I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 860 Think I Can't Pay The Money?

Chapter 860 Think I Can't Pay The Money?
"Sir, you are not here to make trouble, are you?"

The shopping guide's face suddenly became very gloomy, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with what she just said.

The price of s9-level metal is high and its performance is powerful, but in actual use, its usage is not large.

Because these metals are very pure pure metals, everyone actually knows that the performance of pure metals is actually not the most powerful.

On the earth, gold is a rare and expensive metal, its performance is very powerful, but everyone knows that gold is very soft, and a bite can leave a deep tooth mark on it.

Generally please, people prefer to use alloys with stronger comprehensive properties!

These metals are also the same, although s9-level metals are used to forge martial arts weapons and advanced materials for building spaceships.

It is normal for a spaceship to weigh hundreds of millions of tons, but it is impossible for someone to use pure s9-level metal to make a spaceship. First, the huge density will make the spaceship very heavy. Second, pure s9-level metal It's solid, but brittle.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is used to build a huge spaceship, it is already a luxury to add s9-level alloys to the shell material, and it can also adjust the overall performance of the spaceship to an optimal state.

And in martial arts weapons, a few kilograms of added amount is completely enough.

As the highest level of metal, s9-level metals are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Even 1g costs millions of universe coins, so the metals produced in their company's metal mines are completely cheap. It can meet the needs of the market.

Under normal circumstances, the annual output of pure metal of the type yh1908 is about 30 to 40 tons, but the market demand is actually around [-] tons at most.

So far, even the largest customer they have ever met has only purchased 5000 tons of yh1908-type metal at one time.

These 5000 tons, that's 18600 billion universe coins, close to 20 stars, what a huge order is this already?

So in her opinion, it is impossible for their 2300 million tons of inventory to be insufficient, so she dared to say that there is no need to question their inventory.

And just now Zhang Mengyu said that it would cost 1 million tons, isn't that nonsense?Don't tell me if you have so many goods, and don't ask why you want so many s9-grade metals, can you afford so much money?
That is a universe coin of 40 stars, close to 4 trillion dark coins!So far, the dark coins circulating in the entire universe are only hundreds of trillions of dark coins, which are scattered in the hands of martial arts civilizations. One person has 4 trillion dark coins?Is this fucking bullshit?Could it be that you are hungry to make trouble?

"Troubleshooting?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "I thought that people of high civilization like you wouldn't have such mentally handicapped staff, so I still overestimated you."

"Sure enough, it's here to make trouble," Zhang Meng's sarcasm made the shopping guide flush immediately, "1 million tons of s9-grade metal, close to 4 trillion dark coins, even the richest person in this expo may not be able to get it out, you Aren't you here to make trouble?"

"Goudan, help me check their company's dark currency trading account!" Zhang Mengyu said.

It was only one account short, and it was not a very secret thing. After a while, Goudan found their account information.

"Send me the money for 1908 million tons of yh[-]-type metal directly!"

"Good dean!"

Dark currency is a currency similar to the blockchain. Of course, this technology is infinitely more powerful than the encryption technology of the blockchain. It is an economic system established by the organization that issued the dark currency. You need to go through the universe bank, as long as you have an account, you can transfer money directly.

"Okay sir, you ordered 12 tons of metal and we will complete the order for you within 3 cosmic days. According to the address you gave us, we will deliver the goods to the place you specify within 15 cosmic days."

"It's troublesome."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

The person in charge of Ofir Mining Group at this expo has just completed a deal of 12 tons of s9-grade metal. He just took a sip of water when he returned to his office, and he is planning to see what the transaction volume has been so far today. How many.

But seeing that astonishing number, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of water.

"3720 trillion dark coins?"


"3.72 trillion dark coins? This."

Even if the turnover of their Ofir Mining Group is tens of thousands of years, it will not be able to reach such a high level!This is no longer as simple as an astronomical figure.

"This can't be a problem with the system, right?" The number really made him a little unbelievable. One of the two must be broken, the system and his eyes.

He immediately contacted the company headquarters, "Sitia, help me check the company's dark currency account."

"Wait a minute, why are you in such a hurry today? This is only the first day of the expo. What's there to check, and can't you see the daily turnover?" The financial director of the company headquarters said while Account opened.

"Isn't it possible that you have negotiated a big business today to show off? Let me guess first, is there a transaction volume of billions of dark coins today? If so, the boss will definitely be very. 3.72 trillion. You. What's going on with you?"

"I don't know what's going on! I just talked about a business of dozens of tons of s9-grade metals. Such a large amount of money is at least hundreds of millions of tons of high-grade metals."

"Hurry up and find out what customer's order is. There are very few people in the universe who can afford such a huge amount of money. Such a customer must not be offended!"

"That's right! That's right! I'll check right away!"

"Okay, you said that the inventory is enough, and I have already paid the money. If you can't get the goods, I remember that according to the terms of the Universe Alliance, any behavior that deceives customers should be 10 times the compensation?" Zhang Meng laughed. .

"Oh, by the way, I forgot, dark currency transactions are not restricted by the laws of the Cosmic Alliance, so I think I should be able to use my own method to solve it."

"The money has already been paid? Haha, could it be that you issued the dark coins?" At this time, the shopping guide no longer concealed his sarcasm. A few trillion dark coins, even the richest person in the entire universe may not be able to get them. Come out?

"Attention everyone." At this time, the voice of the person in charge came from the communicator in the ear of the shopping guide, "A customer just placed an order worth 3.72 trillion dark coins. Whose customer is it? Report to me immediately."

"3.72 trillion dark coins?" Everyone in the company gasped when they heard the news. Their goal of earning hundreds of billions of dark coins in this year-long expo is quite successful. They didn't think about numbers at all.

And if someone really makes this deal, according to their company's commission system, this person can get rich directly.

"I don't know who negotiated such a business!"

"To be able to buy such a large amount of goods, this person must have a very strong background, right?"

"I'm so envious!"

The shopping guide was already stunned in place.

3.72 trillion coins?Isn't that exactly 1 million tons of yh1908-type metal?Just now this young man said that he has completed the payment, could it be that
Thinking of this, the first emotion that appeared in her heart was actually fear!

Leaving aside the consequences of offending such a customer, Zhang Mengyu said just now that if he fails to deliver the goods, even the entire company will be in trouble!

If he can really afford the money, then there is no need to doubt the authenticity of his words!

"I actually offended such a client because of a little bit of face!" Her expression even twitched a little because of despair. If she hadn't just uttered nonsense or directly apologized to Zhang Mengyu for her exaggerated words, by now she might have made a deal. A huge deal!

"Mr. this first"

"I don't want to talk to you now," Zhang Mengyu said, "I can't afford the money? Call me the person who has the most say in your place!"

(End of this chapter)

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