I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 861 Are You Selling Your Mine?

Chapter 861 Are You Selling Your Mine?
"Sir, you... I'll refund you the money immediately, I"

"Refund?" Zhang Mengyu smiled, "Is my money so easy to collect? I just said that according to the regulations, deceiving consumers requires paying 10 times the payment. Now you should belong to this situation Bar?"


"I just paid 3.72 trillion dark coins. According to ten times, you should pay me 37.2 trillion dark coins. As for me, someone has a lot of them, and I have a good temper. I will pay a fraction of this 0.2 trillion dark coins. Erased for you."

"Sir, I have already apologized to you." The shopping guide's attitude suddenly became tough, "You don't have to be so aggressive, right? Your behavior seems to be a bit extortionate, and our group is not easy to bully. "

"Extortion?" Zhang Mengyu didn't expect this shopping guide to be so arrogant, "It's really a thief shouting "stop thief". Is this the confidence your group gave you? Your group is not a fart in my eyes, and your group, I don't think so. It's pretty bullying."

Although this mining group is the largest in the universe, its assets are still a bit ridiculous compared to behemoths of the universe bank and universe department store.

"Does anyone know of Ofir Mining Group?" Zhang Menglong didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly found his two groups.

"Master, I am a shareholder of this group, what can you do?"

"Master? Did they mess with you?"

"Master, we will help you blow up this company!"

"It's not a big deal," these bigwigs said one by one to blow up other companies, and Zhang Mengyu was a little speechless, "I bought a batch of metal here, and the shopping guides here are quite arrogant. Now they say that I blackmailed them. Threatening me that their group is not easy to bully."

Zhang Mengyu roughly described what happened.

"Idiot! How on earth do those idiots manage the company?" The eighth-level life body who claimed to be a shareholder of Ofir Mining Group just now said angrily in the group, "Master, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter." deal with!"

"Laurent, what on earth do you do?"

At the Cosmos Underground Expo, the chief executive of Ofir Mining Group was still investigating whose client had placed such a huge order. At this time, he actually received a message from the company boss.

"Old boss?" The expression on the face of the person in the holographic image seemed to be eating people. It is the first time he has seen his boss so angry since he worked in this company, "What happened to the boss?" What's wrong?"

"You still have the face to ask me what's the matter? Did you offend some customers? Just now the major shareholder of the company contacted me personally to ask me what's going on."

"Major shareholder?" Although Laurent is not at the level of the company, he has heard that the company's largest shareholder seems to be a super civilized owner, and he is an eighth-level life form!

Who on earth is even alarmed by such an existence?And now it seems that it is related to my booth.

"Boss, what happened?"

"Someone just placed an order of nearly 4 trillion dark coins in our company, but this customer is very dissatisfied now. This is a person that the company's major shareholders can't afford to offend. How do you manage your people?"

"Is it the customer who placed that order?" Laurent suddenly became alert, "Boss, I am also inquiring about the status of this order, and I will definitely deal with it."

"Hmph! If you can't handle it well, let alone you, I will be in bad luck too. No matter who is involved, you should understand how to deal with it!"

"I understand, I will deal with it severely!"

"Who the hell?" Laurent finally couldn't help it this time, and yelled directly in the communication channels of all the employees, "Who the hell is receiving this guest?"

"Mr. Laurent's order was placed by my customer!" This was the first time the shopping guide saw Laurent so angry, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Mr. Laurent, this customer said he wanted to order 1 million tons of YH1908 type metal. As you know, our total inventory is only 2300 tons, and I thought he was just here to make trouble for such a huge amount."

"So you think this guest can't afford the money?" Laurent felt his blood surge in an instant, "How many times have the company's purpose been emphasized? No matter what kind of guest, we must treat them with the most respectful attitude." , Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that this kind of mistake made by a low-level civilization actually happened in our company?”

"I'm sorry Mr. Laurent, I really didn't think of it"

"The company has company rules, so prepare to leave!"

"Mr. Laurent, I"

"Idiot, you don't even know who you offended!" Laurent roared, "The boss personally explained the matter about this guest, and even our largest shareholder was alarmed, you think you can still survive in the company ?"

"Big shareholder?" The shopping guide gave Zhang Mengyu a desperate look.

He just said that their company is nothing in his eyes, and she took it as a ridiculous joke, but she didn't expect that the largest shareholder of the company would be alarmed. The energy of this young man was beyond what she could imagine !

"Hey!" Laurent sighed. Of course it wasn't because of this employee. There are tens of thousands of employees in the entire company. Although this is a sales elite, there will never be a shortage of talents in the universe civilization.

What troubled him was how to deal with the guest's anger for a while.

According to the job number of the shopping guide, he immediately found out where Zhang Mengyu and Jia Nei were.

"So young?" Seeing Zhang Mengyu and Gane, Laurent was slightly stunned for a moment, and then he immediately had a judgment on Zhang Mengyu's identity.

It must be a certain civilized big boss who has no time to clone, so this young man is asked to come here on his behalf. Generally, this kind of person is someone who is very important to those civilized big bosses. Although they are not as good as those big bosses, they are also Definitely needs to be treated with caution.

Because it is common for big bosses to start wars between civilizations for a beloved junior, and these people are sometimes more difficult to deal with than those big bosses.

"I don't know which civilization they come from," Laurent pondered, and he was able to take out 3.72 trillion dark coins. The owner of this civilization is worth at least a million stars, and he is at least a user of the Universe Bank with 4 stars or above. There are only a handful of users in the universe.

He can even alert an eighth-level life body to go out in person, this influence.
"Sir, may I ask what your name is?"

"My name is Wang Shacong!"

Gane next to Zhang Menglong was stunned for a moment, isn't his elder brother called Zhang Menglong?Why did he suddenly become Wang Shicong again?
"Sir, I have heard about the matter. On behalf of our company, I would like to extend my sincerest apology to you. I have already started to fire the employee just now. I hope you can forgive our company's mistakes." Laurent directly Put your posture to the minimum.

"Oh." Zhang Mengyu nodded, "How you deal with your employees is your problem, but I have placed an order now, when will I receive the 1 million tons of yh1908 I want?"

Laurent was taken aback, and he scolded that damned shopping guide ten thousand times in his heart again, this young master didn't intend to stop the matter at all!
"Sir, you should also know that our current inventory of this metal number yh1908 is only 2300 tons, and we really can't get the 1 million tons you want," Laurent said with a wry smile, "To express our apologies, We can give you a minimum discount of 8% off, and we will refund the excess payment to you immediately, what do you think?"

"Forget it, don't retreat if you don't need it," Zhang Mengyu said, since the other party has already put his posture so low, there is no need for him to continue to be aggressive.

"Then the extra money."

"Does your company sell mines?" Zhang Mengyu said, "I plan to buy a few."

(End of this chapter)

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