Chapter 887
"You..." Zitifu looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless in surprise. He never thought that these people would go to the opposite side of him one by one.

What's going on here?In just a few minutes, why are all these people overwhelmed? The point is not just one or two, 327 people, almost half of them left!
Forget about those sixth-level and seventh-level life forms. To him, these people are similar to miscellaneous fish, but the meanings of the two eighth-level life forms are somewhat different.

"Zitifu, right? Looks like you didn't join the group!" Zhang Mengyu shook his head at Zitifu, "Are you sure the rest of you want to rob me?"

"What robbery!" Zitif said, "You disrupted the order of the auction and wanted to snatch the auction items I sold, and you are still here to argue?"

"Wuhu? If you want to tell me this, I won't be sleepy," Zhang Mengyu said, "When did you people who trade slaves by invading other civilizations become so arrogant?"

Many of the people present knew Zitif. He was an eighth-level peak life body and had a huge fifth-level peak civilization, and his civilization was even ranked number one in the entire universe.

It is said that he also has a powerful elite warrior regiment, with hundreds of sixth-level and seventh-level life forms, each fighter has rich combat experience and martial arts realm.

And he also has 500 standard fleets of the fifth-level peak civilization, and his combat capabilities are extremely powerful!
Zitifu currently owns a large company, which seems to provide security, mercenary and other services on the surface, but anyone who knows him knows that his biggest industry is slave trading!

He often plunders some backward civilizations in the name of peacekeeping, and then buys and sells planets and slaves, and even his slave industry ranks among the top five in the entire universe.

But he is a whore and wants to set up a memorial archway. In the eyes of outsiders, he is an entrepreneur and a powerful martial artist, but behind his back, he is a complete aggressor.

Many people knew about this, but due to his strength, no one had ever said that to him in person.

After being exposed by Zhang Menglong, he suddenly became a little angry from embarrassment.

"Boy, I've changed my mind. No matter how powerful the civilization behind you is today, you still don't want to leave this place!"

"I'm sorry, I don't intend to leave," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Since you have decided to stay, that's fine. Men stand on the left, women stand on the right, and neither men nor women stand in the middle. Hand over all your possessions and money, and rob!"


"Although the number of them is equal, but the opponent has six eighth-level life forms, they only have three, how dare he rob?"

"Is he crazy?"

All the people watching the live broadcast were stunned. According to the current strength gap between the two sides, Zi Tifu and others can solve Zhang Mengyu with a little effort.

Although they didn't know why those high-level life forms suddenly turned over water to protect Zhang Mengyu, but if their lives were endangered, they would absolutely not be able to use their lives to protect Zhang Mengyu.

When everyone was puzzled, Zhang Mengyu turned his face to the camera, "Everyone in the live broadcast room, let's go for a little gift, to see how these seven or eight-level life forms sing and dance. The deduction of 1 depends on their deduction of 2"
"You're courting death!" Zitiff finally couldn't take it anymore, he felt that Zhang Menglong was treating them like monkeys!
"Bridge bean sack!" Zhang Menglong stretched out his hand, "Before you do it, do you want to confirm who has the most?"

"What do you mean?" Zitiff was taken aback, and suddenly a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

"I forgot to tell you, I am the leader of the Ritian faction. I have never been afraid of anyone in a group fight. I have already shaken people just now," Zhang Mengmu nuzzled, "I will not lie to you if I read a lot, don't believe it See for yourself!"

Suddenly, a wave of powerful life force fluctuations appeared within Zitiff's perception range, one, two, ten, a hundred of these sudden breaths, none of which was lower than a sixth-level life form!

On a planet in the deepest part of the expo site, Aria was tasting a glass of fine wine, and the holographic image in front of her was showing the confrontation between Zhang Menglong and Zitiff.

"Master Aria, there are many high-level life forms coming towards our expo!" The voice of an eighth-level life form sounded in her ears, "How should we deal with it? Do we want to intercept it?"

"No need!" Aria's red lips trembled slightly, "Let them in, and there is no need to charge for the entrance fee. If the child wants to play, let him play as he pleases!"

"My lord, I don't understand, why do you favor this young man so much?"

"Don't worry about things you shouldn't care about!" Aria's voice suddenly became extremely cold, "Do what you are supposed to do!"

"Yes!" The eighth-level life body even felt that his blood was about to freeze for a moment.

"Ritian faction, who the hell are you, Wang Sicong?"

The first one to arrive was a seventh-level life form. He glanced at both sides, and then walked up to Zhang Mengyu, "Excuse me, are you a friend of Master Jack Ma?"

"Yes, it's me." Zhang Mengyu nodded.

Without saying a word, he stood beside Zhang Mengyu silently, "Master asked me to help you."

More and more people walked into the auction site. They roughly confirmed Zhang Mengyu's identity with just a glance, and then joined his camp.

New people appeared every second, sometimes one or two came alone, sometimes a dozen or twenty appeared in groups, and the number of people behind Zhang Mengyu became more and more.

Soon, the people behind him had surpassed Zitiff and the others.

"Zitifu, your list is not small, do you dare to offend the master's friend?" With a burst of hearty laughter, a burly middle-aged man tore through the void and came out.

This is an eighth-level peak life body who has comprehended the laws of space, and is a martial artist at the same level as Zitif!
"Sally? You came to help him too?" Zitiff's face was gloomy. Even he was not absolutely sure that he could win against him!

"Zitifu, it's not just Saili, but me!" Another eighth-level peak life body, the vast life energy on him is even more terrifying than Zidifu and Saili!
"I'll go, what's the situation? Two life forms at the peak of the eighth level come to help him?"

"How on earth did he do it?"

"I know him, he is the lord of the Ligat civilization, and he is known as the person closest to the ninth-level life form!"

"Is he that person? My God, this Wang Sicong actually alarmed him?"

"No, I'm afraid there are other people who summoned them. Don't forget, there is a very mysterious alchemist in the Ritian faction. Since he gave all the dark coins he earned to this king, he will use It is not impossible to find a helper for my own relationship!"

"Yeah! How did you forget about this? A person who can easily refine seven-level martial arts weapons and some magical medicines, even a top-level eighth-level life form should try to curry favor with him when he sees him?"

"It's over, it's over, this Zitif is going to be unlucky today!"

"Fuck, so many people are here already? I seem to be late!"

"Send a selfie first, lest there will be too many people at the time, and the master will not be able to remember!"

The Leek No. 1 group and the Leek No. 2 group became lively again, and everyone present sent a selfie of the scene to prove that they had been there.

The strong people are still coming in a steady stream, looking at the densely packed people, the foreheads of Zitiff and others have begun to sweat.

"Everyone, my brother asked me to count the number of people, and then I can settle the rewards for everyone, please cooperate!" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Level [-] life forms, report the number!"




"It's gone? Seventh-level life forms count!"




"Eighth-level life form counting!"


(End of this chapter)

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