I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 850 You have to apply for a card in this situation

Chapter 850 You have to apply for a card in this situation
"The master is right. Treasures are naturally available to those who are capable. Whoever is strong enough will naturally belong to them. If you are not convinced, come and practice alone with me outside the venue!"

"Hey, hey! That's not what I mean!" Zhang Mengyu hurriedly came to be a peacemaker when he saw this tense look. His purpose was only to make money, not to make these people beat up.

"Actually, this matter is also easy to solve. For business, whoever pays more will naturally sell it to whomever!"

"Yes! Master is right!"

"If you don't have money, get out quickly, and if you can't afford it, don't come here to waste our time."

"Master, I am willing to pay a higher price!"

"Just waiting for your words!" Zhang Mengyu immediately took out a hammer out of nowhere in excitement, "Now, let's auction this Dali Pill. I do business based on my conscience. The starting price 1000 billion dark coins."

"I'm here to assure everyone that I will donate all the part of this auction that exceeds 1000 billion dark coins to the universal welfare organization and will never go into my own pocket!" Zhang Mengyu said so righteously that even he himself almost believed it .

"Support Master, then I'll be the first to start, and I'll offer 1050 billion dark coins!"

"I will offer 1100 billion dark coins!"

"For such a treasure, this amount of money will simply tarnish its value. I will pay 1200 billion!"

"I thought what kind of price you could offer. It turns out that it's only this little money. I'll offer 1500 billion!"

Zhang Mengyu realized that he still underestimated the value of this Spirit Fighting Pill.

In fact, for a life to practice martial arts from a first-level life body, and finally to become a sixth-level life body, let alone how much time it takes, according to incomplete statistics, the average birth of each sixth-level life body is It costs 34 equivalents of ordinary level [-] civilization!
And almost more than 90% of the resources are consumed in breaking through the bottleneck between the fifth-level life body and the sixth-level life body, so the value of this fighting spirit pill is far more than 34 stars!
"I will pay 2800 million!"

"3000 billion! Does anyone have a higher one?" A seventh-level life form glanced around.

"Asshole, why is he so rich?"

"Isn't he going to participate in the auction of the Universe Underground Expo later?"

Many people are swaying wildly in their hearts. In fact, the price of 3000 billion dark coins is far from the real price of a Dou Ling Pill, but this is already a very large sum of money. If too much is consumed, even Will be impressed with their plans.

According to the gossip, a very valuable treasure will appear in this underground auction of the universe, and many people are here for this mysterious treasure.

"3000 million once!"

"3000 million times!"

"make a deal!"

Seeing the hammer fall, the seventh-level lifeform was also relieved. If there were still people raising the price, he was already prepared to give up and continue the auction.

Zhang Menglong accepted the money happily, and the total value of the dark coins on him has exceeded 100 stars at this moment!
But this mere 100 stars is still far from reaching the price in his heart, and it is still far from building a standard fleet of a fifth-level peak civilization with this amount of money!

All the Dou Ling Pills were sold out, but none of the people at the scene had any plans to leave, and more and more people came after hearing the news, and it actually reached 500 people.

They all came here because of their reputation. I heard that Zhang Menglong can refine the panacea that can make people break through to the sixth-level life form. Some people even mortgaged all their assets to get a large sum of dark coins, but now they are sold out. Yes, they are all very sad.

The so-called opportunity never comes again. If today's opportunity is missed, they may never have the opportunity to buy such a magic medicine again.

This even means that their descendants will lose the opportunity to become a sixth-level life form, and it also means that the day when they set foot on a seventh-level life form is nowhere in sight.

"Master, I just saw that you still have a lot of medicinal materials, why don't you refine some more?"

"Yes, master, so many of us have come all the way here, and I have pledged dozens of civilizations under my name, so you will be troubled, we will never bargain!"

"Master, we can even bring our own medicinal materials. Whatever medicinal materials you say you need, we will gather them for you immediately!"


Those hundreds of sixth-level and seventh-level life forms surrounded Zhang Menglong in the middle.

"Bring your own materials?" Zhang Mengyu's eyes lit up, so it doesn't mean that he only needs to be in charge of alchemy?This is simply equivalent to whoring for nothing!

To be honest, with all the alchemy abilities of Venerable Yao, he can refine even a ninth-grade pill. With his current ability, he can refine a batch of this mere sixth-grade pill in ten minutes. You can even make dozens of them.

What is a profession?That's called professionalism!

"In this case, let me help you refine some more reluctantly!" Zhang Mengyu said pretending to be troubled.

"Thank you, master! Thank you, master!"

"Raise money, hurry up and raise money!"

"Hurry up, sell all the planets under my name, and get me a sum of dark coins in the fastest time!"

"Son, you don't have to die, I have a way for you to break through to a sixth-level life form!"

Since the materials were sufficient, Zhang Menglong didn't care about so much anymore. He directly began to refine the remaining medicinal materials, and those high-level life forms also began to raise medicinal materials according to Zhang Menglong's request.

In less than ten minutes, another batch of elixir was released!
"Master, give me one!"

"Don't squeeze! Line up behind!"

"Master, I want two!"

"Bastard, there are only a few dozen pieces in this furnace, and there are hundreds of people behind us. You are so selfish!"

"This..." Zhang Mengyu suddenly had an idea, "I don't know how to deal with you!"

"Look, there are so many people behind you. I always pursue fairness in my work. If I sell you two and sell him three, wouldn't the people behind you have to wait for a long time? You are not the only one, but there are a lot of people in need!"

Zhang Mengyu's words immediately pierced the hearts of the people behind.

"I support Master!"

"One person is only allowed to buy one! If you want to buy the second one, go to the back and queue!"

"But Master, I really need it," the lord looked at Zhang Mengyu with a puzzled expression, "Can't you be accommodating?"

"This." Zhang Mengyu showed embarrassment, "It's not impossible in your situation, but you have to apply for a card!"

"Apply for a card?" Not only the sixth-level life body, but also the people behind were quiet and listened to Zhang Mengyu's words. What does "apply for a card" mean?
"You only need to spend 1 trillion dark coins to apply for a platinum membership card, and you can get the following membership privileges!"

"1 trillion dark coins? Doesn't that require 100 stars?"

"What kind of membership card is this? The master is too much, isn't he?"

It costs 100 level [-] civilization just to apply for a one-stop card, which is really hard for many people to accept.

Zhang Mengyu had long expected that they would have such a reaction, but he also had a countermeasure. As long as the benefits are large enough, no one can refuse this platinum card!

Zhang Mengyu took out the prepared billboard and asked Goudan to display the words on it immediately.

Platinum member benefits:

1. Platinum members enjoy the right of first purchase. They are also platinum members, and the membership number has priority.

2. You can enjoy a 9% discount for purchasing any elixir.

3. One person can purchase up to 10 "Dali Pills" per day

4. Platinum members can enjoy a free trial of the latest products provided by me

5. Platinum members can buy the latest products developed by themselves once a day

Note: The final interpretation right of Platinum membership rights belongs to me.

(End of this chapter)

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