Chapter 849
If it is said that someone refining a seventh-level martial arts weapon caused a sensation, then this panacea that can make a fifth-level life form jump to a sixth-level life form would cause an explosion.

Although the seventh-level martial arts weapons are powerful, no matter how powerful they are, they are just foreign objects. As long as you have enough money, you can buy any kind of martial arts weapons.

As for the level of a person's life, that is the most fundamental thing, which cannot be compared with anything outside, and it is impossible to buy it with money. It requires a very good talent, a good teacher, and even an opportunity. Indispensable.

So far, martial arts elixir can only increase the activity of human genes, thereby increasing the probability of life transition, and there is nothing that can directly and violently send people to the sixth-level life form.

The Dali Pill refined by Zhang Menglong has already broken an inherent concept of martial arts elixir in this world!

To be honest, most living entities below level [-] cannot afford Zhang Mengyu's price, and even ordinary level [-] civilization masters cannot afford it.

As for the life forms above the sixth level, their life level has reached the level of having infinite life. If there is no special event and urgent need to improve themselves, this Dali Pill will not be particularly meaningful to them.

But you must know that the talents of many high-level civilizations are not necessarily high, and many people even have no hope of breaking through to the sixth-level life form in their lifetime.

And the large amount of assets they left behind must be inherited by someone, right?At this time, the appearance of this powerful pill is undoubtedly the gospel for them!There are even some wealthy civilizations, they can manufacture sixth-level life forms in large quantities, which is difficult to quantify for the improvement of a civilization's comprehensive ability.

"Little brother, I want another one!" The guard in charge of the trading market thought for a while, and immediately made a very wise decision!

The value of this powerful pill is definitely far more than 1000 billion dark coins. As long as anyone knows the efficacy of this powerful pill, no one can refuse it. If it is placed in an auction, the value may even rise tenfold or even more !
Even if he doesn't use it himself now, if he finds an opportunity to sell it, he can definitely make a lot of money!
He immediately found all the connections he could use and borrowed 1000 billion dark coins again. He believed that when the news spread, the supply would be in short supply.

"Thank you for your patronage!" Zhang Menglong accepted the 1000 billion dark coins happily, and then handed over the Dou Ling Pill, "This thing will only have a great effect if you take it for the first time. , the effect will be greatly reduced, if you want to become a seventh-level life form, you have to eat a hundred and eighty pills."

"What did you say? It still works after taking it many times?" The guard's hand trembled suddenly.

Those master alchemists in the cosmic civilization are not unable to refine medicines that can help advanced life forms to increase the life form level by a large margin, but these medicines all have a limitation, that is, they can only be used once, and the second time is Totally ineffective.

And Zhang Mengyu actually said that this medicine will only be greatly reduced!

Barely discounted and completely ineffective may sound like little difference, but in reality it is the difference!
For a person who has just become a sixth-level life form, the two medicines can increase the experience value by 20%, but if he takes medicine refined by other alchemists, the remaining 80% still needs a long period of practice and accumulation to accumulate.

According to the average level in the universe, if there is no great opportunity to upgrade from a sixth-level life form to a seventh-level life form, it will take at least tens of millions of years.

But if you take Zhang Menglong's Dali Pill, as long as you have the money to buy one hundred and eighty Dali Pills, you can save tens of millions of years and directly become a seventh-level life form.

This is absolutely undeniable for any sixth-level life form!
As long as you have money, you can become stronger. This is a krypton gold warrior!It really is a miracle!

That's why the guardian lost his composure when he heard the news.

"Hey, there is no way," Zhang Menglong sighed, "This Dali Pill is still being optimized, and the problem of drug resistance has not been solved yet."

The corner of the guardian's eyes twitched. There is still room for optimization?Then will this high-level life form in the universe go everywhere in the future, and the sixth-level life form is not as good as a dog?

"Blood earning! This wave of blood earning!" The guardian believes that there will definitely be countless people who want to buy this powerful pill from him!

"Dean, a large number of advanced life forms are approaching here again!" Goudan reminded.

"Wuhu, here are the guests!" Zhang Mengyu rubbed his hands excitedly.

"No way!" Zhang Mengyu suddenly thought of something, the so-called rarity is the most precious, although he can refine this fighting spirit pill in large quantities, it is possible, but it is not necessary!

Since ancient times, the true feelings can’t be kept, and routines have always won the hearts of the people. To make money, of course you have to use a relaxed and happy way!
A moment later, a figure walked out of the teleportation point. It was the seventh-level life form he had seen before that understood the law of thunder and lightning. It seemed to be called Real.

This is a rich boss, with 3200 civilizations under his command, and they are all quite wealthy civilizations. How can he have an asset of tens of thousands of stars?
"Master, we meet again!" Real looked extremely polite. Zhang Mengyu's ability to forge seventh-level martial arts weapons was enough to earn his respect, and now he could actually refine martial arts elixir, which already required him. Looking up to the existence.

But Zhang Mengyu didn't pay attention to him at all, but was concentrating on refining a furnace of spirit pills, and Real didn't bother him, just staring at the furnace of pills seriously.

Real's race is very special, he can only have one heir in his life, and his son has not inherited his talent, so far he is still a fifth-level life form, and his son's death is approaching, and other descendants are also gifted products.

He broke his heart for this matter and spent an unknown amount of money, but he still didn't pile them up to a sixth-level life form.

When he heard the news from Li, it was like a dawn in the darkness!He rushed over as fast as he could, hoping to get a Dali pill.

The amount of medicinal materials increased in this furnace, a total of 7 elixirs floating in the air, made the surrounding people jealous. This powerful pill represents the birth of a sixth-level life form!

Soon, the seven elixirs took shape, and Zhang Menglong took a few boxes and put them on the booth, then sat down quietly, showing an appearance of being a master of the world.

"Master, are you still selling this Dali Pill?" Real asked cautiously.

"Sell it, of course I sold it, I took it out to sell it!"

"Master, this is 2000 billion dark coins, I want to buy two."

"Master! I want one too!"

"Master, I want it too!"

Real's voice has not yet fallen, and the masters of the universe empire came one by one after hearing the news.

In just a few breaths, there was only one of the seven spirit pills that had just been baked.

But at this moment, more and more people came, sixty or seventy people stared at the Fighting Spirit Pill with red faces, and those who bought it looked complacent.

"Master, sell me the last one!"

"Why did you sell it to you? Obviously I came first!"

"I said what's mine is mine, aren't you convinced?"

"Everyone, don't grab it!" Zhang Mengyu said earnestly with a good-natured look, "Is there any matter that we can't just sit down and stab each other twice?"

(End of this chapter)

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