I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 859 Don't Brag When Doing Business

Chapter 859 Don't Brag When Doing Business

"Try it?" The shopping guide was embarrassed on the spot. She had never been so speechless in her life. How could this metal be edible?

Normally, when buying these metals, especially such high-grade metals, they are either used to forge martial arts weapons, or they are used to make spaceships and other things. This is really metal, and it is not a dish. How can you ask such a question? Weird question?

"Sir, I don't know much about your needs."

"Well, let me put it another way. Are these samples for sale?"

"I'm sorry sir, these samples of ours can only be provided to customers for quality testing and performance testing, and are not for sale."

"Then do you have stock in stock?" Zhang Menglong continued to ask.

"Sir, this S9 grade metal is very precious, and the stock quantity on our booth will be relatively small. If you need a large quantity, we will pick it up from our warehouse in the shortest possible time, and then deliver it to you. Your designated delivery location."

"Let's get 100 grams each first!" Zhang Mengyu said after thinking for a while.

"100 grams each?" The shopping guide showed a surprised expression, "Are you sure?"

There are 97 kinds of metals in total, and 100 grams of each metal is 9700 grams.

Although this weight does not sound like much, if combined with the terrifying price of these metals, it is definitely a considerable amount.

Although these 97 metals are all S9-level metals, the level does not represent the price, but their hardness, strength and other parameters. Each metal has different characteristics, so the price is very different.

But even if it is the cheapest S9 grade metal, the unit price per gram reaches 76520 universe coins, so calculated, even if it is calculated according to the cheapest, it will cost more than 7 million universe coins, converted into dark coins, that is 7 More than ten thousand.

In fact, in this expo, spending more than 7 dark coins at one time is not considered a big business, but looking at Zhang's dim appearance, it seems that he just wants to test the properties of these metals.

But if you just want to test, you only need a little sample, and you don't need to spend so much money to buy it.

"This must be a big customer with good money!" Miss shopping guide left a label on Zhang Mengyu in her heart.

"Sir, please go to the VIP room for a short rest, and we will bring the samples you need in a while."

"Thank you," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"Sir, do you need us to provide you with testing equipment? Including strength, melting point, etc., our testing equipment is free to use."

"It's okay, I don't need it!"

The speed of the staff was very fast. It didn't take long for the staff to walk to the VIP room where they were with a fairly delicate box.

These metals are all made into small balls, depending on the density, some are only the size of a booger, and some are the size of several mothballs.

"Try it?" Zhang Menglong said to Gane immediately after the staff walked out of the VIP room.

"Can I really eat this?"

Metal has an irresistible attraction to the life of the Maha tribe.

On their home planet, all metals are strictly controlled, and they have no access to them at all, and even many slave labor tools are replaced by other materials.

Ordinary metals can still be resisted by Gane, but this kind of high-grade metal directly makes Gane tremble with excitement.

"Of course you can eat it," Zhang Menglong stared at Gane's throat that was rolling up and down. He wanted to know how the people of the Maha tribe swallowed metal like this, did they bite it with their teeth?

These metals are even the materials for making eight-level martial arts weapons. With such hardness and strength, wouldn't they just collapse after one bite?

If this is the case, he must go overnight to open a dental clinic in the civilization of the Maha tribe, and guarantee to make money.

But in the next moment, Zhang Mengyu's three views were completely overturned.

A strange energy appeared in Gane's mouth. The energy range is small, but it is very powerful. It looks like a small black hole!
Gane picked up a metal ball and stuffed it directly into the bottomless black hole

"Nimma, you are the Yuan Devourer, right?" Zhang Mengyu couldn't help complaining.

And at this time, he clearly noticed that the life energy in Gane's body has increased significantly!
Originally, he was probably at the level of a seventh-level supernatural being on earth, but just a piece of s9-level metal the size of a fingernail directly made him almost reach the level of an eighth-level supernatural being!

"Eat! Eat quickly!" Zhang Menglong pressed Gane's head and began to stuff the metal into his mouth.

These metals actually forcibly directly supported Gane's life body level to the second-level high-level life body!
"Fuck! It's just a cheat!" Zhang Mengyu couldn't help scolding his mother. It took him nearly a year to transform from an ordinary person into a second-level advanced life form, which is equivalent to the peak of the mythical realm. !

And Gane ate a pile of broken iron, and didn't have to do anything to achieve it. It's really more popular than people!
"How about it?"

"It's a bit full!" Gane burped a lot. It seems that there is an upper limit for him to devour these metals, and it should have a certain relationship with his current life level.

"How does it taste? Which one suits your taste best?" Zhang Menglong continued to ask.

"This!" Gane pointed to a metal numbered yh1908 and said, "This tastes the best, and I feel that it has the greatest effect on me!"

"Okay, pack everything!"

Zhang Menglong pressed the button to call the service.

"Sir, may I help you?" The shopping guide just now looked at the empty box with a puzzled expression. Although the 10 kg of metal is not big, it is not so easy to hide. After a few minutes of hard work, why did it evaporate?

"I would like to order a batch of metal with the number yh1908."

"Sir, the unit price of this metal is 372 dark coins per gram. How much do you need?" The shopping guide showed a surprised expression. This metal numbered yh1908 is the third most expensive metal they have sold so far!

Even the price of the most expensive source alloy is quite inferior in front of it.

This kind of metal can even be used as the basic material of ninth-level martial arts weapons, but it is only produced in one area, and there is a very powerful cosmic creature living in this area. It is extremely difficult to mine, and even requires the help of a seventh-level life body. Participation can ensure that the work is carried out safely.

So its price is horrible!
"Sir, how much quantity do you need? If it is less than 100 kilograms, we can pick up the goods on the spot. If it is more than 100 kilograms, we need to carry out logistics scheduling."

"How much inventory do you have?" Zhang Mengyu asked back, "I'm afraid you don't have enough inventory."

"Hahaha, sir, you are too good at joking. Our company is the largest metal mining company in the universe. No matter how much you need, we can satisfy you. You don't need to question our inventory."

"Okay, then give me [-] million tons first!" Zhang Mengyu said, so much, it is probably enough for Gane to eat for a while.

"How much did you say?" The expression on the shopping guide's face froze in an instant.

1 million tons?The content of this yh1908 metal in the production area is very low, and it needs to go through a strict purification process to get the purest metal, and the annual output is only a few tens of tons.

Since the metal numbered yh1908 was discovered, it has been mined for more than 700 million years, and the amount of mining is only more than 1 million tons, and their current reserves are only 2300 million tons.

"Sir, our stock...isn't that much."

"Here!" Zhang Mengyu spread his hands helplessly, "What did I just say? Don't brag when doing business!"

(End of this chapter)

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