I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 862 Ask Your Shareholders If You Dare To Stop Me

Chapter 862 Ask Your Shareholders If You Dare To Stop Me

"Sir, I need to ask the boss for instructions. I can't decide this matter!"

It was the first time that Laurent met such outrageous customers. They were selling metals, and now someone wanted to buy their metal mines directly.

This is equivalent to someone who wants to buy a spaceship. Hey, he suddenly finds that he has too much money, and the company that sells the spaceship does not have enough spaceships to sell, so he directly buys the factory that produces the spaceship.

But he didn't dare to refuse the request of this big boss. He could easily alarm their major shareholder, an eighth-level life form. Not too much difference.

"It's okay, you go ask, I'll give you time!" If Zhang Menglong had the energy and time, he even wanted to set up his own company to mine, so that he could have a steady stream of high-grade metals for Gane devour.

"Boss, I'm Laurent."

"How is it? Has the matter been settled?" The voice of the boss of the mining group is still very dignified. "Just now the major shareholder came to emphasize again that this customer is a very important person. He can't afford to offend the major shareholder, and even demanded that he work!"

"What?" Laurent realized that he seemed to have underestimated this young man.

He originally thought that at most there was some relationship behind it, such as the acquaintance of the elders in the family with the major shareholder of their company.

Now it seems that his structure is small. The major shareholders can't afford to offend him, and even demand him. What the hell is the reason for this?

"Boss, the customer doesn't pursue the inventory anymore, but he now"

"What's wrong with him now?"

"He wants to buy our mine!"

Even the boss of the mining group is a little silent about the request of "this". The most important thing in the universe is resources. Almost all the mines under the company's name are hard-won, and even each of them has experienced one after another. Resource wars.

The universe was originally a thing without an owner, and these mineral resources were originally owned by whoever was strong, because their company was strong enough to occupy those resources.

At that time, in order to compete for this mine, they touched more than 200 standard fifth-level advanced civilization fleets and peak civilization fleets, and fought with several mining companies for hundreds of years, and finally succeeded in winning the development rights of this mining area !

No one is willing to hand over what has been obtained so hard!
"By the way," Zhang Mengyu suddenly added, "I heard that you left 1908 standard formations of the fifth-level peak civilization in this YH120 metal production place, right?"

Through the communicator, the boss of Ofir Mining Company also heard Zhang Mengyu's words. He was right. There were indeed 120 standard formations of the fifth-level peak civilization left in that mine.

It can almost be said that this type of metal is the most expensive metal in the entire universe, not one of them, so its competition is extremely fierce, and it will even be attacked every few hundred years and thousands of years, so it is necessary to have such a high specification formation.

Not only that, but they even have a large fleet ready for support.

Of course, most of the time this fleet is on standby.

"My requirements are not so high. I don't need to return the 3.72 trillion dark coins to me. It would be troublesome to return such a small amount of money. I only want all your inventory and this mining area," Zhang Mengyu said, "You can choose not to sell it. , but I think I may have a reason to win this mine without spending a penny, you can ask your shareholders if you dare to stop me."

Zhang Mengyu's tone was extremely flat, but the strong confidence and strength that filled the words made it impossible to resist.

3.72 trillion dark coins, someone would use the words "this little money" to describe it, which shows that the dark coins that this young man can take out are definitely more than 3.72 trillion!

The boss of Ofir Mining Group shuddered from the threatening words. Is this really buying mines?This is already a forced buying and selling, well, what he meant was that you don't have to buy it, but I can snatch it!
As for whether Zhang Menglong has such ability, he dare not gamble!
The reason why their company can have the scale it is now is because of the support of the shareholders behind it.

For example, their major shareholder owns 1720 level 300 civilizations, and even [-] level [-] civilizations are above level [-] advanced civilizations. In the entire universe, there are people who can surpass him, but there are definitely not many!
And this young man can scare their major shareholders, he has every reason to believe that this young man has a stronger background!

He knew that this mining area had 12 standard fleets of the fifth-level peak civilization. Even so, if he dared to say such a confident threat, he obviously didn't pay attention to these 12 fleets!

If this young man really decided to take it by force, maybe their major shareholders would not dare to stop him, right?
"Sell him!" After thinking for a moment, he still made the final decision.

Anyway, these mineral resources are not endless. So far, the metals mined and smelted in this mining area are about 5000 million tons, and the current proven reserves are only about 1.2 million tons, 2300 tons of inventory plus about 7000 tons. The unmined amount is less than 1 million tons.

They still make money!

Not only that, even if all the resources are mined, it will take a long time to realize them. People will settle the money for you on the spot now, which is equivalent to saying that they have received millions or even tens of millions of years of dividends. No matter how it is considered, it is a bloody deal!
Not only that, everyone is trying to get dark coins now, and these 3.72 million dark coins will definitely allow their shareholders to buy more things they want in this expo, and their benefits will definitely be indispensable by then!
Sell!Not selling is an idiot!Not only did they want to sell it, but they also gave Zhang Meng a lot of gifts!

Having figured this out, they don't even need any hesitation!

"Sir, our boss has agreed to your request," Laurent said, "This time it has brought you a very bad experience. Our boss said that he is willing to send you an additional 1000 million tons of other types of s9 Grade metal, are you satisfied?"

"Your boss still has a bit of a plan!" Zhang Mengyu could see that the other party agreed very straightforwardly, and didn't even ask the shareholders for instructions, explaining that the business was profitable.

But it’s just a few trillions of dark coins, he doesn’t care at all, as long as he wants to, set up a stall to sell blind boxes, countless people rush to give him the money, and he can earn it back without needing it for a day. Who can make money faster than him?
"Pack some of the goods for me, and wait for my message for the rest, and I will send you the address!"

"Okay, this way please, we're going to sign the contract now!"

"Walk slowly, sir, and look forward to working with you again in the future!"

A few hours later, Zhang Mengyu took Gane out of the booth of Ofir Mining Group, and he would make a planet to pile up those metals.

In the universe, a planet without civilization is worthless at all, and he can rent a planet as big as Jupiter as a warehouse for hundreds of years with a single universe coin.

Gane carried a bulging backpack filled with various s9-level metals. For a life of the Maha tribe like him who used to be unable to eat even the most trashy metals, it was like a like a dream.

Gane casually fished out a ball made of s9 metal and threw it into his mouth, "Brother, where are we going now?"

"It's time to get down to business!" Gane's matter has been settled, and Zhang Menglong has not forgotten that the main purpose of coming to the Universe Expo this time is to get a group of top fleets to return to Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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