I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 888 I Promise The Audience And I Don't

Chapter 888 I Promise The Audience And I Don't

In just a few minutes, the situation at the auction has been completely reversed.

There are close to [-] people, a large area of ​​blackness, even the weakest people have the life level of a sixth-level life body, people watching the live broadcast can't feel it, but people near the auction site can clearly feel what is called other life forms. Imposing.

"There are so many advanced life forms, and there are even more than 100 eighth-level life forms. Did he call half of the high-level life forms in the universe?"

"This is interesting, Zitif and the others dared to threaten him just now, but now that the strengths of the two sides are so unequal, let me see what he will do!"

"Fuck! Why are you charging?"

At this time, the 10-minute time limit on the live broadcast platform has ended, and they are prompted to pay 10 universe coins to continue watching the next content.

"Nimma, this profiteer, Wang Sicong, actually opened pay-per-view!"

"10 universe coins, so expensive? I can watch the live broadcast of the universe dojo for this price!"

"Good guy, isn't it just 10 universe coins, this kind of scene is usually not seen no matter how much money is spent!"

10 cosmic coins are more or less, it is equivalent to an ordinary living planet, but this live broadcast is too many times, tens of thousands of strong people who are at least sixth-level life forms Concentrating here, this is almost an epic scene.

God knows if there will be more exciting scenes in a while, if you miss this live broadcast, you might regret it for the rest of your life!
"It's only 10 universe coins, read it!"

"What made us meet here? Wealth!"

"Everyone pays to watch, so speak a little more arrogantly!"

More and more paying users entered the live broadcast room. Some of them had no money, so they found a group of people to pool their share, and also entered the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room suddenly became more lively and extraordinary.

10 cosmic coins, the upper-class people above the third-level civilization, can still take it out with a little bit of grit.

Zhang Mengyu's background immediately reminded him that a sum of money will be credited to the account. After deducting the part deducted by the Light of the Universe live broadcast platform, Zhang Menglong can earn 9.9 universe coins for each transaction.

Not only that, but he also kept ringing in his ears that he had succeeded in pretending to get the numbers.

This time he pretended to be aggressive, but pretended to be proficient and accomplished, and even pretended to reach the whole universe.

Now I don't know how many people in the universe are watching him through the live broadcast.

Zitif couldn't calm down anymore. Not only were there a lot of people on the opposite side, but among the 122 eighth-level life forms, there were more than 20 of them with the same strength as him. He had never seen such a scene before!

"Please repeat what you said just now," Zhang Menglong scratched his ears, "I didn't seem to hear clearly just now, what are you talking about, you want me to hand over everything I bought at today's auction, right?"

Zhang Mengyu took out a storage device with space magic applied, "All the things I took pictures today are here, come on, you feel free to come and get them, if you don't come and get them, it's my grandson!"

Zhang Menglong kept provoking the opposite party, "Stop talking? If you don't talk, then it's all my grandson?"

The flesh on the faces of the more than 100 people on the opposite side was trembling with anger, but no one dared to make a sound.

Just kidding, there are nearly [-] people on the opposite side, do they dare to move?Now just the momentum gathered from the opposite side is like a mountain pressing down on them.

"Zitifu, right?" Zhang Mengyu pointed at Zitifu and said, "Didn't you just say you were going to kill me? You didn't even ask, who is Ritian's leader? How dare you rob me?"

Zhang Mengxuan pouted her buttocks and patted it twice, "Come on, hit me, I'm so scared, is there anyone here to save me?"

"He's so mean, I can't stand it anymore!"

"I've never seen such an excessive request."

"Hahahaha, the person on the other side has been frightened silly, right? Although his behavior is really stupid, I feel very comfortable watching him!"

"It's the first time I've seen a living body at the peak of the eighth level be so deflated!"

"He also has today, which is really impressive!"

"This kid!" Aria couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the scene, "No wonder he didn't let me intervene, it turned out that he had already made up his mind."

She suddenly rang the time when she first met Zhang Kai many years ago.

At that time, Zhang Kai had just entered the cosmic civilization not long ago. He was only a seventh-level life form. At that time, because he peeked at a princess of a cosmic empire taking a bath, he was directly hunted down by the master of the cosmic empire.

The master of the cosmic empire is a peak life form of the eighth level. Although Zhang Kai is very strong, there is still a lot of gaps.

But later, Zhang Kai directly called over fifty eighth-level life forms, and ran after the master of the cosmic empire.

Later, in order to save his life, he had to dedicate his princess to Zhang Kai, and was even extorted a large sum of dowry.

But Zhang Kai is also a dog, and he is ruthless in pulling dicks. Once the novelty wears off, he will go to other civilized girls.

"Crack!" Zitiff clenched his fists.

"What, Mr. Zitiff, I suddenly remembered that my cosmic empire still has guests coming today, so I'm leaving first."

"Mr. Zitiff, my wife gave birth suddenly, so I won't participate in today's affairs."

"Mr. Zitiff, our civilization is on fire, I have to fight the fire immediately!"

The so-called tree fell and the monkeys scattered, the reason why they dared to take Zhang Mengyu's idea just now was because Zitif, the peak life form of the eighth level, was here to lead the battle. Even if they couldn't eat meat, they could at least have a sip of soup.

But now, it is no longer a question of whether you can drink the soup, but a question of who eats whose meat!
Nearly [-] high-level beings, even if their number is increased by ten times, they are not enough to be beaten by others, and they are still robbed?Are you courting death?

"You idiots!" Zitif said through gritted teeth.

After a while, he seemed to have made a big decision, "This holy stone is yours! Take it and go!"

"Wouldn't it be over if we did this earlier?" Zhang Menglong swaggered to the center of the auction venue, and then put away the sacred stone of the Maha clan, "You have to change your mind and be a good person in the future, you know?"

"Let's go!" Zitiff turned around and wanted to leave here.

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu gave an order, and tens of thousands of high-level life forms spread out, blocking the entire auction site, "Did I tell you to leave?"

"What do you mean?" Zitiff's face darkened, "I've already given you what you want, what else do you want?"

"Look, how many people are watching in my live broadcast room now? If I just let you go, how will the people from my Ritian Sect think of me in the future? I promise, but the audience doesn't agree either! No promise!"

"well said!"

"That's right, we spent 10 universe coins to watch the live broadcast. If we stop now, we will be thankful!"

"Yes, I strongly request the anchor to increase the content of the live broadcast!"

"Anchor, they are going to rob you, so you just let them go?"

"I, Wang Ritian, will be the first to refuse!"

"I, Long Aotian, are the second to refuse!"

"Look!" Zhang Mengyu directly cast the content of the barrage in the live broadcast room, and this gloating shout made them all feel cold.

"I gave you a chance just now. If you left just now, I would definitely not stop you, but now, hehe!"

"We've already surrendered, what else do you want?" an eighth-level life body said solemnly, "Forgive others and forgive them, don't go too far!"

"If it's useful to admit defeat, why do you need the police?" Zhang Meng laughed, "I just went too far. If you are not convinced, come and beat me!"

"Listen to me, now, rob!"

(End of this chapter)

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