Chapter 872

"888 trillion dark coins are really not cheap!"

"Yes, but I heard that if you want to buy this blind box before, you have to spend 88800 trillion dark coins to upgrade to the supreme VIP. Now even this threshold has been removed, what a bargain."

"Yeah, I heard that the first person who opened the blind box got an eighth-level martial arts cheat book. Isn't this blood money?"

"The last blind box still had a certain chance of not being able to draw anything. This time, the worst thing is a magic pill. What are we worried about?"


"Ding, your dark currency account has received a transfer of 888 trillion dark currency!"

"Ding, your dark currency account has received a transfer of 888 trillion dark currency!"

"Hahahaha, I got a Chaoli Pill! Is that something more powerful than Shenli Pill?"

"What? Chaoli Pills? Shenli Pills can help seventh-level life forms strengthen their genes, so this Shenli Pill can at least benefit eighth-level life forms?"

"Damn, I'm the one with the magic power pill, I lost money this time, give me another one!"

"Fuck! It's Shenli Wan again!"

"Hahahaha, Ultimate Power Pill, isn't it more powerful than Shenli Pill?"

"Digimon Fat Shemaru, why does this name sound weird? Is this really a good thing?"

An eighth-level life body actually bought ten blind boxes in one go, which made Zhang Menglong call it a good guy, why are these people so rich in their hands?
Zhang Mengyu was overjoyed, but still shouted, "Babies in the live broadcast room, everyone must consume rationally, rationally consume!"

"Rational fart! After passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

"Get out of the way, anchor, don't stop me from smoking the blind box!"

"Anchor, I advise you to mind your own business, if I can't get good things, it's your problem!"

"Give me three more!"

The 888 blind boxes were sold faster than Douhuang Pill and Linglong Pill, and a huge sum of nearly 80 trillion dark coins arrived in the account again.

At this time, the dark coins in Zhang Mengyu's hands have exceeded 200 trillion!
"Anchor, why is it gone? Increase inventory, I still have money, I can still buy it!"

"What? No money? Didn't I save the dark coins for tens of thousands of years? All gone? Find a way to get it for me!"

"Anchor, discuss it with the master again, let's add a little more!"

"Damn it, this group of people are crazy," Zhang Mengyu was speechless, the unknown and excitement of this blind box, even the seventh-level and eighth-level life forms could not refuse.

"Master just said, add 88 more!" Zhang Menglong didn't want to sell it anymore, but who can't live with money!
However, the spending power of these people has obviously almost reached the limit, and only half of the 88 blind boxes were sold in the end. Zhang Mengyu has already emptied all the dark coins on the richest people!

However, Zhang Mengyu's goal is obviously not only these, but there is still a dark currency of about 100 trillion left. He is holding the Sanguang policy, and he can't let go of this money!
"It's not easy to get out the dark coins in the hands of those middle-level people," Zhang Menglong fell into deep thought.

People who really have no money will definitely not be able to get a dime out. People who can save a little bit of dark money on hand are at least people with status and status in the fourth-level civilization.

However, they estimated that they would not have many dark coins on hand. If there were few, there might be only a few million or even tens of millions of dark coins, and if there were too many, there might be tens of billions of dark coins. They probably couldn't afford a fighting spirit anyway. Dan's.

However, it is impossible for Zhang Mengyu to greatly reduce the price for these people.

"Yes!" Zhang Menglong patted his head.

"Anchor, is there anything else?"

"Yes, anchor, let's get something cheap!"

"Anchor, we only have billions of dark coins, can you ask the master to get something that meets our consumption level?"

"Okay, since everyone has brought it up, Master and I will give you another benefit!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Today we will introduce three more blind boxes for you!"

"The first type is the Lucky Small Blind Box. There is a 18/[-] chance of winning a Dali Pill, and a [-]/[-] chance of winning a Shenli Pill! The price is [-] billion dark coins! There is no limit to the number!"

"The second type is the Surprise Small Blind Box. There is a 1.8% chance of winning a Dali Pill, and a [-]/[-] chance of winning a Shenli Pill! The price is [-] million dark coins."

"The third type, angels favor the blind box, there is a one-thousandth chance of drawing a Dali pill, and a one-millionth chance of drawing a Shenli pill! The price is 1800 million coins!"

With this offer, Zhang Mengyu directly hit people from all walks of life in the live broadcast room. You can’t come up with hundreds of billions of dark coins, so there are always hundreds of millions, right?There are no hundreds of millions, but there are always tens of millions, right?
Those who only have tens of millions of dark coins can only drool when looking at the Dali Pill, which is as high as 1000 billion dark coins, but now there is a chance, since Su only has one in a thousand, but if he wins, it will be blood money, Which of them is not willing to try this opportunity?
"There is also a big discount. If you invite your friends to come, the group purchase will be more favorable. 10 people will get 9.8% off, 100 people will get 9.5% off, 1000 people will get 9% off, and the maximum will be 10% off for more than 8 people! "

"Damn, there's still this kind of discount? I'm going to find my friend!"

"Brother, do you want to buy a blind box? That's right! It's the master. Now someone is selling it. If we're lucky, we can get a Dali pill or even a Shenli pill for less than 2000 million dark coins!"

"Help me call some people, the more people there are, the more discounts will be given!"

"Fight, anyway, this little bit of dark money can't buy anything, so why not take a gamble, what if you win?"

"Anchor, upload the link!"

"Today, I will show you my luck!"

"Hahahaha, I got it! I only spent [-] million to get it!"

"Damn, what shit luck, I spent more than a billion, anchor, give me ten more!"

The gambler effect, when a bet is full of attractiveness, they will be willing to try no matter what kind of risk it is, this is human nature!
Moreover, under this grouping mechanism, more people with spending power were summoned to the live broadcast room, and the number of people in the live broadcast room increased several times again!
The Light of the Universe platform watched Zhang Mengyu do whatever he wanted in the live broadcast room, but they couldn't do anything.

Large sums of money began to flow into Zhang Mengyu. Although the single amount was not large, it couldn't hold up to a large amount. Anyway, there is a dog egg, no matter how large the order quantity is, there will be no mistakes.

To be honest, although there are a lot of blind boxes sold, for Zhang Menglong, there are not many pills that need to be prepared, and at most they are just a few more packaging boxes.

"Gane, help me ship a group of people! The treatment is favorable!"

"Okay brother!" After receiving Zhang Mengyu's order, Jia Nei immediately began to help him post news on the Internet.

This live broadcast lasted until the evening. This time, it was really impossible to get a dime. The number of dark coins on Zhang Mengyu's body has reached 273 trillion. It is estimated that it will be difficult to get the remaining dozens of megabytes. After all If there is really no money, the meaning of this expo will be gone.

"Okay, that's the end of our live broadcast today," Zhang Mengyu clapped his hands in satisfaction, "Please pay attention, everyone, maybe the anchor can bring you more good things in the future? Goodbye!"

"Brother, you are really amazing!" Gane next to him could have stars in his eyes. This is his big brother, the most powerful man in the universe!

"Hey!" Zhang Mengyu patted his pocket, "The auction will be held in a few days. If you want anything, just tell your elder brother. It's not bad for money! What fleet, what treasure, as long as it is what I want, they will take it if they have the ability. Come out with more dark coins than me!"

The dark coins in the whole universe are gathered together, and now there are not even Zhang Mengyao's ten digits. Gane is already full of expectations for the auction in a few days, which will be a massacre by Zhang Mengyao!

(End of this chapter)

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