends of his are even more shameless than him. You are all the masters of the universe empire after all. Hey, this is what normal people can think of Call yourself?

Soon, more people appeared on the roof of the Cosmic Alchemist Association building. Just now, Zhang Menglong only felt more than 100 auras, but now, there are at least more than [-] people!
When Zhang Mengyu chatted with other people, even they didn't dare to interrupt, for fear of offending this seventh-level alchemist by accident!

Seventh-level alchemists, those are people who can be called brothers and sisters with eighth-level life forms, and even they have to ask for others. How many eighth-level life forms are there in the entire universe?Which one is not a big shot who shocked a cosmic empire?
There was a flash of thunder in the sky, and a huge lightning bolt fell from the sky, and a strong man about [-] meters tall walked out of the tears.

He was wearing a handsome suit of armor, and his muscles were well-proportioned. Wherever he walked, the air crackled.

"My God, Master Real is here too!"

"Real? Is that the genius who understood the law of thunder and lightning?"

"I've heard of him, he's only 200 million years old this year, and he's already attacking eighth-level life forms!"

"His cosmic empire governs 3200 surrounding cosmic empires, and it is said that he also has a four-star account of the cosmic bank!"

"He was actually attracted!"

"Good guy, there are so many people," Zhang Menglong was distressed. There were more and more people, and they became more and more chaotic. Zhang Mengyu pretended to be arrogant and said, "I like to make friends, but I don't like places with many people!" "

The eyes of the masters of the cosmic empire lit up, it seems that the master is interested in getting to know them!I dare not make friends, but they are already very satisfied with the familiarity of the gangsters!
"Everyone, get out of here immediately!" Several cosmic empire masters shouted directly, "I'll count to three, and those who stay here will bear the consequences!"

The onlookers and those pheasant alchemists panicked at once. Although the Universe Alchemists Association is very powerful, only some pheasant alchemists came from this place, and even the person in charge here is only a fifth-level alchemist. people.

And they are just driving away the people on the top floor, hundreds of life forms of the sixth and seventh ranks, who dare not give them face?
What's more, the weapon has been refined, and it seems meaningless for them to stay here. Can they still hope to have a relationship with those strong men and that alchemist?Are they worthy?
It's just two numbers, and there are only a few people left on the top floor, including Yrel.

"Are you still leaving?" A powerful breath pressed towards them.

"They are my friends!" Zhang Menglong said lightly.

"Hahahaha, master's friend, hahahaha, misunderstanding!" The attitudes of those universe masters suddenly changed 360 degrees.

"Master, your friends can tell at a glance that they are all dragons and phoenixes. I believe they must all come from great civilizations?"

"Who are you three? Yrel, are you?" Zhang Mengyu pointed to the three "extra" people.

"Who is it?" Yrel clearly understood Zhang Mengyu's meaning, "I don't know him."

The attitude of those bigwigs suddenly changed.

"Aren't you friends of the master?"

"Then why are you still here? Get lost!"

"No one dares to make friends with the master's friend!"

Li Dako and the others were stunned, Zhang Menglong was trying to trick them on purpose!

Their hearts also collapsed at this moment, they actually offended a master who can forge seventh-level martial arts weapons!If their family members knew about this, let alone their parents, even the lords or even the lords who were higher than the lord would probably run away overnight with the train on their shoulders!
If they know that they have offended Zhang Mengyu, there are many people who are willing to teach them a lesson and flatter them. There are hundreds of people here, and any one of them can make their Andromeda civilization fall into a catastrophe with just one word!
The three of them left in a desperate manner. As for the two sisters, Shayana and Shazina, they didn't dare to rob women with Yrel anymore?People have such friends, are they courting death?
"Sister, I found out that I'm in love with him!" Shazina looked nympho, "I'm going to take medicine tonight, sister, can you help me?"

"Sister, I don't think you deserve it!"

"Are you my own sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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