I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 871 Link up, who do you look down on?

Chapter 871 Link up, who do you look down on?
"What do you mean? The live broadcast room is still closed after 3 minutes? Is the anchor a relative of the company?"

"This wave of operations is a bit full, the anchor is awesome!"

"@administrator, doesn't this immediately block the live broadcast room? Can this continue to be sold?"

There are all kinds of question marks on the bullet screen. The technical team of Cosmic Light is a very strong and mature team. They have mastered the most cutting-edge technical knowledge in the universe. It is almost impossible for the system they built to have any bugs.

I don't know how many people wanted to destroy their systems for profit, but all of them were blocked without exception, and the information of those intruders was even found out and finally brought to justice.

But they are not important, the headquarters of the Cosmic Light technical team has been completely messed up at this time.

"What's going on? Why hasn't our artificial intelligence blocked that live broadcast room?" The head of the technical team was furious. Although he brought a lot of income to the company, there were some red lines that they had to grasp.

"There is a problem with our artificial intelligence!" The technician immediately responded.

"Then block it manually!"

"We also tried it just now, but we can't do anything with that live broadcast room. All negative operations on that live broadcast room will turn into positive effects."

"How is it possible? He did it this way. Has our control authority been lost?"

"No, all the control rights are still in our hands, but his live broadcast room seems to be attached to our system framework through another medium. We can see him, but we cannot control it."

"This is impossible, let me take a look!" The technical director of Cosmic Light is a very powerful technician. The framework and defense system of the entire system are built around him, and even Cosmic Bank and several other organizations They all wanted to lure him with a high salary, but they were all rejected.

He called out the operation interface and operated the system for more than 10 minutes.

"It's impossible!" His pupils dilated and his hands trembled a little. "This technology is at least several grades ahead of our time. How is this possible?"

The universe is only so big, and they have already stood at the pinnacle of technology, but under Zhang Menglong's operation, he suddenly discovered that their technology is like a person who only knows how to type when facing tens of thousands of lines. The code is also difficult to start, and even looks confused.

"We...can't stop him."

"Should we cut off the server?" Someone asked, since the technology is not good, then use physical methods to cut off!
"It's not feasible either. He has infiltrated his live broadcast room into all the live broadcast rooms. As long as we close his live broadcast room, all the live broadcast rooms on our platform will be paralyzed in an instant. We cannot afford such a loss! "

"Then what should I do?" All the technicians looked helpless.

"Report to the headquarters and let them decide!"

While the light of the universe was dealing with this matter, Gane had also returned with a large amount of medicinal materials, which were enough for Zhang Menglong to refine a large number of Dou Ling Dan, Dou Huang Dan and Ling Long Dan, and he even planned to try other medicines. The pill, just throw it into the blind box when the time comes.

"Okay, the matter is over, let's continue!" Zhang Meng smiled, as if the matter of being banned by the platform just now had never happened at all, "Our Ritian faction's technology is very strong, and a mere cosmic light wants to Block my live broadcast room? It doesn't exist!"

"Awesome, the light of the universe can't handle the anchor!"

"Strong, it's too strong. This time I'm convinced, but you still dare to challenge them face to face."

"So, did the anchor hack their system? I would call you the strongest!"

"As I said just now, our Dali Pill is only sold for 888 billion dark coins in unlimited quantities today. Don't come again when you don't miss this opportunity. What are you waiting for, place an order now!"

Zhang Mengyu directly hung up his dark currency account.

"Your dark currency account has received a transfer of 888 billion dark currency!"

"Your dark currency account has received a transfer of 8880 billion dark currency!"

The moment the account was uploaded, Zhang Mengyu heard the sound of money transfer one after another. At this time, he realized that there are too many rich people in this universe. The wave of leeks he cut last time, It's too tender!

"Okay, babies can continue to send, I will arrange someone to deliver the goods to you as soon as possible," Zhang Mengyu moved the camera to the side, where a figure who was refining the elixir was released with a compelling holographic image, and That a lot of medicinal materials.

"We promise that the shipment will be delivered within one month," Zhang Mengyu said, "Goddam, write down the delivery address."

"Dean, what will you do with so many pills?"

"Who said I have to make it myself?" Zhang Meng smiled and said, "There are so many teachers and students in the Super Seminary, but they can't make these pills?"

Things from the Super Seminary cannot be brought out, but if they are brought in from the outside world and processed, they can be brought out.

"Dean, the capitalists will cry after hearing your words!"

"You don't care about the handsome guy!"

In a few breaths, and tens of trillions of dark coins have been credited, the number of people in the live broadcast room is still increasing sharply, and the frequency of payments is getting faster and faster.

"Then next, we will launch our Shenli Wanzi!" Zhang Mengyu placed a Linglong Pill on the table, "Master, how much is it?"

"100 trillion dark coins!" The holographic image and Zhang Menglong sang a double reed.

"Master, this price is not good. What's the difference between this and what you sold last time? You can lower it a bit!"

"No, I have to apply for a platinum membership card to sell Shenli Pills. This has already lowered the threshold and saved 1 trillion coins!"

"Master, I think we still need some sincerity. You see, so many family members came to our live broadcast room today, this discount is not enough," Zhang Mengyu said, "I will say a number, 60 trillion coins! How about Wanmei?"

"No, then I will die at a loss! 95 trillion, 1000 pieces!"

"In this way, we all take a step back, 70 trillion dark coins, 9000!"

"92 trillion, 2000 pieces!"

"Okay, 88 trillion dark coins, 8888 pieces!"

"Family, have you heard? You don't need to apply for a card, you can buy it directly, 88 trillion coins, and a gift box, only 8888 coins. Only in this live broadcast room can you enjoy such a low price. What are you waiting for? Buy him!"

Zhang Mengyu got a gong from nowhere and beat it crazily, "Handsome guys, girls, don't sleep, everyone wake up, if you miss today, you will definitely regret it forever!"

"I think I'm losing money if I don't buy it."

"I don't want to buy it either, but he calls me Meimei!"

"Buy him!"

The number of 8888 Douhuang Pills and Linglong Orders is rapidly decreasing. After all, the price is there. Although it is not as fast as Dou Ling Pill, after half an hour, the 8888 pieces are still sold out!

At this time, Zhang Mengyu had earned close to 100 trillion dark coins from them!
Gane next to him was dumbfounded. Is this the legendary first-line anchor's ability to carry goods?This is simply a brainwashing pyramid scheme!
"Finally, it's our blind box!" Zhang Mengyu took out an exquisite small box, "Today's blind box is very special, it has nothing but the pills made by the master, even if you are the worst luck, you can at least get it." Obtain a divine power pill!"

"Master, is there anything else?"

"There are also Super Power Pills, Ultimate Power Pills, and Digimon Fat Snake Pills!"

In fact, these things are just various eighth-grade pills. As for the effects, Zhang Mengyu really doesn't know now.

"Although I don't know what the master's pills are for, I guarantee that they are all a level higher than Shenli pills! Only 888 pills are sold in the whole market, and the price is 888 trillion universe coins!"

"The host hurry up and upload the link, who do you look down on?"

"Anchor, does the master sell it? Put the master up too!"

(End of this chapter)

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